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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

My Youtube Channel Characters

Hello there!

I am 1stmetalgod as you know or should know and well i thought today would be interesting if i talked about the characters on my channel.

Over the 5 years of my youtube channel there has been many characters that i and james and who ever else has joined in making up random characters by popular or cheap based masks from films or otherwise and it has been such great fun.

MGD (Mad German Dr) - The lesser known probably of my characters mainly because i have all footage of him now set to unlisted. Fun weird character that is of course a mad german dr of sorts. Played by - Myself

Ghoul Face & Shiny Ghoul Face - A character made up from james's mind. He is a very popular one i would say and very mad and funny too. - Played by James

Hannibal Welshman - Well the title suggests he is just Hannibal but a lot more welsh(ish) ghoul face's best friend and just as weird as ghoul face. - Played by Myself

Pumpkin ghoul - A relative of ghoul face another james made up after having lost the shiny ghoul face mask but pumpkin is just as mad as the rest i have mentioned on the list. - Played by James

John Johnson - News reader/interviewer. He has appeared in 1 vid so far but i have plans to do more with him. - Played by Myself

John Mcsmith (Mcgreggor & Sons Smith) - He is the welsh,scottish and wacky weather reporter who started this year and did a broadcast of the year ahead in weather with the country. - Played by Myself

Darth Trojan & Lod Zyon - Myself and James original cosplay characters who are sith lords from the star wars universe. - Played by Myself & James.

Schlobble - Its a noise and well i guess he can have his own character being as i use a weird way of talking during some gameplays i have done and made random noises such as the famous schlobble - Played by Myself.

A new one that has very little exposure at the moment is ANONYMOUS MIKE! - Its a parody of anonymous lets be honest look at the mask haha. Worth mentioning he is not alone as anonymous are many ;) he arrives 31/7/15 - Played by Myself

Another new one yet to come is - El Parti Dudeus - Basically myself in a wrestling mask of el generico just lovin and wanting to party its simple and fun. - Played by Myself

Another new one who has popped up in recent RV@W vids is BANTZ - A welsh guy who is named Bantz because he is one of those banter #cheekynando's ledge's init proper quality top notch BANTER! - Played by Myself

I have plans for a wrestling parody series of which i do deerly hope people get behind me with as i have such great fun ideas with many original characters that take the mickey mouse out of famous wrestlers and scenes,rumours and other dirt sheet news and just parody it all.

Why have i got soo many random made up characters on my channel? Basically it is fun and funny and we can be some one else instead of ourselves which is always fun. I believe that maybe it but who knows i must have forgotten a few and if i have do name them. I am getting old now see sonny jim!

Monday, 27 July 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 8 - Post Con Blues?


The past week has been insane and i have not been myself at all. I have been idle rather. Lights are on but i am not in entire control. Its weird trust me. I do feel and see the days this week going by me really fast and its been sad and annoying to experience. Yes i went to LFCC and met some amazing people and even my hero JDF but it was still affecting me my idle-ness and i did loose it for a few mins to smile when i met jdf and some other guests but you know after the meeting with them. it was still there and i do not know what it is. It has been affecting my excitement for lfcc and for having my days off work a lot this past week.UPDATE****I am feeling better now but I am tired atm and another update is i cant seem to concentrate again i or rather it feels like my mind is locked in a box. god i sound mental and stuff i know but i am normal to my knowledge just now and then get this weird thing that i am currently still in.

Toys - What a weird topic scott! I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT! I was babysitting my nephew and you know we engaged into a toy combat with his toys he had brought with him an unopened toy which had a sword so i opened it for him and now the sword with the toy was feeling like it was gonna break soon it was soo bendy so i gave it to my nephew and he put the sword in the figures sword holster or the scabbard if you want to get fancy technical. Anyway, he put it in then pulled it out or tried to and the handle broke which left him really shocked and sad he was like "oh no" i said to him "don't worry im sure i got superglue somewhere here" and i did not find any but i used blue tack and he just said "yay thanks" and then left it blue tacked and stuck in the holster so thats good but the point i am making is they do not make toys aswell as they used to. Toys when i was a kid were of course breakable and did break but only after overuse or a nasty bang with the toy not just break as soon as you take the thing out.  Toys also seem to be very pricey these days. Toys are still cool though!

Sick people (i'm bard please notice it and take care of me) - Why do sick people or to be more accurate people with cold or flu see the need in telling everyone they are sick? Like don't touch me or speak to me if you are sick because I might get it, and I'd not want to be sick with your cold or flu. Also they normally feel the need to remind everyone they are bedridden and ill sorry I think you are being lazy there. Even people with worse diseases or viruses can get up and out of bed and why can't you? Dont be so lazy I know illness zaps energy out of you as your white blood cells go repair yourself as best they can. This is me being a lil harsh but also a hypocrite here tbh. If I have the flu I will be in bed but only when I need sleep. Sleep and warm stuff and water is good.

Good V Bad Food - I have said it before but it always bugs me how junk food costs less than healthy food soo wrong. I bet you could convince or hypnotize someone to make them think healthy food is bad for us and junk food is good for us so then our psychology will be to eat the healthy food because well we got tricked in thinking its bad.

The I am not gonna tell you what's wrong but please give me your attention people - what a mouthful and those people be it on social media or in person are royal knobs. "Im sad" oh whats wrong? "Nothing nevermind" something's clearly wrong so either say you dont want to talk about it or tell me. "Ah no its fine im just sad" but why are you sad? "Ah nothing no reason" well fuck off and be sad then I wanted to help but if your gonna continue tip toeing around you may aswell tip toe and go fuck yourself.

I appear vulgar in my blogs but honestly I'm nice quiet shy in person just I cant help but to get all the shit that's annoying me out of my head and splattered onto a white canvas of which I type on.

My first permissioned night off - So i had a 15 hour shift planned today so i went in things were going same old boring usual shit then 7pm i get a call saying that my company made a mistake and wants to send a different gaurd at the site i was on and i was like "well ok sure i will take the night off thanks" and they were like "ok great" now this is beyond weird but i bet there is a catch or some bad shit from them will be hitting me soon but who knows. Site i was on is just a 15 min drive away from my house the gaurd who turned up to replace me lived 10mins away and you know so neither of us are living that far from the site so i was all happy and dancing and yellin about just like "yes yes yes i get the night off wooo" and the gaurd who showed up was a bit pissed off as he was on a different site and the company messed up and sent him there when there was a gaurd there so then they had nothing for him and said to him to come to my site as i am leaving. Soon as he showed up he said said to me all sarky like "Oh so your getting a night off then huh boy oh nice for you" i was like "well yeah sorry its what our control told me really and if he really wanted a night off he should have told them tbh. My company though jesus christ do they love to fuck up! haha!

Reason's i tend to hate house parties - Well here we go. Now on the record i have been to some good house parties but the majority of them have been total wank because of one thing DRAMA! Yes and no i do not mean in terms of acting serious well in ways i do mean that but just let me explain it all out as i can not find any proper words in my mind to describe it all proper. 1) Girls bitching - Yep always happens the girls there always tend to go out on a limb and bitch about some one at the party. 2) The spoilt brat host - Normally hosts are like cool laid back and sometimes just like a door security gaurd watching out and making sure not much mess is made if all at all haha Besides that there was a party i went to once and the kid's (he is not a kid but for now he fucking well is especially after the way he acted at that one house party he had) perants came home early and were like all friendly and such and he the host of the house party was a lot like kevin from kevin and perry. "Ohhhh muuuum why are you and dad home soooooooooo earrrly!? YOUR RUINING THE PARTY! DO NOT TALK TO MY FRIENDSsSSS!!!"So yeah drama kicked off and caused awkwardness is the long story short and i then left half hour later haha. 3) Knife DRAMA! - So yes this actually happened. At one girls house party (F.Y.I. Her house parties if you can call them that are also insanely boring and shit. The environment and people she invites beside me and few others of course are all shit and dickheads!) girls were bitching (always happens as i said earlier lol) and the boys also were (sometimes happens depends on the people there) so bunch of boys were outside having a ciggy and two boys like the host of the party tbh and one found out the other sent her "cringy" valentines stuff earlier that year and he was making fun of it and so the two had a little tiff outside and the one boy shoved the other (i did not see it all so fuck saying the rest) so they went inside after the ciggy's and argued like hell and stuff and one boy was led to the kitchen which i was also there with the party host, boy 2 and two of his friends when boy 1 came in to the kitchen they both started even more on each other getting pretty aggressive and boy 2's friend who has some mental disabilities decided to pull a knife out on boy 1 because he felt threatened at that point i was stood there like "shit! this is insane. I do not think he will use it though" he did not use it either and he put the knife down and boy 1 was fuming at that point and boy 2 and his friends got kicked out by the party host. That point i was like fucking hell what the actual fuck is going on. IS THIS A HOUSE PARTY OR LONDON I AM AT!?  4) You always have shit music being played by youtube on a laptop or a xbox. NO! FUCK OFF! GET A CD STEREO PLAYER WITH SPEAKERS AND PUT SOME CDS ON. THAT IS HOW YOU DO IT! Hell even put on sky's music channels they are shit but fuck it,i have had better house parties with that shit on than a music video followed by an advert on youtube. 5) No drinks available from host's house - Now i find this shit especially when people leave it late and then say "oh bring own beer" its like the fuck? Are you not drinking then? DO YOU NOT HAVE ANYTHING THERE?! Fuck sake you could have told me a lot earlier than as soon as i turned up. Haha that is basically it to my knowledge. WHAT DO YOU HATE ABOUT HOUSE PARTIES!? UPDATE***** FOR THE RECORD I DO NOT HATE HOUSE PARTIES BUT THESE ARE JUST REASONS AND PAST EXPERIENCES WHICH MAKE ME HATE THEM BUT I WILL GO TO ANY IF INVITED SO YEAH HYPOCRITE OVA HERE!

My tenth blog of random ramblin's series shall be a special one again,just thought i would give you a lil heads up.  I think I will cover embarrassment/embarrassing mistakes tbh because I often think back remember my mistakes and embarrassing moments well and they make me cringe and annoyed so I think if I get some out of my head and onto this white canvas of which I type on I could perhaps laugh about them and get over them but who knows at least maybe I can give you the reader something to read and something we can all relate with and laugh at. Who knows for now I am going to hit the hay. Bye peeps :)

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part 7: Wake Up Neo!

Hahaha Alri?

Why did I laugh at the start well the title made me laugh.....its a matrix thing.....

So I am going to be talking about something we all experience everytime we sleep.

Dreams - So here I am awake and talking about dreams or am I really asleep? Inception! Ok yada yadda out of the way DiCaprio haha.

Right so why dreams? Huh why is scott going to be talking about dreams for? Well as I said we all have dreams and not in terms of goals to achieve in our awake lives but the dreams we have while we sleep. I will be talking about my dreams aswell here and well anything else I think of dream wise and explaining them the best I and google can. Yes I will use google for some stuff. What? Nothing wrong with that its not as if I know freaking everything in life haha

Dreams are or can be anything from images and emotions to imagination and memories and anything else dreams are complicated to fully explain and science has no definate reasoning for them.

Dreams last for seconds to minutes and we can have several of them in one nights sleep although we wont remember them all. One's we do remember do not tend to stay long with us either unless they were really vivid and weird and if we told someone about them or wrote about them.

There are also dreams where you are self aware known as lucid dreaming. I have never experienced it myself but have heard stories from friends that have and it seems pretty bizarre and freaky but there we go that's all I can report there.

So what dreams have I had?

well lets start with the last dream I can remember.

Watching and joining MachineHead - Yes I dreamt I was with friends watching machine head play in bristol and mh were due to come on but they came on with no robb flynn as he has turned up ill backstage so everyone was pissed as they may cancel last minute but their manager was on stage and he pulled me out and said "yo kid I think you can do this,do you think you can do it?" I said "uh sure maybe" he said no problem and there I was on stage playing with machine head and me in the spotlight covering Rob Flynn and no it didn't end there. The show everyone loved and sure enough they asked me to cover full time,to even take Robs place and I did. Sure enough everyone loved me as mh's new singer that our USA tour kicked off really well but we got to one state which I can not remember and well Rob Flynn was all well and mental as hell and he crashed into our mh tour bus and then I woke up. Haha a bizarre dream I know.

I also dreamt I seen Pantera live and of which was an epic show.I even went backstage and got shit faced with the gang. That was a good one.

I have had a dream I was falling and yeah just woken up spasming well jumping a mile.

I dreamt I was dr.who fighting the daleks.

I dreamt I was a knight of the round table fighting with king arthur.

I have also dreamt i was in the dbz universe and some bastard was going around killing/beating up everyone i know and then was beating me up and i got so mad i just turned into a super saiyan and killed the bastard and then journeyed to get the dragonballs and soon as i wished my friends back to life i woke up. I woke up like feeling pretty good but also wondering if it meant i or my friends were in danger because you know dreams can be possible glimpses into our futures aswell some believe so you know it was pretty weird but at least i killed the scumbag hurting everyone.

In terms of intense scary vivid dreams I have dreamt a few times of losing teeth and it has woken me up really scared and just had me paranoid and checking my teeth and now I have read many meanings of that dream as I have had it more than most dreams and its meaning is,I need a change in my life. So yeah I have made changes and I have not had that dream in about 2 years now seriously though that dream is a mindfucker.

A huge mind boggling dream I had was also well it seemed real was a dream where I was Milla Jokovich you know the actress yes it seemed real and it was really bizarre. I woke up like what the fuck is going on. I was her on set of a film and in a resturant and even with her kids you know it felt and looked like I was there as her. So bizarre and weird it freaked me out now its still bizarre but also funny.

Other dreams I have had have been being at concerts or being a movie star to you know just memories and that stuff.

How about I dive deeper and take us into talking of nightmares now? So Nightmares are unpleasant scary dreams that typically are about our fears and harm and death and just anything to make us sad or scared that we wake up distressed panicked and we then normally stay awake to try and get over it and then fall back to sleep or not go to sleep for a small amount of time due to our fear of the nightmare coming back to us. I have had nightmares of horror scenes and the dead and spiders and just anything i feared/fear i have dreamt about and yeah nightmare's suck!

Dreams are normal and a part of us that we cant get rid of well caffeine,meds and insomnia aside but you get the point dreams make us react in many ways. Dreams are good and just insane to wrap our heads around and they even say soon we will be able to wire our brains up to computers to see or record our dreams which seems utterly bonkers considering. Scariest bits of dreams are we can die in them and in real life and get hurt in real life if hurt in a dream. Its so bizarre and so is the whole dream complex of our humanity. Dreams are just amazing and scary and just well a bit of everything our dreams always change we cant fully control them unless we lucid dream but as i said earlier i have not experienced that so i can not fully weigh in on it. I remember a dream before and i was a cop undercover and this guy i was after found out and he had my wife hostage and i got shot in the arm and i did get the guy and i woke up but my shoulder was like numb it was crazy was it due to the dream or was i just sleeping awkward and it just fell asleep on me? WHO KNOWS!

That is all i have for dreams and nightmares and my dreams for tonight. It is pretty late of the time i am writing this so i am going to go to bed. NIGHT!

Dream Well,Dream on,Dreamers!

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Blogdate - What's to come?

Hey all!

Oops I didn't start with "Alri?" Sorry but how are you? I hope you are alright.

Right I thought I would blog you an update on whats to come on my blogging channel.

More Random Ramblin's - from talking/ranting of loads of topics to talking/ranting about one off topics.

Top 10 lists - Albums,Bands,Movies,Games,Characters,Actors,Actresses etc and my reasons why.

Film/Album reviews which shall be rated out of 10.

Stories I wrote.

Songs I wrote.

My best tweets.

Quotes I like/love.

Updates and sharing vids on my youtube channel.

Revisiting my very first blog.

And what ever else I come up with later down the line.

Youtube videos to come - New parody character to be added the channel expect him soon as the promo videos say. More random videos at work or otherwise. Gaming. Commentary/Rants. a few special videos and projects i have worked on.

I want to also aim to film an hour maybe 45mins documentary on something too. So i will think of some things and hopefully get something finished.

For now that's all of what's to come on my blogger and as ever thanks everyone who reads my blogs and thanks for the support.

I'm off to london for comic con Friday so I shall see you when I am back. My uploads on youtube are picking up again so dont worry if I dont post here much for a while.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part 666 - D-Devils


Before we continue, have a tune - shout out to da raviest raver destructokent

Are we done dancing from the tune? Yes? GOOD CONTINUE TO READ!

So todays topics may come across as evil,mean or controversial but do hear me out besides you have a brain you are a living being,YOU HAVE AN OPINION but do remember there's also bad opinions. Or am I just joking around here teehee haha.

People who call their stomaches aka bellies, TUMMY'S - I HATE IT WHEN I HEAR OR SEE PEOPLE GO "Oh my tummy hurts" I just hate it because its such a childish thing to say and if a grown up says it i cringe and i automatically hate the person then. IT BUGS ME SO MUCH!

Women,who stand you up - Oh such a touchy subject this can be well anything with women mentioned written by a man is always risky to some. Ok ok ladies and lads listen up ok. First off when a woman and you organise a meet up and day before she is all totally up for it excited and you go then the next day to your meet up point and there is no signs of her. Ok so you decide to hour later you get pissed off and she is not returning calls or texts and then head home as she is clearly not coming for some reason. So you head home log onto facebook and guess what her account has been deactivated or she has blocked you? WHAT A BITCH! Anyone who does that shit is an automatic bitch clear and simple. THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO MEET UP JUST SAY "HEY SORRY I CANT MAKE IT/I DONT WANT TO MEET UP WITH YOU" AND WE WILL LEAVE IT AT THAT AND YOU CAN GET FUCKED AND GO LOOKING AND JUMPING AT THE NEXT GUY YOU THINK YOU LOVE!

Women drivers and their drinks and phones - Now i am not going to get as bad as some people get when stuck behind women drivers but listen to what happened to me this morning while driving home. 6am and i am heading home from work and i work near a mcdonalds so as i was passing a woman who did not indicate drove straight out infront of me which i was like "woah what the? ok then you should have indicated love" all calm and a lil annoyed at that then towards the roundabout i was still behind her and she did not indicate and she just decided to stop and guess what i and a few other cars were behind her and the roundabout was clear ok so she should have went and got the traffic behind her going and guess what i see she is doing? STIRRING HER FUCKIN MC-TEA! YES! THAT IS RIGHT! Stiring and drinking her tea from mcdonalds. YOU DO NOT STOP FOR 5 BASTARD MINS JUST TO STIR AND DRINK TEA WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING! IF YOU WANT TO STIR OR DRINK TEA GO PARK UP AND DRINK THE FUCKING THING DO NOT STOP TRAFFIC FOR NO GODDAMN REASON TO HAVE A DRINK! Also i have been stuck behind women drivers who are talking on their phones aswell and lets just say i want to just hold my horn let it beep at them to ruin their conversation. I DO NOT CARE IF ITS IMPORTANT OR NOT DRIVING WHILE USING A PHONE IS NOT ONLY BREAKING THE LAW BUT IT IS ALSO DANGEROUS! PARK UP AND USE YOUR PHONE!

Anything else to rant about women about scott?.i hear you ask. No not for now.

Wrestling (Blank is better than Blank company,oh its all fake!) - Wrestling! The most manly entertaining sport on the planet! I hate the fanboys of wwe i really do. "Any wrestling company that is not wwe is ripping off wwe and is shit" YOU ARE SO FALSE WHEN YOU SAY THAT SHIT! "TNA is so shit " TNA IS NOT SHIT! KEEP YOUR WRONG OPINIONS TO YOURSELF! "Rasslin is so fake an gay!" Its wrestling and its not fake nor gay, it is predetermined with match results and with stories but like movies scripts get written and changed and moves are real and so are the actors and injuries involved. Injuries do not mean to happen but they do in the world of wrestling some minor some severe and some have even died in the ring due to moves taken wrong ok everyone just needs to be careful and practice more before the real match airs on tv's,ppvs etc. I have had some wrestling training and it is by no way fake gay or easy to do. The learning to fall stuff was the most painful i did it wrong hit the back of my head and i just had to sit the rest of the lesson out by how much pain i was in, i even thought i had a concussion it was that bad! I was fine and yeah it was fun to do and i have stepped into a wrestling ring twice and both have not been for matches but just meeting wrestlers in the ring. I love wrestling and i have done since i was a child and have seen a few shows live from independent companies to the big ones. If you love wrestling do not go around slating other companies because the big time companies often hire guys from the companies you hate so much and guess what? They make you like them! Yes can you imagine liking a wrestler that used to be in a company you had so much passion for?! In the words of Iron Sheik "GO FACK YORSELF!"

Youtube Commentators - HOW ARE OR RATHER HOW IS WATCHING RANDOM PEOPLE TALK ABOUT STUFF SO GODDAMN POPULAR PLUS THERE ARE MILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO DO IT AND GET OVER A THOUSAND ODD MAYBE MILLION ODD VIEWS!? I watched the pdp episode of south park and yes it got me thinking of it. Its so weird! I know i do it but i do not go over the top fucktard commentator of every goddamn pointless thing that needs to be talked about!

Ghost-Fuckers - Also known as people who lie about being in a relationship or having fucked him or her here or there what ever. I know your covering yourself up to be more manly and what not but do not lie be truthful because real friends do not need to prove their worth or manliness to their friends they need to be truthful plus if you are caught out in your lies you are gonna be wishing you hadn't lied in the beginning as your friend's will be ripping into you like fuck and guess who's gonna feel more insecure then? Ding ding! Yep, YOU!

Obsessive over posting fans online. - you like pokemon? Great yes do please share the shit out of it and talk the shit out of it to me and yes oh yes now your gonna bring five nights at freddies into it and over post and over talk about it and them and worship them religiously and very obsessive and compulsive. Look its cool you love or like something but can you not keep shoving it in my goddamn face. Sorry but it does bug me when people constantly do it. Sometimes I'm cool with it in most cases im cool with it because I am also a fan but in other cases im not cool with it because I don't like the thing you love so much. I know I sound or maybe sounding nasty but that's how it is at the moment ok.

OK now lets deal with liars/bullshitters in general. Look there's no need to lie. Be truthful and everything will work out better for you. Again if you get caught out you will be ripped a holy new one! Ok we all have lied in our lives of course but how some keep on going and going is beyond me. Yes of course I have told lies and yes I've been caught out of course. I suppose theres times where lying is acceptable like if your ginna die but im not ginna go all too far out of the general every day buisness.

I'm a bad liar especially to my family because I have always laughed and smirked because that's how bad I am. Why am I telling you this? I guess its because its relatable to you in a way. Everything I have typed and shared in my blogs have been relatable I thought because magic happens when you relate to others,you know when you have a common interest we can build friendships and forge other things of course but enough of my blabbering im filling in time and stalling here because my ranty mind has stopped to push out anything else interesting or any other things that have angered me but believe me when I find something else to rant about a part 7 will be released......unless I want to talk about a special one off topic again like I did In part 4. We will see.

 See ya princess.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part 5 - Back to biz

Alri? or as James Davie seems to like "WAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZ UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!???"

Back to a regular thing now as ever with my blog posts, by the way a special shoutout to people who read my posts and also a big thank you to you aswell you legends! ALSO i would like to just say thanks again as the last post was my most read so thanks all!

Last one was serious and not so upbeat or ranty was it? Well this time do not fear but do play your frets as we go on a walk down the annual watt the fuck trial of my random ramblin's.

5 - That number is my lucky number to be honest it has served me well for when i have been associated with the number for example school sports day getting the number 5 stuck to me and winning a egg and spoon race i believe i won once? Yeah once XD I am a big lad aint always been there was a few years of my child hood where i was skinny mcgee but for years i have been big lad scott to some and motherfucker jones to some others and i have been stj for many more but anyway i like the number 5. It is my lucky number as i have said.

Sign Language TV shows - Why the fuck are these types of shows on at early mornings? "3am?! OH BOY time to watch wwe with sign language wrestler Mark "The Signer" Jobber" Yeah good thinking tv organizers. I suppose in a way also its good idea because deaf people can't hear their alarms go off can they? So,they just wake up random times like whenever they want which is some how according to tv channels 3am in the morning?! DA FACK!? F-F-F-F-F-F-F-FAACKIN-BOOOLSHEEET!

Teens of today - Why and what the fuck is the cause of them being so stupid?! Their talk now consists of the following - "Lads,top quality bants,on point,cheeky nandos,cuz,swag,yolo, banter,lad and '#" they basically can and will combine all those words to make a sentence and their friends automatically know what they mean i mean what the fuck is this shit its like speaking in binary code!? EXAMPLE: Dai: "Oh Rhys lads night owt den c'mon yolo like init lad son?" Rhys: "Ah i dunno like i be off with the lads at 6 for lads on tour cheeky nandos night swaggin son #cheeynandos #ladsontour!" Dai: "Oh that is most slamming like i come to like but we gotta be on point slammin son with the lads like proper #cheekynandos and pull sum birs later init?!" Rhys: "Sahn do not even get me started cuz with that banter! My misses dumped me like she was tossing Aaron off last night while i was with her watching eastenders it was most cheeky not nandos worth doe!" Dai: "Oh im sorry butty but she is a slag tho" Rhys & Dai: "TOP QUALITY BANTS!" Rhys: Yea yeah tidy dai cheeky nandos you ledge and pullin sum birds like sounds like a proper top quality night you lad son #cheekynandos #ledge #brick #hashtage init swaggin night because yolo its most proper quality top bants" URGH!? WHAT EVEN!? You feel like an alien sometimes or even in a area full of aliens what even is this?!

People that know you,yet you do not know them?! - WHAT EVEN!? I hate it when people go "Oh alright Scotty boy long time mate" and i am stood there looking at this random person male or female like "Uh who teh fuck are you?" and they go on and on and on about "Oh you know me mun matey" then shakes my hand or gives me a hug and says "bye see you round yeah?" and walks off. It always has me stood there for almost hours after in the exact same spot like "who the fuck was that?! did they rob me? who the fuck was that?! WHY DID THEY HUG/SHAKE MY HAND?! WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!???" I go home then and its on my mind and i ask family members but what the fuck do i even say "Some boy/girl came up to me today in a blue hoody said they knew me and hugged/shaked my hand? what even who even do you even know em?!" Then they are like "No not ringing any bells but blue hoody? Oh it must be your brothers/sisters mate" and that is then more confusing. WHY DID THAT RANDOM FUCKTARD NOT TELL ME WHO THEY WERE OR HOW I WOULD KNOW THEM INSTEAD OF GREAT ME LIKE I KNOW THEM AND LIKE I HAVE NOT BEEN SEEN IN AGES?! Beats the piss out of me. Weird expression that i just used. "Beats the piss out of me"? what the fuck scott? Can someone beat piss out of you? That would be weird,never had the piss beaten out of me personally it sounds like some fucked up pornographic content to beat piss out of someone.. URGH EW MOVING ON! #ChessyNundoes

Bedtime - In this i mean, i say to myself for example right now its 5am and 2 hours ago i was tired as fuck and i said "im gonna go to bed at 4am" what the fuck happened scott? how does time go so fast when you are internetting yet in work its like taking forever!

Battery Powered Cars - So when can i get a car that operated on duracell double a's? It would be more efficient and cost effective being i'd only have to pay £5 for a pack of 10 to power the thing haha!

Robot Wars (brit tv show) - In this day and age robot wars would be fucking mental! 20 years ago well almost it was so fucking insane then people making robots out of everyday things and they made cool ass robots yet today can you imagine the shit people be making oh man it would be killer! PLEASE BRING BACK ROBOT WARS!


My Dad On Tattoo's - So my dad is awesome so is every dad out there (except scum bag dads aka ones who leave/kill their kid or get them into drugs and abuse them, yeah those kind of dads are scum bags or scum dads but scumbags and fuck tards neither the less.) Anyway my dad is against tattoo's right he has worked everyday of his life in different jobs and i broke the news yesterday that i am booked in for a tattoo and now he was surprisingly curious. I was told by my Mam that he does not like them or wants his kids aka me,my bro and sis having tats ok? So my sister has a few and he seems ok with it now i know at the time when my sis had her tattoo's she was like "don't tell dad" etc of the tats and no one really did until she did and she showed him herself right. So i told my dad i am having one on my right leg "CFH" pantera logo ok and he said to me "why have a band tattoo when give it 10 years time that band is gonna be dead?" so obviously as you can guess he does not know of my fave band too well so i replied "but the band is technically dead just 10 years ago their guitarist got shot dead on stage but the other members are alive besides its nothing much for a first tattoo" and he just replied to me "oh ok then." that was that basically. Ah my dad some day i shall write more stories of him and maybe or hopefully document his life on film and his time in the mines, yes that is right but i will save more for another day.

Speed Bumps - Why are they called that? They slow you down not speed you up? LOL!

Vines - Remember last year when they were all the rage and everyone loved them and how good they are. You look at them now and you are left like "da fuck was that shit?" R.I.P. GOOD VINES

Lets play a game! FMK Aka Fuck,Marry,Kill: Harley Quinn,Poison Ivy & Catwoman so FMK? - OH SHIT SON! THIS IS A HARD ONE (NOT A SEXUAL INNUENDO)  Oh god uh well hmm god damn wait ok ok, F = Harley Quinn, M = Catwoman & K = Ivy. Why Ivy should die? Because well she is poison and could kill you! Well all those girls could but i have more trust in them, now i am wondering what Ivy's garden is like. I better move on before i get or YOU get any ideas in your messed up head! XD



Warm Rain - Man i tell you,it is such a unexpected bastard in hot weather when it suddenly rains and the rain is hot too! Its like "yes lord cool me down with your rain! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" scott are you alright?! *Le me turns into Batman Villain Two-Face* XD

Shower settings be like - Antartica = Cold......SO COLD! I think i can see that Jack guy from the titanic oh F-F-F--F-F-F--F-F-F-F-F--FUUUU-----CK, Middle = Welsh weather wet but slightly warm "Ah not too bad typical welsh weather dur make up yo mind like init" and finally Mordor = WARM SO FUCKING WARM IM BURNING I AM LITERALLY DIEING AND EVERYONE THINKS I AM HAVING A CASUAL SHOWER!? SEND HELP!!!

Right oh my metal gods i am off to bed and i think i have wrote enough here and i also need a pee so i shall continue my random ramblin's next time in part 6! BAYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Monday, 6 July 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part Pedwar - The painful truth of the past and encouraging words of wisdom.


***F.Y.I. - So this blog post i have been debating on publishing it or not for the past few days now because i open up more into myself with my past,my life and of some serious issues and these issues these experiences i have decided to weigh in on with my experience and dealings with them and i hope you the reader,reading this understands and takes in consideration how tough it was for me to type and open up a lot more than i very rarely do. I also hope this blog post and my experience's help you through any pain or depression state you maybe in at the moment. You know through my debating my good american friend Annika has really helped me and opened my eyes and not just on my decision of posting this but on a lot of things in the past since i have known her and since we have become friends,so a special shoutout and mention to her!      I hope you take good care of yourselves my friends,family and metalgods and now do me the honors of reading on, yes? :) ***End of F.Y.I***

How's it hanging? Hanging low? Not bad.....what your hanging too low? Well that happens as people age HAHA and hey you,just a heads up don't expect many jokes here today in my blog and i do apologise for it.

So Scott,what are you going to rant and comment on today? Oh that's a good question i will let you know below. So today i get serious and emotional in writing and discussing.


Pain & Depression - Lets start with Pain. We all like it yes? No? Yes, you are right of course we hate it but pain is a very valuable big part of our lives we will all suffer pain in our lives at some point. From things like relationship break ups,passing of someone we know to hurting our selves. We feel pain physically and mentally heck i would say emotionally too but i will wrap that into mental pain. The greatest teacher we will have is pain, we all must be taught it but we must not be schooled by it. Pain and overcoming it defines who we are as people individually. These scars you see are lessons that have left their mark on me,to remind me that i am still alive,that i am human. You know talking of scars and pain and cuts and marks, my dad always shows me a cut or scratch or worse when he has been hurt and tells me how it happened to him, how he got hurt and a scratch or cut no matter how big or small or accident or not,i think it is just to show me that the man who brought me into this world is not immortal and that he does get hurt. I love the man to bits i may not show it or tell him but i hope he knows that i do. Pain is a natural part of life as i said and to me it reminds me that i am alive and human and i am getting pretty emotional right now (I KNOW RIGHT!?) sorry about that. You know i was born into life with a broken foot, a clubbed foot really and through my childhood i suffered with it and had continues work and operations to get it fixed and its better than ever today although still a bit clubbed but i got the scar on my foot for life and of course, i went through pain with my foot for years. As a child and a baby i could never crawl or walk right until i was roughly 3/4 years old because of how fucked my foot was. I used to shuffle across the floor on my butt as a baby until i could actually walk right. I have had specially made shoes for years for my foot,i have had crutches,zimmer frames and wheel chairs to use while my foot was healing but as i said its all good now and the scar remains and i have the metal plate that was in my foot out and in a jar on my shelf and it serves as a reminder of what i have been through in order to fix a broken part of me. Life welcomed me in by telling me the safety and comfort you had in the womb is gone and welcome to life, live it for as long as you can,do what you want but always remember through pain,there is a lesson to be learned,you must remember your limits and that you are human,it is normal to feel pain. I have felt a lot of pain in life i try to keep in my emotions to myself and you know what it is not right at all but i have this pain then of over thinking and just putting myself down by telling myself "no one cares for what you feel or say or are going through or have been through" that is wrong,it really fucking is! Its frustrating me right now! I always put on a fake smile,i am an emotional sensitive guy, i'd say its quite easy to make me cry. To be completely honest, i care to much for my friends and family and not myself too. I take care of myself last,if a friend is in pain or upset guess what so am i! My friend one of my best friends Louis recently broke up with his girlfriend and he and his gf were so close and a cute couple it upset me when he broke the news to me that she had dumped him, i felt so sorry for him and i was there trying to pick him up,that's what i do for all of my friends who are in any pain i try to help them get back up and i don't stop until they are! Any of my friends reading this right now first of all hi! and i shall always be here for a chat anytime,place,day,year etc. Of course i hope they already know that but people need to be reminded and also need to know that i want to help them as much as i can. Pain does a lot for us in life and the mental pain is the long lasting unseen pain we have to experience but take my word for it right now. PAIN DOES END! Pain changes people,to be stronger. Pain is just weakness leaving our bodies. Pain is there reminding us we are human,we are not immortal,we are better than it and we will recover and get over it. I have felt pain more than once in both ways as well as being depressed.

Now lets move to depression and well my experience with it.  In the year 2012 things were worrying me a lot as it was supposed to be the last year of the world in aztec culture you know so we had the internet and news full of doom and gloom reports of the world ending soon so that was playing to my mind you know, what if this year is the end etc and it was no way to live and think constantly and what not and i was at the time working in a work experience placement that was an insurance company. Its a lovely company the people there are all funny and lovely too but what got me to become depressed that year aswell as the impending end of the world was the fact everyone there was older than me and i to be honest think i had a breakdown of a panic attack i was doing the same thing every day,same time,different day,same place,different clothes you know where i am going. Anyway i looked around myself and seen everyone in the office as they are older than me and a colleague was helping me with a spreadsheet and his hand was on the desk and i just looked at it stared at it what felt ages and then i looked at my hands and it just hit me really fast right on my head and got me overthinking. I am getting older. i am going to be old. I AM GOING TO DIE! That was the point my breathing was getting faster i started to panic i excused myself calmly and went to the toilet to try and calm down by soaking myself with water and telling myself its all ok and things will be better and i was over reacting so 5/10 mins later i emerged and went back to my desk no one asked a thing about me and then it was the end of the day of course end of the world,aging and death were on my mind on a bus ride home and it was getting me worked up so much but know what pushed me off the edge? Seeing a plane in the sky (of course) and imagining myself parachuting and that was it,i was sat on the back of the bus just panicking to myself sweating, i kept it all in,all in my mind this was going off it was a set of mini bomb explosions just making me sweat breath faster and just the sheer level of overthinking was too much and just of shit i am going to get old and die some day,what happens when we die? what would i rather do be cremated or buried? and so on i wont go to much into it because still thoughts of death and what's next and stuff still gets me to over think and a lil upset,see i told you i was an emotional sensitive guy. However my depression lasted 3 months and boy it was no fun or no walk in the park,i would act around people normal but on the inside i would be destroying myself overthinking of all the things i mentioned and now by the way through my life i have had these little what if scenarios in my mind before i try or do or go somewhere that also have frightened me and put me off a lot of things in this life. Depression for me was feeling extremely lonely when i wasn't to feeling burned out which was a form of laziness and anti-social so i would be like purposely avoiding people because i didn't want to get any thoughts and ideas to make me dwell deeper into sadness and bring anyone down with me,i kept things on the inside because it felt safe when really looking back on it,it was a stupid thing to have done, i should have talked to people about it but i was afraid people would not take me seriously. It made me see no point in living of which i had contemplated suicide but i did not go through with anything at all because i was stronger than the thoughts, i thought to myself it would be messed up and sad and i was better than that and i will beat what has a hold of me and i did beat it,it took 3 months but i did beat it, it took me hanging out with my friends more so i can get distracted and get my mind off it and onto better things like giving myself a purpose to keep on fighting and what caused me to break free from depression you may ask? A night out with my best friend James and his gf to a nightclub and to have drinks,enjoy the company,the night,music and our surroundings and also being hit on by some random girl of which i ended up dancing with, nope i didn't get her number and she also never did add me on facebook or follow me on twitter but its her fucking loss,she didn't want this legend that's her problem,the day after that night out i felt alive again and it was a good feeling and i was actually up and atom doing things with my head out of the clouds free from the rain.

God that was a bit tough to get out of my system to remember back and to talk well type about but something i have discovered during my depression is writing about it did help and writing about other things,just writing is such an awesome thing to do to get your head away from your troubles and to be teleported into a world of creativity to write what ever you want. I wrote many lyrics and stories in that time some not good others good haha its just the way it goes really (genuinely smiling now like). You dont really need tablets to get over depression you need the right environment and family and friends also music helps too, you don't need to harm yourself to escape pain and depression you need to vent about your troubles or write about them ok please if you are suffering right now take care of yourself,see your friends and family talk to someone and write about it, you are not alone!   REMEMBER! If you ever feel in pain,depressed,angry,lonely do not be afraid to talk about it. Be it physical or mental or to yourself,a family member or friend, always talk about it or do something creative like write about it. Write about what you feel and why you are in pain and write about why you will over come it. Pain does end,you are stronger than pain,you are not immortal but you are strong and a beautiful brilliant human being and for that i respect you dearly my friend.

That is all i have today for you,its been a emotional serious topic and discussion but i thought, i would splatter my brains on the canvas or keyboard or rather my laptop screen and its pretty hard for me to talk of what i feel really in person or otherwise haha

Hey! I got an idea to lighten things up I shall name two famous people who I think would give bad advice to you. Gene Simmons for his infamous rants on depressed people and Shia Lebouf for his just do it videos all because if say you were thinking of self harming Shia well he will no doubt tell you his two famous motivational words.  So that's all from me tonight for this blog entry.

No idea who reads this or I will show it to but I hope you think of no different of me. Thanks for getting this far and reading my blog entries as ever.

Update: I am booked in for a tattoo next month (august) and well i am a lil nervous but i will go through with it,i am having "cfh" on my lower leg near my ankle its a pantera logo standing for cowboys from hell,pantera are my fave band and its nothing big or flashy for a first tat,i expect pain and yeah its nerve racking already thinking of it haha

Again thanks for reading normal schedule resumes in a few days :)

Friday, 3 July 2015

Disturbing Discoveries (2012 story i wrote)

Alri?! (That's become my signature starter point right haha)

I am back again and guess what? ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER STORY!
This one i wrote in 2012 and it was written and finished not long after i finished school and i was at the time doing it for practice of writing a script or a book of sorts, its not very long but it is good i think and also i have left it untouched so there will be errors about don't worry. Tell me what you think and any improvements etc all comments welcome and also the layout is what happens when you copy and paste stuff you wrote in ms word,it is very hard and annoying to change.  :) ENJOY!



Since the dawn of time there have been rules. Since the first living organism was spawned there was hope. Since the first bite there was death. I hope you`ve not been put off reading this as I can guarantee nothing much is going to change later on.  People always ask the same questions what is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? Where do we go? And Why? We will never know for sure the answers to these questions. But we will find clues and on our journey finding them we may also find something we won’t like!

Chapter 1 – Home
Meet Jase Jones a guy who never gives up easy, a guy who everyday is chasing his dreams, a real nice well mannered 25 year old who owns and works at his pub the right way Inn, who lives in South Wales. Jase never dreamed of doing this job or having fun in a job but he has been having the best months of his life since opening it and working there until one quiet day Jase gets a very angry, disgruntled, and drugged up customer who Jase tries talking to and serving him. The Client while shaking and twitching says-“I`d like a pint and a shot please”. Jase replies “Ok sir what kind?” Client- “D...d...d...does it matter? Err Pint now a...a...and hurry!” Jase replies- “Ok sir but what’s the problem and can you tell me what you want?” Client- “I told you just hurry up”. Jase- “Ok sir calm down what’s the problem?” Client talks to himself- “If I give him details he grasses me up. Me calm down?! ME CALM DOWN HAHAHA!!!!! I should but I cant...i ...i ...i CANT! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!” Jase- “Sir please can I help you at all?” Client- “Help? You wanna” Jase- “I will do best I can please”. Client- “I`ve had help! IVE HAD IT! People think I’m insane people I hear them talk they tell me to cool down tell me they help me when they don’t they beat me up report me to police and that’s me in a cell for a week!” Jase- “Sir I promise I will NOT do any of that just let me help you”. Client- “And let me help you COPPER!” The crazed client then pulls out a gun and shoots at Jase yelling “HEEEEEEEEEELP!” Jase hides under the bar and When the client reloads his gun Jase dives at him punches him repeatedly but the crazed man shoots Jase in the arm and kicks him away then when Jase grabs the crazed man with his free arm and pins him to the wall the man says “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I’m sorry I didn’t mean this but he made me do it!” Jase replies- “Who told you? What’s going on?! Tell me your name!” Crazed man “You know already and if you don’t then you’re in for a long ride and the names Stephen!” and then he shoots himself. As the wall, floor and Jase are covered in blood all the people in the pub get up from hiding and start clapping and cheering jase shouting “Our hero. Jase you saved us all Thank You!” Jase then picks up the phone and calls the police and ambulance services to come to his pub.  

Chapter 2 - Old Friends,Fresh Wounds
20mins later the ambulance and police show up and take care of everything and ask jase and the other people in the pub what happened and for eye witness accounts. Jase explains everything to them and then 2 hours later after treatment and giving his statements jase is back home in his pub cleaning things up when an attractive woman shows up and says “Hey jase buddy how about a drink?”. Jase-“Sorry we are closed for tonight”. The girl replies- “Really then why aint the sign up and you can’t decline serving lil ol me”. At which point Jase looks up and sees the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on and replies “Rebecca Smith long time no see”. Rebecca- “Jase Jones long time no talk for me”. Jase- “Huh what do you mean? I aint seen or spoke to you in years!” Rebecca- “Au-contraire my amigo I’ve been in her a few times and I was here earlier with a few of my family and friends” Jase- “Really how come I didn’t serve you or see you?” Rebecca- “ Uhh maybe coz you were busy and I got served by the other employee.” Jase- “Ahh right so I guess you saw everything earlier”. Rebecca “Yes I did you lovable hero!” Jase- “Please enough it’s too much ha-ha so while we are closed and no one but you are in how about a drink and we catch up?” Rebecca- “Sure I’d like that” Hours pass and in darkness Rebecca and jase are still drinking, laughing and talking. Jase- “So what have you been doing these days?” Rebecca- “This and that but you know I’m a journalist”. Jase “Wow well I got news for you.” Rebecca “Oh really what’s that?” Jase- “I shouldn’t have left you go” Jase then falls asleep and Rebecca is left sitting there wide awake jase never knew that she was pretending to be drunk but when they were talking and he looked away she emptied her drink in his. Then while Jase was asleep Rebecca wrote a report on the events at the pub earlier that day and got picked to do a story the next day there. 12pm Jase woke up to people banging the doors and shouting to let them in. At that point Jase slowly got up and walked up to the doors and let the people in. Everyone was patting Jase`s back and saying thanks and good job for yesterday. As Jase served them all one by one they all gave him a bonus £5 for the drinks as a type of thanks for yesterday. At which point when Jase found out he rang the bell and said at the top of his voice “Okay Please stop I don’t want any bonus for my actions yesterday I’m sure anyone would of done it in my situation now please come up to the bar and have your money back!”. At that point everyone in the pub looked round and laughed simultaneously and said “YOU KEEP IT HERO!” Jase then was looking round for the girl from last night Rebecca and then went around looking and asking people if they have seen her and everyone replied with a no. Then Jase heard a voice outside who sounded like Rebecca so he went outside looking around for her at which point he saw her in a smart business suite holding a microphone standing in front of a camera. “Hello I’m Rebecca Williams and I am standing her outside the pub Right Way Inn where yesterday a crazy incident happened involving a crazed drunk with a gun and the landlord Jason Jones. Jason Jones aged 25 was working a normal day as a landlord here serving people food and drinks when a man came in and threatened the people there and then when Jason interfered with the man and asked him to “cool down or to get out” the man then pulled a gun out and shot Jason and then out of what he calls intuition he hits the guy even when shot and disarms the man and then the crazed man shot himself. People say this was an act of a hero and they thank him for it, Intuition or not no one should mess with this landlord! I’m Rebecca Williams outside the Right Way Inn for BBC News Goodbye”. Jase then walks up to Rebecca and confronts her. “What was that!? Huh Explain!” Rebecca sacredly replies. “A report for the bbc on the events of yesterday at your pub”. Jase gets angry and says. “I thought I could trust you. You said you wouldn’t do a report on this situation! But oh boy it looks like you couldn’t resist huh!”. Rebecca sorrowfully replied. “I’m so sorry but there was nothing I could do!” “There was and is always something you can do!” Jase said angrily. “I’m so sorry please forgive me Jase!” Rebecca Said. Jase replied angry. “No why should I!? Every time I get close to you, you push me away with a 5ft pole!”. “Please don’t take it to heart its business that’s all”. Rebecca said. “Then why don’t you switch off from it when your away from your stupid cameramen and stupid BBC news work!” Jase replied. Rebecca was left speechless and Jase then walked away back in his pub. “Uhh not to be a weirdo or anything but I just captured that all on cam.” The cameraman replied. At that point Rebecca looked up and smiled at him to say “perfect we can edit and dub over this!”

Chapter 3 – Troubled Times
When Jase is back in his pub the place is crowded full of familiar friendly faces. Unhappy by what Rebecca did he gets a text from her saying to check the news so he tells everyone to “Quiet Down for a sec!” and he switches on the news only to see Rebecca`s report and to see a dubbed over edited conversation they had earlier the report went like this; “Im here with the landlord of the right way inn Jason Jones.” “What are you doing?” “filming a report for the bbc cant you describe yesterday and what was going through your mind?” “i just wanted to kill the guy that threatened me and my pub im sure im the only guy who would`ve done this!” “Really? You don’t think an average Joe person would`ve attempted this?” “Are you stupid of course not! I hate this town! The people here are complete drunken idiots 90% of the time then you got 5% that are drugged up and the other 5% who are crazy people who deserve to be locked in an insane asylum!” “Jase thats a very harsh thing to say about everyone in this area! “What if they come after you later in an angry mob?!” “I`d be worried but i`d find a way out of it! Now P*** Off and shut the F*** up and get the hell out of here!”. “There you go some words of a so called Hero around this area. I’m Rebecca Williams for the BBC”. “What!? That’s not what I said at all! They edited me and dubbed me over!!! Guys please don’t believe this report!”. Guy 1: “Ha some guy you are!” GUY 2: “You`re lucky we aint gonna burn this place down!” Girl 1: “I hope another crazed guy comes in and blows your brains out!”. So everyone leaves the pub and leaves Jase on his own sad and angry he throws the tv at the door smashing the glasses and landing outside the door on the street. Then an angry Jase decides to have some drinks when a black car pulls up outside the pub and 4 mysterious men in black suites emerge from the vehicle to walk in and have a look around the pub. “Nice place ya got here mac” one of the men says. Jase replies “Yep it is and was and my names not mac”. “Oh of course no its Jason Jones or is it Jase or Anthony Hunter Bowen?” the man replies. Jase instantly gets up and replies, “I have no idea who you think i am but i want you guys out NOW!”. A second guy replies “You've struck a nerve eh boss?”. The first guy replies “How scary” The third man replies “Should we turn the lights on and show him?” First guy: “No we shall show him and see him again, We shall see you again “Jase”. As the men walk out of the pub Jase angrily smashes and breaks some portraits and glasses and goes upstairs to bed. He then wakes up to the sound of loud knocking at 10am only to see when he opens the doors 15 people and 2 police officers waiting. Jase says to them politely “Can i help you officers?”. Officer 1: “Sir we've had complaints of disturbances and you have damaged public property so we are going to present you with a warning and a fine” Officer 2: “Dont let it happen  again please sir or its jail for you”. Jase replied “Oh i wont don’t worry officers and im sorry i will clean it up!”. Jase then goes back inside his pub and thinks long and hard how to get himself out of this mess when a man walks in and points a gun at the back of Jase`s head and says “Sorry to interrupt your cleaning but if you would give it a few seconds then you can clean your blood and brains up along with rest of this mess.” Jase then turns round slaps the gun out of his hand and delivers a viscous headbutt to the man’s nose and then grabs the guys neck and pushes him against a wall and repeatedly palm strikes the man’s nose pushing it up and making the bone hit the brain and instantly kills the guy. He then drops the guy on the floor and kicks the dead man’s body repeatedly to get out this anger he has had today recently.

Chapter 4 – The Return
With his pub in ruins, a warning from the police, losing a friend and mysterious people who keep trying to kill him he knew he had to do something and he needed to do it fast! So he got out a few bin bags and brushes and did all he could then he got stuck on a few things like replacing items and getting someone or something to take all the rubbish away. So Jase got out his phone and called a few friends to see who could help and they all turned him down and he was left with 1 person 1 number he had yet to call for help...Rebecca so he did what he thought was best and called on her. “Hey uhh look im sorry for what was said ok can your forgive me?” Jase said. Rebecca replied “Hmm i suppose so can you forgive me?” Jase replied “Yes anytime anyday of the week i can forgive you” “Then why haven't you called me in the past few days?” Rebecca replied. “Uhh because i was angry and drunk maybe but look” Said Jase. Rebecca replied “Oh i see you want something now huh? That it? Come on admit it”  Jase replied “Yes yes it is ok but i am also sorry” “Ok i dont care now tell me what you want?” Rebecca said. “Well could you come to my pub please and help me fix things?” Jase replied. “Hmm ok i guess i aint got nothing planned i`ll be there in 30mins” Rebecca said. So 30 minutes later Rebecca came along to Jase`s pub The Right Way Inn and helped jase move and get rid of things and for the next 3 days they redecorated the pub and reconnected with each other. With the pub now fixed up and looking new and back to its normal self again there was one thing left to do and that was to re-open the Right Way Inn. So Jase and Rebecca arranged something where she would do a report on the grand opening of the Right Way Inn and he would get more customers for the pubs public appearance. “Hello Rebecca Williams here outside the Right Way Inn a pub where the past few days and 2 weeks have been hell for the place as its been broken in to and completely destroyed but today its owner Jason Jones has re-opened it and has given it a make over so lets go in and have a look and have a chat with Jason.” “Wow this place is amazing so Jason did you come up with the pubs new look?” “No i had some help from a good friend but if she is watching this i`d like to say Hey thanks soo much for helping me out” Jase said. “Okay so Jason tell us what exactly happened what did this place look like before the redesign?” Rebecca said. “Oh well it was in tatters smashed windows, Broken tv, Portraits broke, Juke box smashed, till money stolen. God it was terrible but im glad its over and this place is looking fresh and cool and i hope people can come here from all over the country for some great drinks and some great food thats all i ask now.” Jase replied. “Okay thanks so much Jason. If you want some great food and drink this weekend come on down to Right Way Inn. For BBC news im Rebecca Williams” After Rebecca`s report the next day the place was buzzing with new business from all over the country which Jase had to hire new and more staff to cover the food and drinks when he had his hands full. When Rebecca came in at Sunday night just before closing time Jase lit up and gave her a hug and said “Thanks soo much i owe you!” Rebecca Replied “Ha thanks its no problem its just what i do, Its business” Then at which point the 4 men in black suites who visited a while ago came back. Jase went up to the men and said “Im sorry fella`s we are closing for tonight.” “Please Anthony you`re not yet as we`ve yet to have our drinks” The 1st guy said. “Anthony? You guys got the wrong guy and maybe the wrong place” Jase replied. Then the 1st guy took off his hat and glasses to reveal a scarred and burnt face and said. “Please Anthony sorry i mean Jason right? But we want a drink and we want one now”. “Okay fine fella`s but one condition you tell me exactly who you are” Jase replied. “Surely you remember me Jason no?” the 1st guy replied. “Ha uhhm no sorry you guys dont look familiar at all and i find that hard to say as i remember everyones faces so im sorry fella`s but heres your drinks now take em on the house,drink and leave please” Said Jase. “Boss should i ?” a second guy said. “No come on now lets drink up and do what the man said and head home. Oh by the way Jason here`s my card maybe something on it will refresh your memory Anthony” The 1st guy replied. So the men then drank they're drinks and left the place. “Who were they do they know you at all?” Rebecca asked. “No well im not sure” Said Jase. “Well maybe you should take todays cctv footage to the police station and see if they know or could find out anything.” Said Rebecca. “No it would waste police time and i think they maybe involved in a gang of sorts.” Said Jase. “Really a gang as in mafia or what and in aberdare come on that seems far fetched” Rebecca replied. “Well if theres anything ive learnt over the past few weeks its that nothing is impossible” Said Jase. 

Chapter 5 – Revelations and Painful Memories
The next day 2 guys in black suites showed up at Jase`s pub asking for jase to go with them immediately of course Jase replied with a stern No at which point the men pulled out guns Jase then jumped over the bar and said to the men “Please put your guns down we dont need this here!”. The men replied “Then come outside and it wont be a problem pal”. “No if your going to kill me then do it here infront of all these witness`es!” Jase replied. So Jase rushed towards the men disarmed one shot the other then the guy who he had disarmed gave him a nasty headbutt and with Jase then being disorientated from the headbutt the man picked up his gun and aimed for jase, Then jase realized what was going on and jumped over the bar where he then ducked and hid away from the guy shooting at him. When the guy stopped shooting Jase thought he had gone at which point Jase got up but the man was still there and he shot Jase who fell down like a sack of bricks and since he fell backwards he hit his head on corner of bar. So the man then got out his phone and called someone and said “The deed is done he is dead I shall return immediately”. At which point Jase got up from the bar and pulled shotgun out from under the bar and shot the guy. Rebecca then came downstairs to the bar and asked if he was alright and what happened and jase replied. “The bullet grazed my head and i knocked it on bar im ok but they are dead so call the ambulance and police immediately!”. After doing so Jase falls to the floor with him losing a lot of blood there was`nt much time so the ambulance came 5mins later and took him to the hospital and treated him best they could he then remained there for the next week and 2 days later he regained consciousness but he was lucky he had Rebecca at his side the whole time. So when  he woke and saw her he was happy and the first thing she did was to ask Jase “Whats going on who are these people do you know them?! Tell me the truth Jase are or were you in some kind of Mafia Gangs?” Jase replied with a deep sigh. “Fine yes but it was years ago baby back before i moved her and started a fresh new life.” “So what happened what changed you to the man you are today huh? Drugs Drink what?!” Rebecca asked. “Well i think it was when i fell 3ft down mt. Snowdon and i landed on my head as i was on a hit mission after a mountain walker who owed us money and never payed” Jase replied. “So is your name really Anthony Bowen?” Rebecca asked. Jase replied “Yes my real names Anthony Hunter Bowen not Jason Jones sorry” at that point Rebecca went to the bathroom and started throwing up. Then when she finished she came back in the room and started saying to herself “Omg i cant believe i fell for a murderer someone who could have killed me if someone paid him to”. “Im soo sorry rebecca but how did i know? I only got my memory back due to that bump i had!” Jase said. 

Chapter 6 – Going Home to a phone call
The next day they were allowed home and jase kept the pub closed that day. “What if they come back with more people this time aint you considered that?!” Rebecca asked Jase. Jase replied “Well with my memory back i hope they bring an army i aint going down easy!” Then the phone rang and jase answered it. “Hello Jason Hunter Jones have you been enjoying my friends? Its a shame you killed them but they dont call you a hunter for nothing haha! Although i was sad to hear you killed Stephen poor boy he was`nt right in the head and you shot him in broad daylight shame on you Jasey haha!” Jase askes the guy on the phone. “Who is this?! Are you the one thats been doing this to me!?”. “Please Jase my buddy my bro im just checking up on you, there's 2 guys your gonna run into again later now if you can take care of them then i`ll call you back later if not then sorry bro but i got to go have a nice day”. The line then goes dead and jase then puts down the phone grabs his shotgun from under the bar and waits by the door then the men arrive and knock on his door but Jase doesn't open it so they kick the doors in and then jase emerges from round the corner and shoots the 1st guy the second guy then is involved in a stand off with jase. “Soo here we are once again eh Anthony?”. Jase replies: “Save your breath Richie you lowlife scum!” “Oh Jase please that hurts me and i see you know who i am again i see my boys did a pretty good job but not good enough”- Richie replied. Richie then shoots at Jase, then jase runs back into the pub and goes behind the bar for cover. Rebecca then emerges from the corner and Richie shoots her in the shoulder and shouts “Is this what you want Anthony huh another casualty on your hands huh in otherwords buddy do you want your lovely wife her dead?!” Jase then gets up throws his shotgun at him and then when Richie is distracted with the shotgun Jase gets a kitchen knife and runs towards Richie stabbing him in the chest palm striking his larynx and then twisting his neck. Richie was lying on the floor lifeless and then Jase grabbed some bandages and alcohol and tipped some on her wound and wrapped it up nice and tight to stop bloodflow. Then they breakout passionately kissing eachother when the phone rings and jase stops and goes to answer it. “Hey Jase just saw what you did owch buddy and nice work on the broad!” “Who is this and how do you know?!” Asked Jase. “Thats easy kiddo i hacked your camera`s man it was a beautiful site one ive not seen in years. So i tell you what meet me at Oceana in Cardiff tonight for a lil private party im throwing eh kiddo ill arrange for one of my guys to meet you at your pub and i will have him escort you here what do you say?!” “No! I refuse i dont want to play anymore in these sick games!” Jase replied. “Hahaha You still a comedian Anthony now he will and should be there by about 8pm tonight be there on time sharp man!” Jase then puts the phone down and Rebecca asks him “Who was that?” “Its nothing but ive got to go at 8!” Says Jase. “No but you cant i wont allow it!” Says Rebecca. “Its alright i can take care of myself” Jase replies. “Thats it im going to call the police!” Rebecca replies. Then an angry jase follows her to the phone in the bedroom and throws the phone out the window and locks the door behind him. He then throws Rebecca on the bed and the two start having sexual intercourse. 3mins later a car beeps outside at which point he kisses Rebecca and says goodbye but before he leaves he takes all ammo and pistols he sees and then walks out and gets in the car.

Chapter 7 – Showdown
About Half an hour later Jase and the guy arrive at Oceana in Cardiff where jase then is escorted in the club and taken upstairs in a room where theres 6 men in black suites all looking at him then the chair turns around and the man who organised all this gets his face seen and his identity is soon revealed to Jase. “Im soo glad you could join me Anthony Bowen my evil sick twisted little brother! How've you been Hunter?!” “Jeffrey Bowen my old big brother!” Jase (Anthony) replies. “Good Anthony real good. What about you huh and you`re fancy landlord pub life?” Asked Jeffrey. Jase replied “Been better without all these crazy people trying to kill me!” “Well its business man you should know that thing is there`s a lot of people who hate you and if some of them pay me enough i get hating you to man!” Jeffery replied. “Really Jeff?! Thats what its all about money?!” Jase (Anthony) replied. “Well its what the world is about these days, Economy falling, Prices rising we all need money man” Jeff replied. “Ok well is there anything else we need to discuss in private maybe?!” Asked Jase (Anthony). “Oh yes but i think my boys want a quiet word first. Enjoy!” Jeff replied. So then one of the gaurds goes behind jase and tries choking him with a piece of barb wire but jase counters it and pulls the guy over his head and onto the floor then he stamps on and breaks his neck. Then another gaurd with a crowbar swings at Jase but jase ducks and punches the gaurd in the balls and grabs the crowbar and throws the guy on the floor opens his mouth and with the pointed end of the crowbar he stamps his head down on it making the crowbar go through the guys face. Then 2 gaurds go at him with butterfly knives as then jase grabs the coffee machine and throws it at them burning them and cutting them jase then grabs their knives and stabs them both through the ears simultaneously. Then with 2 gaurds left they get out pistols and start shooting at jase, Who then had to think on his feet he then grabbed the pistols he had picked up from earlier and crouched down and shot the guys in the knee caps making them go down at that point jase grabbed a nearby meat cleaver that was on Jeffs desk and viciously chopped off the guards ears and then sliced they're faces like thin slices of pepporami. Then Jeff turned around in his chair and said confidently “are you all done boys!?”. Jeff was then left speechless as Jase took out all his best and last remaining gaurds. “Anthony could you! Your a killing machine give me a hug bro!” Said Jeff. “Your joking how can i hug or be family to a madman like you?!” Said Jase. “Oh come on now Anthony i aint showed you your pub yet.” Jeff replied. “What have you done!? SHOW ME!” Jase replied. So then jeff turns his laptop around and shows jase the cctv footage of what happened upon arriving at Oceana to his home and to Rebecca. The footage shows a few masked men arriving in a black 4x4 with petrol cans and they empty it everywhere downstairs in the right way inn pub then you see Rebecca come downstairs in the bar area where she grabs the shot gun Jase left her and starts shooting at the men and she hits 4 of 6 guys then the last 2 guys throw a propane tank in and then light the petrol which sets the place alight then the tank blows up and sets the pub alight and then footage goes down. Jeff then says to jase “Oh no what happened? Who did it? Your poor wife Anthony im so sorry brother but don’t worry you're gonna be hanging with me now in single life hooker fucking paradise!” Jase then screams in anger and stabs jeff and says “My name Jason Jones or as some prefer Jase! Anthony is dead! Your goons are dead! My Girlfriend is dead because of you but don’t worry You are dead too!” and then slices jeffs throat open. Then with the room full of blood, glass and bodies jeff walks out of there and heads to his burnt down home only to be left think what if i had done that thing instead. 

Chapter 8 – Closing The Book
Months later jase with help of the community in Aberdare helps him rebuild his home and his life. Jase now has named his pub The Spirit Of Jase! He is still living in Aberdare living upstairs of his pub and he has hopes to move on and settle with a new girlfriend and to start a family afresh.  

The End!
Just now want to say THANKS for reading this, it took me a lot of work, thought and hours to put this together. It may not be as long as some books or stories but i had fun with it and i hope you had fun reading it :) 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Body Beautiful: Masks (2011 Art Project)


Back once again with an old thing i did when i was in school. So i took Art in A Levels in 2011 and i decided for my exam i would do my project on masks and make masks and so i had to write up on them with the topic Body Beautiful. By the way my paper was the best in the class too! Looking back on this i believe it to be lacking haha but at the time me having best result and paper in class? It meant a lot :) I LOVE MASKS. I have had problems with the whiteback ground and with text size while copy and pasting this to my blogger so yeah i done all i can hope you can still see and read it tidy :)

Body Beautiful: Masks 

Beauty is an opinion, a characteristic. Everything possesses it. Some see it outside, others see it on the inside. For my project of body beautiful I am looking at cultures, holidays, artists, facial expressions and music and film because this is where masks came from and evolved to and from and have become so popular over the years. 

I am looking at African culture, Picasso’s art, movies, halloween and for music bands like genesis, slipknot etc as well as looking at these I could also look at masks from another culture and that’s mexican wrestling where the mask means everything. There are a number of ways how and why I find masks beautiful and that’s because I find that masks posses something magical that can destroy the beauty of the face, masks can hide the beautiful face and change the beauty of the face underneath the mask. You can also be possessed to become something wearing the mask,you become someone else,a different side of yourself,that no one knows you,who or what you become with the mask on. The mask also possesses beauty of the colours; shape, pattern and design of them make them stand out and makes them beautiful in a lot of individual ways. Masks are normally worn for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement. Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes. They are usually worn on the face, although they may also be positioned for effect elsewhere on the wearer's body, in parts of Australia giant totem masks cover the body, whilst Inuit women use finger masks during storytelling and dancing. There are many types of masks such as the following: Buccal, Death, Facial and Life mask. A "Buccal mask" is a mask that covers only the cheeks and mouth. A death mask is a mask either cast from or applied to the face of a recently deceased person. A "facial" is a temporary mask, not solid, used in cosmetics or therapy for skin treatment. A "life mask" is a plaster cast of a face, used as a model for making a painting or sculpture.

African cultures are so magnificent they are the one’s to start masks of really, they would make these masks for disguising the face, for hunting or for war or fighting to strike fear into they’re enemies and victims before they die it was just for sport at the time. Masks have come a long way from being made from paint and wood to metal, clay and plastic today. Masks are made for everyday use really people use them in movies, cultures, sport, music, holidays and cosplaying/dressing up, these days. 
In the world of art there’s not been famous artists doing masks but facial expressions is what they have done like Picasso. He paints people and later on he mixed them up a bit changed things around which made his work beautiful and certainly unique and made masks more beneficial and stylish with just his shapes, patterns and designs made such a big difference and if it wasn’t for Picasso, masks as we all know and love today would be different and might not even be around today. 

I practically love Picasso’s art of how he distorts people and makes it look so different that you wouldn’t recognise they’re face. Picasso’s works of art are so beautiful with the colour scheme and patterns and shapes he uses its what makes them stand out from the crowd. 

Movies are mainly where we see masks the most because they are often symbolised as fear. We see them used mostly in horror movies because they conceal the identity of the killer. Notable examples include Jason Voorhees of the Friday the 13th series, Wes Craven's Scream series and Michael Myers of the Halloween movie series. All the mask's do is conceal their identity and be rid of their humanity. 

Sport stars such as Wrestlers often wear masks as its part of their character a gimmick and it could be their lifestyle choice. In Mexico the lucha libre wrestlers wear masks with designs of god,animals,ancient heros and other archetypes. The wrestlers there normally start off their careers wearing masks and assign a character and name to themselves and they do everything to protect their identities because the mask becomes their life a big part of it and they aim to protect it from being taken off them, if a wrestler is unmasked it normally means retirement and some have said it is shameful and an ultimate insult to have it happen and that is why they then choose to end their careers. The masks luchadores wear are iconic symbols of the mexican culture,Contemporary Artists Francisco Delgado and Xavier Garza incorporate those style of masks in their work.The most famous well known lucha libre masked wrestler was El Santo aka Rodolfo Huerta his wrestling career gained him fame and fortune he was never seen unmasked not even when he retired. Wherever he would go if he was wrestling or not his mask would forever remain on. Rodolfo's wrestling career spanned 5 decades, over that time he also became a folk hero,a symbol of justice for the common man in his appearances in comics and movies. El Santo only removed his mask once on tv in his final interview in a mexican talk show after he retired and a week later he sadly passed away aged 66 due to a heart attack,he was buried wearing his famous silver mask.

In music they seem to be used as a sign,a symbol and to make the people who wear them stand out and to be more known and recognised,kind of like a gimmick. Many interviews with musicians who wear masks have said "We wear them for fun and we want to hide our real identities and become someone else, we don’t particularly wear them for scares, even though I don’t think anyone’s afraid of our masks"- Corey Taylor-Singer of Slipknot. 

In the world of art there’s not been famous artists doing masks but facial expressions is what they have done like Picasso he paints people and later on he mixed them up a bit changed things around which made his work beautiful and made masks more beneficial and stylish just his shapes, patterns and designs made such a big difference and if it wasn’t for Picasso masks as we all know and love today would be different and maybe might not be around today.