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Friday 13 January 2017


Warning foul language and much hate and anger and darkside powers up have been warned that a RANT!

Why does this keep happening? If you wish to raise awareness for something just say what needs more awareness and donate don't go round posting stupid status's. This really winds me up about the social media networks at times. "Oh bye toilet paper hello socks." "Ha thanks for liking or commenting on my status now pick a topic and post it, it's to raise awareness for so so foundation." how about fucking posting about the foundation then instead huh? Oh no its just has to be promoted after posting a weird status or one which sounds like good news oh yeah right that works huh?

Why the fuck do these posts by people keep getting spread around. Seen them all before you'd fucking think by now oh this can't be one of these posts again and it fucking is. I fucking hate Facebook, I fucking hate these non awareness raising fake posts and I hate fucking, fake people and I hate so much more than that!

I'm not going into anything further today. I am fed up of it all. Fucking wise up people. Fucking social media fakery it's all a fucking disease a fucking distraction from the doom and gloom it started out as but now it's become it's own doom and gloom.

YouTube turned into money grabbing fucks. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Skype and all the other sites out there do it. It's fucked up!

Worse bit is if you have a fucking problem none of these companies want to help or even know you!

God forbid someone's being bullied and having content taken and upload elsewhere and they send a report off and guess what you will not believe this but they don't care they don't want your fucking report they'd rather you get yourself in a right rut and leave you to rot before they do something. Before you can send a report all these big named wanker sites just make it impossible to send because their system is so backwards it's become their own arse. If you do manage to successfully send a report which is so fucking rare that they will respond saying "sorry we don't agree with you so stop bothering us." they are all pathetic.

I hate everything today. I can't fucking believe the shit going round no wait I fucking can because everyone's so distracted and so full of their selves on social media they fall for anything and everything it's fucking fucked.

Since Google took over youtube it just gone so far fucking downhill it's a disgrace! 

People on youtube these days are for the majority nothing but fake ass users these users with obscene click bait thumbnails and annoying pipsqueek voices and immature dumb over acting and over reacting videos it does my head in. I fucking hate Pewdiepie, i hate smosh, i hate react bros, i don't like Jack septic eye, i don't like markiplier, I don't like many of the big youtubers because they have all sold out or are annoying as fuck that they are unwatchable and so unfunny. I like the smaller youtubers and support them a lot more and of course then i love people like filthy frank lol I'll talk more about youtubers i like and don't like in a future video. One youtuber i sorely miss is TheWolfX1VP he was my all time fave youtuber he was so fucking real and  a good friend and a great user of youtube they pissed him off and he set off to do new things and Gerald is one guy i miss talking to he really helped me out a couple years back aswell with so many tips and a great couple chats we had and that dual commentary chat video we had. Lovely guy. A lot of the youtubers i used to like have all gone cold turkey or changed for the worse or quit youtube. Jordan aka Snobbygnu i fucking loved his channel too but you know how life is, life happened he moved away from youtube i am so thankful to have him as a friend we regularly interact and game with each other still. There's so many more out there in regards to youtubers i like still today and most are all my real life friends and i love and respect them very much except when they are being annoying lol Ah see i feel better now getting all this shit off my chest and reflecting onto the good stuff and better sides of the coin. 

I want to apologise but i should not because i have been so sick and so tired and so angry at many of the things going on in the world in my life and shit recently that i have just exploded into a fiery blaze pent up with hate and anger that just needs to be getting out there so that i may cool down and relax again but it's not happened still yet. I have a lot of anger in me still as you can see from my writing and ranting. I have a lot of hate at the moment and anger but not suffering i don't think so i can't fully be accepted to the darkside just yet can i? I think i also have mild depression at the moment also since i have been more or less a shut in since i finished with my last employer and the fact i have had very little sleep and i always belittle myself or have trouble making decisions but some of these i have always had in life....well for as long as i remember. Now i don't like to take tablets at all so i won't as ever take any pills at all, why? I don't like them, i can not swallow them it feels like i am choking like my throat closes up the moment a tablet enters my mouth. I have seen people depressed and i have seen people depressed on prescribed medication and yeah sure it can do wonders for some but for others it just does not look or feel right and some have said that it does not make them feel good either and you see if you are depressed you will be wanting to be happy but how can you be happy knowing you have to take tablets to make yourself feel happy knowing you are depressed with tablets for depression?! It's paradoxical i swear. I will say though tablets are a lot better cure for depression than that old shock therapy treatment people used to think was the only cure for it. BUT let's get it straight there's more than one cure. Natural, Self Help then Prescribed Medication can all cure depression. Positive thoughts, positive energy, positive home, positive body, positive everything, friends, music, family, food, drink, pets you know as long as everything around you is supportive and positive you can beat it that way. You can hold of depression with tablets too. There's so much you can do to stop it but to do it, know that it's not going straight away it takes a while you have to keep pushing it back and keep feeling better about yourself that you are the best there is that no one is as good as you and looks as good as you and that there's only one of you so show off to the world how good you fucking are and you will fucking beat it with a stick. 

I am trying to fix myself and venting is helping a lot and then positive thoughts are too also a bit of friend time, good music and good environment and exercise by walking about in the fresh air and sunshine is all good and it's good as the past 2 days i have been getting better and i hope i continue to. Because i am so easily irritated as of late its bugging the shit out of me. 

Before i log off, i know this is a lengthy post already but i need to thank everyone for being so supportive to me as ever and for concern's, since i have been really fed up with things lately and so on putting it lightly.

We always are around people in life, we are never alone so don't think that way, be happy your here in the now and that you have amazing people in the world who are and will always will be there for you. 

Thanks for reading. 

I'll continue to repair and fix myself. 

I'll continue to write, youtube and spend time with amazing people and music and all my other loves and hobbies in life. 

I hope you have the best day ever today. Sorry for the lengthy post lol


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