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Monday, 27 July 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 8 - Post Con Blues?


The past week has been insane and i have not been myself at all. I have been idle rather. Lights are on but i am not in entire control. Its weird trust me. I do feel and see the days this week going by me really fast and its been sad and annoying to experience. Yes i went to LFCC and met some amazing people and even my hero JDF but it was still affecting me my idle-ness and i did loose it for a few mins to smile when i met jdf and some other guests but you know after the meeting with them. it was still there and i do not know what it is. It has been affecting my excitement for lfcc and for having my days off work a lot this past week.UPDATE****I am feeling better now but I am tired atm and another update is i cant seem to concentrate again i or rather it feels like my mind is locked in a box. god i sound mental and stuff i know but i am normal to my knowledge just now and then get this weird thing that i am currently still in.

Toys - What a weird topic scott! I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT! I was babysitting my nephew and you know we engaged into a toy combat with his toys he had brought with him an unopened toy which had a sword so i opened it for him and now the sword with the toy was feeling like it was gonna break soon it was soo bendy so i gave it to my nephew and he put the sword in the figures sword holster or the scabbard if you want to get fancy technical. Anyway, he put it in then pulled it out or tried to and the handle broke which left him really shocked and sad he was like "oh no" i said to him "don't worry im sure i got superglue somewhere here" and i did not find any but i used blue tack and he just said "yay thanks" and then left it blue tacked and stuck in the holster so thats good but the point i am making is they do not make toys aswell as they used to. Toys when i was a kid were of course breakable and did break but only after overuse or a nasty bang with the toy not just break as soon as you take the thing out.  Toys also seem to be very pricey these days. Toys are still cool though!

Sick people (i'm bard please notice it and take care of me) - Why do sick people or to be more accurate people with cold or flu see the need in telling everyone they are sick? Like don't touch me or speak to me if you are sick because I might get it, and I'd not want to be sick with your cold or flu. Also they normally feel the need to remind everyone they are bedridden and ill sorry I think you are being lazy there. Even people with worse diseases or viruses can get up and out of bed and why can't you? Dont be so lazy I know illness zaps energy out of you as your white blood cells go repair yourself as best they can. This is me being a lil harsh but also a hypocrite here tbh. If I have the flu I will be in bed but only when I need sleep. Sleep and warm stuff and water is good.

Good V Bad Food - I have said it before but it always bugs me how junk food costs less than healthy food soo wrong. I bet you could convince or hypnotize someone to make them think healthy food is bad for us and junk food is good for us so then our psychology will be to eat the healthy food because well we got tricked in thinking its bad.

The I am not gonna tell you what's wrong but please give me your attention people - what a mouthful and those people be it on social media or in person are royal knobs. "Im sad" oh whats wrong? "Nothing nevermind" something's clearly wrong so either say you dont want to talk about it or tell me. "Ah no its fine im just sad" but why are you sad? "Ah nothing no reason" well fuck off and be sad then I wanted to help but if your gonna continue tip toeing around you may aswell tip toe and go fuck yourself.

I appear vulgar in my blogs but honestly I'm nice quiet shy in person just I cant help but to get all the shit that's annoying me out of my head and splattered onto a white canvas of which I type on.

My first permissioned night off - So i had a 15 hour shift planned today so i went in things were going same old boring usual shit then 7pm i get a call saying that my company made a mistake and wants to send a different gaurd at the site i was on and i was like "well ok sure i will take the night off thanks" and they were like "ok great" now this is beyond weird but i bet there is a catch or some bad shit from them will be hitting me soon but who knows. Site i was on is just a 15 min drive away from my house the gaurd who turned up to replace me lived 10mins away and you know so neither of us are living that far from the site so i was all happy and dancing and yellin about just like "yes yes yes i get the night off wooo" and the gaurd who showed up was a bit pissed off as he was on a different site and the company messed up and sent him there when there was a gaurd there so then they had nothing for him and said to him to come to my site as i am leaving. Soon as he showed up he said said to me all sarky like "Oh so your getting a night off then huh boy oh nice for you" i was like "well yeah sorry its what our control told me really and if he really wanted a night off he should have told them tbh. My company though jesus christ do they love to fuck up! haha!

Reason's i tend to hate house parties - Well here we go. Now on the record i have been to some good house parties but the majority of them have been total wank because of one thing DRAMA! Yes and no i do not mean in terms of acting serious well in ways i do mean that but just let me explain it all out as i can not find any proper words in my mind to describe it all proper. 1) Girls bitching - Yep always happens the girls there always tend to go out on a limb and bitch about some one at the party. 2) The spoilt brat host - Normally hosts are like cool laid back and sometimes just like a door security gaurd watching out and making sure not much mess is made if all at all haha Besides that there was a party i went to once and the kid's (he is not a kid but for now he fucking well is especially after the way he acted at that one house party he had) perants came home early and were like all friendly and such and he the host of the house party was a lot like kevin from kevin and perry. "Ohhhh muuuum why are you and dad home soooooooooo earrrly!? YOUR RUINING THE PARTY! DO NOT TALK TO MY FRIENDSsSSS!!!"So yeah drama kicked off and caused awkwardness is the long story short and i then left half hour later haha. 3) Knife DRAMA! - So yes this actually happened. At one girls house party (F.Y.I. Her house parties if you can call them that are also insanely boring and shit. The environment and people she invites beside me and few others of course are all shit and dickheads!) girls were bitching (always happens as i said earlier lol) and the boys also were (sometimes happens depends on the people there) so bunch of boys were outside having a ciggy and two boys like the host of the party tbh and one found out the other sent her "cringy" valentines stuff earlier that year and he was making fun of it and so the two had a little tiff outside and the one boy shoved the other (i did not see it all so fuck saying the rest) so they went inside after the ciggy's and argued like hell and stuff and one boy was led to the kitchen which i was also there with the party host, boy 2 and two of his friends when boy 1 came in to the kitchen they both started even more on each other getting pretty aggressive and boy 2's friend who has some mental disabilities decided to pull a knife out on boy 1 because he felt threatened at that point i was stood there like "shit! this is insane. I do not think he will use it though" he did not use it either and he put the knife down and boy 1 was fuming at that point and boy 2 and his friends got kicked out by the party host. That point i was like fucking hell what the actual fuck is going on. IS THIS A HOUSE PARTY OR LONDON I AM AT!?  4) You always have shit music being played by youtube on a laptop or a xbox. NO! FUCK OFF! GET A CD STEREO PLAYER WITH SPEAKERS AND PUT SOME CDS ON. THAT IS HOW YOU DO IT! Hell even put on sky's music channels they are shit but fuck it,i have had better house parties with that shit on than a music video followed by an advert on youtube. 5) No drinks available from host's house - Now i find this shit especially when people leave it late and then say "oh bring own beer" its like the fuck? Are you not drinking then? DO YOU NOT HAVE ANYTHING THERE?! Fuck sake you could have told me a lot earlier than as soon as i turned up. Haha that is basically it to my knowledge. WHAT DO YOU HATE ABOUT HOUSE PARTIES!? UPDATE***** FOR THE RECORD I DO NOT HATE HOUSE PARTIES BUT THESE ARE JUST REASONS AND PAST EXPERIENCES WHICH MAKE ME HATE THEM BUT I WILL GO TO ANY IF INVITED SO YEAH HYPOCRITE OVA HERE!

My tenth blog of random ramblin's series shall be a special one again,just thought i would give you a lil heads up.  I think I will cover embarrassment/embarrassing mistakes tbh because I often think back remember my mistakes and embarrassing moments well and they make me cringe and annoyed so I think if I get some out of my head and onto this white canvas of which I type on I could perhaps laugh about them and get over them but who knows at least maybe I can give you the reader something to read and something we can all relate with and laugh at. Who knows for now I am going to hit the hay. Bye peeps :)

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