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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Places I'd Love To Visit In France

Bonjour, how are you? 

Today's post is a different one as it's based on tourism and is also dedicated to all the French viewers of my blog as you lovely people have the most views and visits to my blog this month so I must thank you for visiting my page and now I dedicate this blog to you.

By the way also big thanks to everyone world wide who visits and reads my blog, it means a lot to me and I thank you so dearly.

There is no order to this list as they are all places I'd love to visit. I will post a bit about the place and why I'd like to visit them along with a picture, so without any further ado enjoy reading.

Disney Land Paris
An easy one to start off , who does not love Disney eh that's mainly the big reason to visit there. Disneyland Paris, originally Euro Disney Resort, is an entertainment resort in Marne-la-Vallée, a new town located 32 km east of the centre of Paris, and is the most visited theme park in all of Europe. On 12 April 1992, Euro Disney Resort and its theme park, Euro Disneyland, officially opened.

Eiffel Tower
Such a beautiful iconic landmark it's a must see. The Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 Paris Exposition and was not intended to be permanent. The Eiffel Tower was going to be demolished in 1909, but was saved because it was repurposed as a giant radio antenna.

Arc De Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe Paris, the most monumental of all triumphal arches, was built between 1806 and 1836. The triumphal arch is in honor of those who fought for France, in particular, those who fought during the Napoleonic Wars. Engraved on the inside and at the top of the arch are all of the names of the generals and wars fought. There are inscriptions in the ground underneath the vault of the arch which include the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I where the Memorial Flame burns and have made the Arc de Triomphe Paris a revered patriotic site.

Notre Dame
Notre-Dame de Paris, also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral or simply Notre-Dame, is a medieval Catholic cathedral on the Île de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France. It's iconic gothic architecture is something that is a must see and more so for the story of the iconic hunchback too.  

Catacombs Of Paris
The Catacombs of Paris are underground ossuaries in Paris, France, which hold the remains of more than six million people in a small part of the ancient Mines of Paris tunnel network. Something so creepy so eerie that makes this a must see for me.

Arles is a city on the Rhône River in the Provence region of southern France. It's famed for inspiring the paintings of Van Gogh, which influenced the contemporary art displayed at the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh. Once a provincial capital of ancient Rome, Arles is also known for many remains from that era, including Arles Amphitheatre, now hosting plays, concerts and bullfights. I'd really like to see all the roman architecture that remains there that's all.

Musee d’Orsay.
The Musée d'Orsay is a museum in Paris, France, on the left bank of the Seine. It is housed in the former Gare d'Orsay, a Beaux-Arts railway station built between 1898 and 1900. Museums are always so interesting with it's unique art work held here and such a beautiful building i'd be mad not to see it.

Louvre Museum
The Louvre or the Louvre Museum is the world's largest museum and a historic monument in Paris, France. Again i be mad not to see it's beautiful design and artwork like any museum. 

So yeah that's where i would love to visit if or when i do go to France. 

If any of you have any other recommendations do comment and let me know. 

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it very much. 

Merci beaucoup d'avoir arrêté, je l'apprécie.


Monday 30 January 2017

Help save Cardiff's Doctor Who Experience from closure!

The Doctor Who Experience brings people closer to the show than ever before. It's a great way of storing used props, costumes and sets and makes them all accessible to viewing pleasure in person. Cardiff's 'Doctor Who Experience' brings much in the way of tourism to an otherwise socioeconomically deprived area, gives local people jobs, does much to improve the economy and let's face it: in these dark post-Brexit days, we all need some escapism. People from all over the world have travelled to the place it's become an iconic part of Cardiff and a must see place.

The Doctor Who Experience (DWE) in Cardiff Bay is closing, probably in early summer of 2017. 

For the past few years visitors have been able to explore the Tardis, and see costumes and props from various series stretching back since the programme first hit screens in 1963. It’s nothing less than a place of pilgrimage for Whovians and a significant tourist draw.

Having started it's life in 2006 at the Red Dragon Centre, it soon moved to London and then expanded into the purpose-built grey building in the area now know as Porth Teigr in July 2012. It has brought millions of pounds and millions of people to Cardiff. Many of those visitors would not have otherwise experienced our brilliant city.

The petition and facebook page were set up by Bex Ferriday who has done a fantastic campaign of trying to keep the Doctor Who Experience open. I signed the petition back when it was just over a few hundred likes and to see it now get over 11,000 signatures i feel like we are onto a winner here in which hopefully will see the building survive for a lot longer.  

I have not been to the Dr Who experience since 2006 and i'd love to go again and i don't want to see this fabulous experience demolished and i hope to go to it again one day before it's closure. 

Sunday 29 January 2017

Peculiar Unfamiliar

There I was laying in bed when suddenly I felt a tug a great tug upon my leg. A great force of strength that pulled and pulled til I hit my head. 

I landed on the floor full of darkness and nothing more. I questioned my surroundings to which my door was taking a pounding. It startled me greatly as I crept gently toward my door in this darkness evermore. 

I open the door to see nothing there just the darkness that is around me but something has found me. No one would be here now surely, I'm just lonely. Must be in my head apart of my dreams as nothing is what it seems. 

When I lay back in bed I heard quiet nothing is said. Until I hear someone under me crunching bread. I thought this is it the evil dead! 

How wrong I was, when a rat ran out and made me shout. That was when I stood up out of bed and walked through the darkness that never ends to turn on the lights to clear my head. 

For it is then when I put my hand on the switch I feel a breeze and someone whisper in my ear "This'll itch". 

I stagger in shock and retreat back to my bed under my covers, that voice was like my brothers. For then my body started to itch so I panicked and hit the switch to have my lights flicker and quicker for me to see a figure, standing in the corner with something in their hands. 

Left in a paralysed state of fear as they drew near with a weapon in their hands I started to cry and beg "why?".  To no avail the lights stopped flickering and turned on as soon as the being has pressed against me. 

Now they were behind but I could not see as I was blind, I heard a voice so softly. "Jacob calm down its me" spoken ever so sweetly. It was my wife Josephine there to help me. 

Despite our problems she is here for me supporting me like a column. She sat me down and whispered "It's all in your head" so calming and charming the way she used to say it best. 

Then I come to wake up in sweat realising she's at rest. 

I fight myself everyday at the struggles of life, can't see which reality is right. 

For now my child I bid you goodnight.

Written by: Scott Jones
29/01/17 5:30am

Saturday 28 January 2017

Lost my direction/Depressing post

I will admit it.
I will admit weakness.
I admit people laugh and joke about me.
The people closest to me make me feel the furthest from them.
They laugh at what i do.

It hurts they may not see that and i may not always show it but it hurts.
From my brother joking laughing about me taking photo's.
To other family members calling me names or to question and questioning my sexuality due to myself not having a girlfriend or kids yet. 

Photo's is where i think i will start.

I see others taking photo's and it's looking better than mine more HD and pixels with watermarks and good lighting. People commenting they love it all the time.
While i get nothing on mine. It does sadden me.

Makes me question.
Why do i take photo's for, when others are better than me?

It's hard to feel depressed or continue to be sad listening to Glorious Bobby Roode WWE NXT THEME. Will continue later maybe.

Girls are so picky though. 
Annoying with no real expectations just out of this world high as fuck expectations they have. 
Being shy not knowing many girls and not being that godly expectation in terms of looks women want is why i do not have a girlfriend as of writing. 
It's annoying how girls on dating sites say they want muscled guys with beards and tattoo sleeves uh hello not every man is like that for fuck sake and if you want to date a channing tatum just get a poster and a dildo and have fun or watch magic mike and still get a dildo and go have some fucking fun. 

There has been loves and there has been girlfriends in the past but it's been years.
Fact most if not all of my friends have girlfriends is also quite sad since everyone is off having the time of their lives and i am here left behind on a lot of times, i don't mind nor care they have their own lives but you know i wish i had what they had if that makes sense?

It sucks being a bigger man than most.
Hard time finding clothes i like and want to wear and that are affordable.

I had a new xmas job and i can not help but to think i was not deserving or good enough for it and maybe thats why i was not kept on after xmas.

I'm panicking and worrying too much.
Money. It's always over money. 

Sleep i don't get much. 
4-6 Is my best.
When i get too much sleep i hate it and myself. 
When i get little sleep i hate myself and am a grouch. 
If i have 8 hours sleep i feel it was not enough. 

So i have lost my direction, my drive, to do the things i liked or like at this moment in time, i hope normal service returns soon

Can't be having me moping around or laying down even if the drs said i need to rest my foot more since i have injured it. 

Hope you are having a lovely time.
Thanks for the concerns.
And for all the support it means a lot and i appreciate everyone of you. 


Thanks for reading, see you soon. 

R.I.P. John Hurt

Sir John Vincent Hurt 
22 January 1940 - 27 January 2017
May your body and spirit rest in peace but may you also live on forever in your films and roles. Thank You. 

Here i will be showing images from my fave performances of John Hurt's career and also post some quotes from him and his characters.

John Merrick: I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man! 

John Merrick: People are frightened by what they don't understand.

 “Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.” ― The War Doctor 

Sutler: I want this country to realise that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. 

Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: In the absence of light, darkness prevails. There are things that go bump in the night, Agent Myers. Make no mistake about that. And we are the ones who bump back.

Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: What is it that makes a man a man? Is it his origins, the way things start? Or is it something else, something harder to describe?

Such an iconic scene Hurt as Kane really helped kick off a huge sci-fi body horror genre i mean body horror as Aliens features chest bursters which is indeed body horror for me. Space has not felt so scary nor has encounters with other life forms until this film and scene.

Thanks for reading this, remember to comment, share and like and to follow my blog and follow me on google plus and other social media sites for more :) 
Thank you!

Thursday 19 January 2017

Cancelled Games That I Wanted!

Games aint they wonderful oh how many times have we seen trailers to games and we have desperately wanted to then have them disappear and then for us to get the news that we don't like to hear....."This game has been cancelled" it just sparks a blaze of anger and sadness in every gamer.
So today i am revealing some of the cancelled games i so desperately wanted.

Steven Spielbergs LMNO

LMNO was the working title for a video game in development by Electronic Arts, notable for Steven Spielberg's involvement in the project. The game was said to be a role playing first person shooter both based off the style of games Steven enjoys most and the game was said to be emotionally driven and centred around the alien looking eve. It was very interesting i thought so that's what made me want it so much well and the fact Steven Spielberg was heavily involved in it. 

Silent Hills

I am sad this did not get made it had so much promise. Silent Hills is a cancelled survival psychological horror video game that was under development by Kojima Productions for PlayStation 4. Directed by Hideo Kojima, along with Guillermo del Toro, it was to be the ninth main installment in the Silent Hill series. Most will remember this as PT. I'd like to think it's carried over in some way on Death Stranding but we will see what happens.

Star Wars 1313
Star Wars 1313 is a cancelled action-adventure video game that was under development by LucasArts. The game would take a more mature, gritty direction compared to past Star Wars video games and, like 2002's Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, would emphasize fast-paced gadget and weapon-based combat using tools exclusive to bounty hunters rather than Force and lightsaber-based combat. In December 2015, it was reported that Kathleen Kennedy suggested the concept art for the game was "gold" and "something we don't want to throw away." So there is hope but i dont think it will be the same 1313 we were looking forward to.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Patriots
I really wanted this game i am a sucker for the rainbow six or soldier series from tom and this getting cancelled sucked but it got revived half assed and made into rainbow 6 siege urgh. Here's more info on the game if you wanted it. Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots is a cancelled first-person shooter video game, part of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six series, announced on the cover of the December 2011 issue of Game Informer. It was to be published by Ubisoft, and was developed by the company's Montreal studio, with additional development by Ubisoft Toronto and Ubisoft Red Storm. Due to the death of Tom Clancy in October 2013, concern was raised that this game would become the last to bear his name. Ubisoft has since stated that they will continue putting Tom Clancy's name on future Tom Clancy titles out of respect for the late author. Patriots was cancelled in 2014 after it was announced in 2011. Instead, Ubisoft started development on a new Rainbow Six game called Siege.

Star Wars: Battlefront 3
Yes the boxart shown is a fake but hold up this was happening development started back in 2008 it's said but sadly we never got it. Way before DICE started working on the new reboot of Star Wars Battlefront, Free Radical was working on another entry in the that franchise, simply titled Star Wars Battlefront 3. That game never came out, but saw countless leaks showing many of its very impressive – even by today’s standards – features and mechanics. We however did get two battlefront spin offs on psp which were pretty good but could have excelled on a home console more so i think.

Batman: The Dark Knight
Set to come out around the same time as the movie it failed to meet it's dates and got continuously push back from what i remember then it was set to come out after the movie but the studio heads thought it would be ridiculous to bring the game out after the time the film comes out so they cancelled it.  The game was confirmed, albeit unofficially, in July 2008 by actor Gary Oldman during an interview with G4's Kristin Adams. Oldman said he knew an awful lot of effort had gone into getting Batman's gliding abilities to feel suitably smooth and fluid for The Dark Knight game. He did not name a developer in the interview but anonymous sources reported that The Dark Knight was a secret project of Pandemic Studios and EA. Despite prior speculation, no further announcements were made regarding production of the game, according to a Newsweek article, the lack of a game at the same time of the movie's release may have cost an estimated $101 million in missed revenue. EA and Pandemic Studios had announced that the game would come out on PlayStation 3 console. Pandemic Brisbane, who were responsible for developing this game, has since been shut down and the project cancelled. 

Indiana Jones game
In 2005, LucasArts announced a new Indiana Jones game for next-generation consoles. Originally scheduled for a release in 2007, the game saw constant delays as a result of internal struggles. Due to severe quality issues, it was decided to cancel the project in early 2009. Only externally developed versions for Wii, PS2, DS and PSP saw a release. When first shown, LucasArts highlighted Indiana Jones as their first game on Xbox 360 and PS3 – with a story written by George Lucas himself. Set in 1939, the player was going to visit locations such as San Francisco as well as “the world’s most sacred grounds”. This game looked truly amazing it's a shame we did not get it but i hope we get another uncancelled one soon and one that is not lego either. No offence. 

These games were set to bridge the gaps between 2 and 3 and were to be psp exclusives. Now about the games here is a long overlay of what they were about. Sad i have only heard about these games whilst making this list. 

Saints Row Undercover takes place directly after the events of Saints Row 2. The Saints become divided, causing a civil war. With no other choice, Police Chief Troy Bradshaw recruits a Undercover Cop (the player character) to infiltrate The Saints in order to gain information on what caused the war and finding a solution to putting it to an end. 

Money Shot
You are Cypher, a deadly assassin in the world of Saints Row, and you hunt the most elusive targets with the most sophisticated weaponry that Ultor has to offer. You have the ability to control the of your bullet to such a degree that you can weave through things and yada yada all similar to sniper elite. 

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry a cancelled video game that was in development by The Collective, Inc. intended to be published by Warner Bros. Interactive. The game was to continue the story of the 1971 film of the same name starring Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan, Eastwood was intended to reprise his role, lending his voice and likeness as well as consulting and creative input. The game was to follow the same storyline of the film. It looked really goood shame it's no more and the film series is great.
The Getaway 3
The Getaway 3 was to be the third installment of Sony's The Getaway series. It was originally planned for release on the PlayStation 3 console. Getaway 3 was reported as being cancelled on the 4th of June 2008. However, in October 2009, the games were reported as not being cancelled but "on hold". Nicolas Doucet, a member of London Studio said: "I would not say they have been abandoned, just put to one side. Much work had been done." The studio just focused on its strengths, EyeToy and SingStar and EyePet on ps3 at the time instead and boy were they wrong to have done that. Getaway 3 would have been a sucess more so than the ones the decided to work on instead such a shame.

This is Vegas
This Is Vegas is an unreleased video game that was in development at Surreal Software and was to be published by Warner Bros it was set for release on the PlayStation 3, and the Xbox 360. In 2010 development on the game was reportedly cancelled. This sucks because i was so looking forward to this game more so than others here on my list it was going to be gta las vegas or a sleeping dogs las vegas it would have been class i never have forgotten this one 7 years on from it being cancelled. 

Gears of War: Exile
"Let’s just bury the hatchet now. Gears of War: Exile was an unannounced game that I can’t give any details about that has since been cancelled." — Cliff Bleszinski. Gears of War: Exile was an on-rails Kinect rts shooter under development by Epic Games, first revealed by trademark on Jan 18 2011. Little to no information on the content of Exile was ever released before its cancellation was announced on April 8th 2012. Some say this game was carried over and made into Gears Judgement instead. I'd have liked a rts gears game it would have been cool.

Conker Gettin’ Medieval
Conker: Gettin' Medieval was a cancelled spin-off game in the Conker franchise for the Xbox. The game was a Medieval-themed and a third-person shooter that featured Gregg the Grim Reaper as the main character instead of Conker (who would've made a guest appearance). It is unknown why the game was cancelled. Conker is a underrated game i find it was so fun and wacky at the time it came out it was fitting also and to have a sequel of it getting cut off at the last corner sucks. 

Darth maul game
Game programmers at Red Fly Studios were once working for LucasArts on a game that would feature Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. That game was eventually cancelled outright in 2011 as part of a clearing of the Star Wars canon for Disney’s upcoming continuation. The game play style would have been very similar with force unleashed and although they had gameplay they did not have any story at the time of it being a quarter of the way made. Sucks it got cancelled but it's ok we will have other star wars games like 1313 and battlefront 3 *sigh* OH GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! WHY DID YOU GET CANCELLED ASWELL!?

Aliens: Crucible
I only just heard about this so hold on whilst i give you the deets of this game. Sega announced on December 13, 2006 that Obsidian Entertainment will be creating a role-playing game based on the Alien film franchise which will be released on PC and next-generation consoles. The game was due to be released sometime in 2009. When AvP was announced in February 2009, Sega announced that development on the game had been “indefinitely suspended”. No reason had been given. It was reported that several employees at Obsidian had lost their jobs. The game was officially cancelled in June 2009. So it sucks we did not get it because i do feel it would have been something special we would have been talking about to this day instead of the god awful colonial marines.

Gotham by Gaslight (Video Game)
A video game based on the comic book was planned for release by Day 1 Studios (who also developed Fear 3) however, after THQ failed to secure the rights to the property, the game was canceled. The developers released some concept illustration which revealed the game had a steampunk feel to it while being set in Victorian England and also test footage was released which revealed the misty Gothic settings and the character model for Batman. The reception to the leaked footage and concept illustration was positive, with viewers praising the setting, the cape physics and the different approach the developers were trying to achieve. So it is sad this bat got broken but look what we had instead the rocksteady arkham series.

There maybe more out there that were cancelled but these listed are all i remember i wanted or wanted to play at the very least. Sad times.

So that's my list. What games do you wish were not cancelled? Let me know by commenting :) 

This list will be appearing soon in a video on my channel so click here somewhere when the video is up and this text is highlighted :) 

Thanks for reading, take care, bye bye. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Top 10 Sitcoms!

It ain't half hot mum but this list is. So hi de hi to you all!

Today i will be counting down the list of my fave top 10 sitcoms. 

This topic was suggested by Louis Evans so shoutout to him and a big thanks to him also. 

This list was so tough to make but i have just finished it and it'll do for this point in time as my list is always changing since i love so many sitcoms and there's always new ones coming out so you know. 

Ok this is it. 

At number 

10: Porridge
It's a show about The prison life of Fletcher played by Ronnie Barker, a criminal serving a five-year sentence, as he strives to bide his time, keep his record clean, and refuses to be ground down by the prison system. It ran for 4 years on the BBC channel and is such a hilarious classic show that it's still remembered and aired in the uk to this day. 

9: Father Ted
Crazy sitcom about 3 priests and their housekeeper who live on Craggy Island, not the peaceful and quiet part of Ireland it seems! It ran for 3 years on and off and had 25 episodes and it's comical humor is still great today, as i can always find it being rerun late at night on tv and rewatch and laugh as if it was the first time i am seeing it. Classic. 

8: Mr.Bean
Life is a difficult challenge for Mr Bean, who despite being a grown adult, has trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Thankfully, his perseverance is usually rewarded, and he finds an ingenious way around the problem. Mr.Bean started in 1992 and has always bean one of my fave characters and shows despite not much diologue taking place the character is so hilarious with his actions and situations he gets into and the things he does. Mr.Bean has had animated series, live action series, 2 movies, countless sketches for charity and Rowan Atkinson still does bean things today of course. The character is not retired or anything just he has breaks before we see him pop back up again in these days. Such a classic show and character though not much else i can say other than BEAN COMEBACK! You know the intro was always weird to me when he'd fall down from a spotlight the angelic choir made me think oh he fell from heaven its just a joke then another thing makes me wonder is what if he got abducted by aliens and is now this stupid man of what he used to be lol People have often talked about Mr.Bean as if that it's cruel this program and character is because it makes the audience laugh at a differently abled man when it should not be the case. I dont know about that or laughing at him because the character is handicapped as people put it but i just laugh because it's funny because it's mr. freakin bean and he is just made up and a hilarious character written perfectly. 

7: Scrubs
In the unreal world of Sacred Heart Hospital, intern John "J.D" Dorian learns the ways of medicine, friendship and life and death. I don't want to class this as strictly a comedy even if most aspects of it are comedic but it's also very dramatic too. I love scrubs the characters the writing the people the lessons and music and actors all blend in perfectly well and i love them so much. Some episode make me roll on the floor in laughter and others make me sit in bed crying eating pizza. That's the power of scrubs. The series after 8 was terrible by the way enough said there. 

6: Fawlty Towers
DON'T MENTION THE WAR! Hotel owner Basil Fawlty's incompetence, short fuse, and arrogance form a combination that ensures accidents and trouble are never far away. John Cleese is so amazing so funny this is what makes the series great just his character's relationship with everyone and his interactions especially him and Manuel's relationship. Classic show. 

5: Blackadder
For this i include all of the seasons of Blackadder and not just season 1 since the different seasons and movie have different names and time era's of which they are set in. Blackadder is home to so many iconic cult moments, characters and quotes. All i have to say is Baldrick and no doubt some of you out there will know what i mean and yes i do mean the character but no doubt you will have a fave moment in mind or quote. 

4: Friends
10 years 236 episodes friends is the tale of a bunch of friends who live in Manhattan and tells the tales of their comedic lives quite frankly this is all it's about it's such a classic i have seen every episode at least three times growing up. 

3: Only Fools & Horses 
Classic comedy following the misadventures of two Wheeler Dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires. So many classic scenes characters and quotes such a loveable and iconic series. 

2: Red Dwarf
The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf. Iconic classic one of my fave series and it's still ongoing too its a cult classic. 

1: The Simpsons
The Simpsons is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the Simpsons (surprise surprise). Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the ten year old mischievous underachiever , Lisa is the unappreciated eight year old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent baby. Spanning almost 30 seasons 1 movie and has run for almost 30 years with multiple comics,dvds,vhs,games all about the simpsons its a massive cult icon in the world today everyone knows of it and will no doubtly be in everyone's list some way shape or form when making their own surely. Classic series and it's no surprise it would be in the top spot. 

Honourable Mentions!
Dad's Army
The Young One's
Vicar Of Dibley
Family Guy
Keeping Up With Appearances
One Foot In The Grave
Gavin & Stacey
The I.T. Crowd

Do you agree?

What sitcoms do you love best?

Any you think i should watch or have forgot?


So that's it for today thanks for stopping by.

Let me know what list you wish to hear or know from me to do next.

See you later space cowboy.


Friday 13 January 2017


Warning foul language and much hate and anger and darkside powers up have been warned that a RANT!

Why does this keep happening? If you wish to raise awareness for something just say what needs more awareness and donate don't go round posting stupid status's. This really winds me up about the social media networks at times. "Oh bye toilet paper hello socks." "Ha thanks for liking or commenting on my status now pick a topic and post it, it's to raise awareness for so so foundation." how about fucking posting about the foundation then instead huh? Oh no its just has to be promoted after posting a weird status or one which sounds like good news oh yeah right that works huh?

Why the fuck do these posts by people keep getting spread around. Seen them all before you'd fucking think by now oh this can't be one of these posts again and it fucking is. I fucking hate Facebook, I fucking hate these non awareness raising fake posts and I hate fucking, fake people and I hate so much more than that!

I'm not going into anything further today. I am fed up of it all. Fucking wise up people. Fucking social media fakery it's all a fucking disease a fucking distraction from the doom and gloom it started out as but now it's become it's own doom and gloom.

YouTube turned into money grabbing fucks. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Skype and all the other sites out there do it. It's fucked up!

Worse bit is if you have a fucking problem none of these companies want to help or even know you!

God forbid someone's being bullied and having content taken and upload elsewhere and they send a report off and guess what you will not believe this but they don't care they don't want your fucking report they'd rather you get yourself in a right rut and leave you to rot before they do something. Before you can send a report all these big named wanker sites just make it impossible to send because their system is so backwards it's become their own arse. If you do manage to successfully send a report which is so fucking rare that they will respond saying "sorry we don't agree with you so stop bothering us." they are all pathetic.

I hate everything today. I can't fucking believe the shit going round no wait I fucking can because everyone's so distracted and so full of their selves on social media they fall for anything and everything it's fucking fucked.

Since Google took over youtube it just gone so far fucking downhill it's a disgrace! 

People on youtube these days are for the majority nothing but fake ass users these users with obscene click bait thumbnails and annoying pipsqueek voices and immature dumb over acting and over reacting videos it does my head in. I fucking hate Pewdiepie, i hate smosh, i hate react bros, i don't like Jack septic eye, i don't like markiplier, I don't like many of the big youtubers because they have all sold out or are annoying as fuck that they are unwatchable and so unfunny. I like the smaller youtubers and support them a lot more and of course then i love people like filthy frank lol I'll talk more about youtubers i like and don't like in a future video. One youtuber i sorely miss is TheWolfX1VP he was my all time fave youtuber he was so fucking real and  a good friend and a great user of youtube they pissed him off and he set off to do new things and Gerald is one guy i miss talking to he really helped me out a couple years back aswell with so many tips and a great couple chats we had and that dual commentary chat video we had. Lovely guy. A lot of the youtubers i used to like have all gone cold turkey or changed for the worse or quit youtube. Jordan aka Snobbygnu i fucking loved his channel too but you know how life is, life happened he moved away from youtube i am so thankful to have him as a friend we regularly interact and game with each other still. There's so many more out there in regards to youtubers i like still today and most are all my real life friends and i love and respect them very much except when they are being annoying lol Ah see i feel better now getting all this shit off my chest and reflecting onto the good stuff and better sides of the coin. 

I want to apologise but i should not because i have been so sick and so tired and so angry at many of the things going on in the world in my life and shit recently that i have just exploded into a fiery blaze pent up with hate and anger that just needs to be getting out there so that i may cool down and relax again but it's not happened still yet. I have a lot of anger in me still as you can see from my writing and ranting. I have a lot of hate at the moment and anger but not suffering i don't think so i can't fully be accepted to the darkside just yet can i? I think i also have mild depression at the moment also since i have been more or less a shut in since i finished with my last employer and the fact i have had very little sleep and i always belittle myself or have trouble making decisions but some of these i have always had in life....well for as long as i remember. Now i don't like to take tablets at all so i won't as ever take any pills at all, why? I don't like them, i can not swallow them it feels like i am choking like my throat closes up the moment a tablet enters my mouth. I have seen people depressed and i have seen people depressed on prescribed medication and yeah sure it can do wonders for some but for others it just does not look or feel right and some have said that it does not make them feel good either and you see if you are depressed you will be wanting to be happy but how can you be happy knowing you have to take tablets to make yourself feel happy knowing you are depressed with tablets for depression?! It's paradoxical i swear. I will say though tablets are a lot better cure for depression than that old shock therapy treatment people used to think was the only cure for it. BUT let's get it straight there's more than one cure. Natural, Self Help then Prescribed Medication can all cure depression. Positive thoughts, positive energy, positive home, positive body, positive everything, friends, music, family, food, drink, pets you know as long as everything around you is supportive and positive you can beat it that way. You can hold of depression with tablets too. There's so much you can do to stop it but to do it, know that it's not going straight away it takes a while you have to keep pushing it back and keep feeling better about yourself that you are the best there is that no one is as good as you and looks as good as you and that there's only one of you so show off to the world how good you fucking are and you will fucking beat it with a stick. 

I am trying to fix myself and venting is helping a lot and then positive thoughts are too also a bit of friend time, good music and good environment and exercise by walking about in the fresh air and sunshine is all good and it's good as the past 2 days i have been getting better and i hope i continue to. Because i am so easily irritated as of late its bugging the shit out of me. 

Before i log off, i know this is a lengthy post already but i need to thank everyone for being so supportive to me as ever and for concern's, since i have been really fed up with things lately and so on putting it lightly.

We always are around people in life, we are never alone so don't think that way, be happy your here in the now and that you have amazing people in the world who are and will always will be there for you. 

Thanks for reading. 

I'll continue to repair and fix myself. 

I'll continue to write, youtube and spend time with amazing people and music and all my other loves and hobbies in life. 

I hope you have the best day ever today. Sorry for the lengthy post lol


Thursday 12 January 2017

For future reference...

To whom it may concern, for future reference of online work and of my writing skills on a professional website here is 9 pages which contain content and or articles from myself on Cylent Beatz page. Unless of course they decide to remove the stuff since i am no longer with them.

Facebook Weather Broadcasting

The technological advancements we have made with Facebook are quite outstanding, since we can now see and hear about snow without going outside.

Mark Zuckerberg had this to say about the new use of his creation: "When I created Facebook I had no idea people would turn into weather broadcasters". (Yes I made this quote up)

On that note even though it's sleet more than snow. Let's hope we have snow and it sticks.

Whether you are pro-snow or anti-snow it's cold out there so remember the bread and milk and remember to wrap up and keep warm.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Breaking News: Cylent Departure


It is with great sadness i must announce my departure from Cylent Beatz. Leaving on my own terms to go do new things. Love the lads at Cylent Beatz i am very greatful and thankful for all the opportunities i have been given with them and of everything i have learned from them and making so many new friends from them it's amazing. I wish the guys nothing but the best for the future they are gonna be stars. 

There for also....this facebook page the scott jones show aka the jones show will be deleted. I don't really use this page no more anyway. So i am deleting it. I will still have videos of the interviews on my youtube channel and i feel sad and do apologise for the lack of the missing second season as it seems to have been no good and has been scrapped.

The facebook page system is stupid why should people have to pay for people to see posts?

I use to use hootsuite a lot for everything here on this page etc until i had problems with hootsuite connecting so posts were not being thrown out anymore on my social networks which is gutting it was a handy site. 

What will i do now? Well, here is a list of what i typically get up to outside of CB. 

I am blogging on my own site. I am social networking via facebook and twitter. I make videos on my own youtube channel. I play video games. I go out with friends and family. I apply and look for work. I am attending courses and applying for work. I go swimming now and then. I watch movies. I listen to music. I write lyrics. I write other things. I aim to better myself as ever also. 

AND FINALLY....I rant and this is not a rant. If anything it's a statement on the state of things going on right now. This is not all hate or venting of frustration or what ever you want to call it. I am just listing facts and issuing a statement. See loads going on. Busy bee me lol.

I am also trying my best to finish writing some original stories and fan fiction. 

So as ever to achieve something you really want to get done it takes some sacrificing aswell. I can and will admit sometimes my heart was not so into work with CB anymore as it used to be but it's ok, all part of the learning curve of life.

I am one of many people out there who would love to do something yet others won't let you or they will but you won't get the same thing everyone else would get if you get me.

The fact that your parents income decides whether or not an unemployed person who wants to learn new things by attending college will not get paid, is dumb. So dumb.

The fact that also if you have an interest in a subject and you wanted to get educated about it, that you need required skills and grades from GCSE'S is also a load of bull.

This is a bit of a rant and some truthtelling to boot. For you to know that the page is going to go in a few days.

My apologies.

I will continue to support my CB family. I will also continue to be the best i can and do the best i can at anything also. 

Thanks for reading.
Hope you have a nice day, 

Thursday 5 January 2017

A Day In My Mind.

Hello, so today's blog is a random ramblin's spin off titled a day in my mind. 

I document this on the date of 4th January 2017.

This is where for a full 24 hours i will be documenting any and all thoughts that come to mind. This is going to be mad!
Upon waking up at 9am: "Urgh what time is it? What am i doing today? Suppose I'll go to Cardiff on my own or should I not since James did cancel on me last minute last night. Ah I'll have a shower then see how I feel."

Mid-shower singing in my head: "I'm not the one who's so far away, When I feel the snake bite enter my veins, Never did I wanna be here again, And I don't remember why I came."

After shower: "Don't know might go cardiff......"

5 mins later: "Maybe i wont....Jake might come tomorrow? Hmmmmm James is going next week now so maybe join him next week? I'm not in a rush like."

5 mins later: "Yeah nah i won't go today."

10 mins later: "I should go nice like....nah no come on stop it brain we shall go another time."

5 mins later: "11am? Shit better get dressed and do something today at least."

1pm as i am in Asda.

"God damn seems busy here today.....*I park my car up and walk inside Asda*'s not even that busy here what the hell is up with all those cars then?"

Inside Asda as i am strolling round the entertainment zone.

*Qwerty by Mushroomhead synth plays in my head*

One of the Asda workers came up to me at self service when i scanned a bottle of Bailey's through the scanner and said to me "You know this is alcohol right? I'm gonna have to see you i.d." at that point in my mind i was saying  "I know it's fucking alcohol fucking hell mun do you think i'm stupid aswell as young?"

I have been thinking the same thought for a lot of today because to me it was stupid as hell and annoyed me......did i know Bailey's is alcohol? You're fucking right i did! WHY WOULD I BUY IT OTHERWISE?! OH YEAH IT'S LIKE WATER MATE! Jesus christ mun.

After my shopping in Asda...thinking about what to have for dinner..."Kfc,Domino's or Greggs.....i know i got paid recently but i should be wise with money.....incase i am not made permanent.....Greggs then......*starts walking to Greggs* shit maybe KFC.......i did say i would get some today but then again......Domino's? Shit is expensiver than the rest but wait is expensiver a word or is this made up right now? Hopefully i remember to google it later...good thing im typing this on my phone as i think.....Greggs then..."

Expensiver is not a word......and should not be....

In car eating my chicken mayo baguette...i notice a woman parked up infront of me staring at me....watching me eat my baguette..."Is she looking at me? Why? This is weird....Why am i watching her watch me? I should look away...oh i'll pretend to have a drink and look away....WHY THE FUCK IS SHE STILL WATCHING ME?!.......Ok i swear if she continues to watch me i'm gonna throw something at her of all the things you are parked up looking no watching me eat a fucking baguette am i doing it wrong? *I see her look away as her boyfriend enters her car with a Domino's pizza and i watch them eat pizza as i finish eating my baguette* What the fuck am i doing now im being weird watching them? The fuck!? This is a trick surely.....SHE JUST LOOKED AT ME WHILE EATING A PIZZA!? I see the fucking stringy cheese just be pulled and fall down on her chin.....WHY AM I TYPING THIS AND THINKING IT TOO!?"

Moving on because that was bizarre....

I was driving home i thought i'd pop into my sisters and pay her back money i borrowed from her. "Her car is here but no one is answering the door...must be in my nan's." So i go to my Nan's house and just chill and chat for a bit with her.

Not a lot went on for a few hours besides again thinking back to the Asda worker asking if i knew Bailey's is alcohol....fucking hell still annoys me!

4pm in my house in my room. "Fuck i should have had more sleep last night i am so tired today....might get a power nap now....Ah i might fall asleep and wake up past 8pm though....and 8pm i have planned a trip to cinema with Lewis and James to see Assassin's Creed." so i decided to play Watch Dogs 2 and try and stay awake come 5pm i was thinking a warm shower will wake me up a bit more and a can of coke although both not at the same time....obviously......why did i just have a can of coke in a hot shower....i was cold......i joke coke and showers were mixed together both one after the other of course....

Le me felt more awake and at 6pm til i left for the Cinema i was browsing youtube listening to songs i mentioned earlier in the day and some others when one thumbnail attracted me and it was of a song that loads were talkin about recently that being Major Lazer - Bubble Butt and fuck me this music video is more hardcore than babestation.....don't ask how i know........i have viewed those channels when i was in my teens sure......brings me to my next thoughts....."Where do they get these hot girls in all these music videos.....god damn! But i know sex sells but is it really needed?"

Anyway watched Assassin's thoughts on it are that the action sequences were amazing but everything else was not so good but overall it was an ok film. 5/10.

11pm after i seen AC and parked my car up outside my home...i stop and look up to the stars. "So beautiful one sight that will never become a bore. I wonder how far we will go up there how wide will we reach....will other lives ever meet us....well it's fucking freezing so i better get inside now..."

Final thoughts aka any thoughts before i slept..."Wonder if i get kept on in work....what if i don't? What next? What am i going to do tomorrow? Should i publish this or not? When will i return to youtube? Wonder if my blog can get 5,000 views this year?" 

And not long after that i fell asleep and woke up 12pm today the day of publishing this post which is 5th January 2017. 

Right that's all for today. I am so tired can't wait to get some sleep haha. Hope you enjoyed this all new experimental post. 

See you later :)

Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year,New You? Quotes to inspire!

It's a new year, yes it is! 

New year comes with many new things set to happen. 

I want you the reader or myself to take in some quotes and remember them and use them. 

I want you to have a very good new year.

There's many quotes here to take in so take your time. 

Hope you take these in and continue to enjoy my blog this year :)