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Friday 3 July 2015

Disturbing Discoveries (2012 story i wrote)

Alri?! (That's become my signature starter point right haha)

I am back again and guess what? ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER STORY!
This one i wrote in 2012 and it was written and finished not long after i finished school and i was at the time doing it for practice of writing a script or a book of sorts, its not very long but it is good i think and also i have left it untouched so there will be errors about don't worry. Tell me what you think and any improvements etc all comments welcome and also the layout is what happens when you copy and paste stuff you wrote in ms word,it is very hard and annoying to change.  :) ENJOY!



Since the dawn of time there have been rules. Since the first living organism was spawned there was hope. Since the first bite there was death. I hope you`ve not been put off reading this as I can guarantee nothing much is going to change later on.  People always ask the same questions what is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? Where do we go? And Why? We will never know for sure the answers to these questions. But we will find clues and on our journey finding them we may also find something we won’t like!

Chapter 1 – Home
Meet Jase Jones a guy who never gives up easy, a guy who everyday is chasing his dreams, a real nice well mannered 25 year old who owns and works at his pub the right way Inn, who lives in South Wales. Jase never dreamed of doing this job or having fun in a job but he has been having the best months of his life since opening it and working there until one quiet day Jase gets a very angry, disgruntled, and drugged up customer who Jase tries talking to and serving him. The Client while shaking and twitching says-“I`d like a pint and a shot please”. Jase replies “Ok sir what kind?” Client- “D...d...d...does it matter? Err Pint now a...a...and hurry!” Jase replies- “Ok sir but what’s the problem and can you tell me what you want?” Client- “I told you just hurry up”. Jase- “Ok sir calm down what’s the problem?” Client talks to himself- “If I give him details he grasses me up. Me calm down?! ME CALM DOWN HAHAHA!!!!! I should but I cant...i ...i ...i CANT! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!” Jase- “Sir please can I help you at all?” Client- “Help? You wanna” Jase- “I will do best I can please”. Client- “I`ve had help! IVE HAD IT! People think I’m insane people I hear them talk they tell me to cool down tell me they help me when they don’t they beat me up report me to police and that’s me in a cell for a week!” Jase- “Sir I promise I will NOT do any of that just let me help you”. Client- “And let me help you COPPER!” The crazed client then pulls out a gun and shoots at Jase yelling “HEEEEEEEEEELP!” Jase hides under the bar and When the client reloads his gun Jase dives at him punches him repeatedly but the crazed man shoots Jase in the arm and kicks him away then when Jase grabs the crazed man with his free arm and pins him to the wall the man says “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I’m sorry I didn’t mean this but he made me do it!” Jase replies- “Who told you? What’s going on?! Tell me your name!” Crazed man “You know already and if you don’t then you’re in for a long ride and the names Stephen!” and then he shoots himself. As the wall, floor and Jase are covered in blood all the people in the pub get up from hiding and start clapping and cheering jase shouting “Our hero. Jase you saved us all Thank You!” Jase then picks up the phone and calls the police and ambulance services to come to his pub.  

Chapter 2 - Old Friends,Fresh Wounds
20mins later the ambulance and police show up and take care of everything and ask jase and the other people in the pub what happened and for eye witness accounts. Jase explains everything to them and then 2 hours later after treatment and giving his statements jase is back home in his pub cleaning things up when an attractive woman shows up and says “Hey jase buddy how about a drink?”. Jase-“Sorry we are closed for tonight”. The girl replies- “Really then why aint the sign up and you can’t decline serving lil ol me”. At which point Jase looks up and sees the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on and replies “Rebecca Smith long time no see”. Rebecca- “Jase Jones long time no talk for me”. Jase- “Huh what do you mean? I aint seen or spoke to you in years!” Rebecca- “Au-contraire my amigo I’ve been in her a few times and I was here earlier with a few of my family and friends” Jase- “Really how come I didn’t serve you or see you?” Rebecca- “ Uhh maybe coz you were busy and I got served by the other employee.” Jase- “Ahh right so I guess you saw everything earlier”. Rebecca “Yes I did you lovable hero!” Jase- “Please enough it’s too much ha-ha so while we are closed and no one but you are in how about a drink and we catch up?” Rebecca- “Sure I’d like that” Hours pass and in darkness Rebecca and jase are still drinking, laughing and talking. Jase- “So what have you been doing these days?” Rebecca- “This and that but you know I’m a journalist”. Jase “Wow well I got news for you.” Rebecca “Oh really what’s that?” Jase- “I shouldn’t have left you go” Jase then falls asleep and Rebecca is left sitting there wide awake jase never knew that she was pretending to be drunk but when they were talking and he looked away she emptied her drink in his. Then while Jase was asleep Rebecca wrote a report on the events at the pub earlier that day and got picked to do a story the next day there. 12pm Jase woke up to people banging the doors and shouting to let them in. At that point Jase slowly got up and walked up to the doors and let the people in. Everyone was patting Jase`s back and saying thanks and good job for yesterday. As Jase served them all one by one they all gave him a bonus £5 for the drinks as a type of thanks for yesterday. At which point when Jase found out he rang the bell and said at the top of his voice “Okay Please stop I don’t want any bonus for my actions yesterday I’m sure anyone would of done it in my situation now please come up to the bar and have your money back!”. At that point everyone in the pub looked round and laughed simultaneously and said “YOU KEEP IT HERO!” Jase then was looking round for the girl from last night Rebecca and then went around looking and asking people if they have seen her and everyone replied with a no. Then Jase heard a voice outside who sounded like Rebecca so he went outside looking around for her at which point he saw her in a smart business suite holding a microphone standing in front of a camera. “Hello I’m Rebecca Williams and I am standing her outside the pub Right Way Inn where yesterday a crazy incident happened involving a crazed drunk with a gun and the landlord Jason Jones. Jason Jones aged 25 was working a normal day as a landlord here serving people food and drinks when a man came in and threatened the people there and then when Jason interfered with the man and asked him to “cool down or to get out” the man then pulled a gun out and shot Jason and then out of what he calls intuition he hits the guy even when shot and disarms the man and then the crazed man shot himself. People say this was an act of a hero and they thank him for it, Intuition or not no one should mess with this landlord! I’m Rebecca Williams outside the Right Way Inn for BBC News Goodbye”. Jase then walks up to Rebecca and confronts her. “What was that!? Huh Explain!” Rebecca sacredly replies. “A report for the bbc on the events of yesterday at your pub”. Jase gets angry and says. “I thought I could trust you. You said you wouldn’t do a report on this situation! But oh boy it looks like you couldn’t resist huh!”. Rebecca sorrowfully replied. “I’m so sorry but there was nothing I could do!” “There was and is always something you can do!” Jase said angrily. “I’m so sorry please forgive me Jase!” Rebecca Said. Jase replied angry. “No why should I!? Every time I get close to you, you push me away with a 5ft pole!”. “Please don’t take it to heart its business that’s all”. Rebecca said. “Then why don’t you switch off from it when your away from your stupid cameramen and stupid BBC news work!” Jase replied. Rebecca was left speechless and Jase then walked away back in his pub. “Uhh not to be a weirdo or anything but I just captured that all on cam.” The cameraman replied. At that point Rebecca looked up and smiled at him to say “perfect we can edit and dub over this!”

Chapter 3 – Troubled Times
When Jase is back in his pub the place is crowded full of familiar friendly faces. Unhappy by what Rebecca did he gets a text from her saying to check the news so he tells everyone to “Quiet Down for a sec!” and he switches on the news only to see Rebecca`s report and to see a dubbed over edited conversation they had earlier the report went like this; “Im here with the landlord of the right way inn Jason Jones.” “What are you doing?” “filming a report for the bbc cant you describe yesterday and what was going through your mind?” “i just wanted to kill the guy that threatened me and my pub im sure im the only guy who would`ve done this!” “Really? You don’t think an average Joe person would`ve attempted this?” “Are you stupid of course not! I hate this town! The people here are complete drunken idiots 90% of the time then you got 5% that are drugged up and the other 5% who are crazy people who deserve to be locked in an insane asylum!” “Jase thats a very harsh thing to say about everyone in this area! “What if they come after you later in an angry mob?!” “I`d be worried but i`d find a way out of it! Now P*** Off and shut the F*** up and get the hell out of here!”. “There you go some words of a so called Hero around this area. I’m Rebecca Williams for the BBC”. “What!? That’s not what I said at all! They edited me and dubbed me over!!! Guys please don’t believe this report!”. Guy 1: “Ha some guy you are!” GUY 2: “You`re lucky we aint gonna burn this place down!” Girl 1: “I hope another crazed guy comes in and blows your brains out!”. So everyone leaves the pub and leaves Jase on his own sad and angry he throws the tv at the door smashing the glasses and landing outside the door on the street. Then an angry Jase decides to have some drinks when a black car pulls up outside the pub and 4 mysterious men in black suites emerge from the vehicle to walk in and have a look around the pub. “Nice place ya got here mac” one of the men says. Jase replies “Yep it is and was and my names not mac”. “Oh of course no its Jason Jones or is it Jase or Anthony Hunter Bowen?” the man replies. Jase instantly gets up and replies, “I have no idea who you think i am but i want you guys out NOW!”. A second guy replies “You've struck a nerve eh boss?”. The first guy replies “How scary” The third man replies “Should we turn the lights on and show him?” First guy: “No we shall show him and see him again, We shall see you again “Jase”. As the men walk out of the pub Jase angrily smashes and breaks some portraits and glasses and goes upstairs to bed. He then wakes up to the sound of loud knocking at 10am only to see when he opens the doors 15 people and 2 police officers waiting. Jase says to them politely “Can i help you officers?”. Officer 1: “Sir we've had complaints of disturbances and you have damaged public property so we are going to present you with a warning and a fine” Officer 2: “Dont let it happen  again please sir or its jail for you”. Jase replied “Oh i wont don’t worry officers and im sorry i will clean it up!”. Jase then goes back inside his pub and thinks long and hard how to get himself out of this mess when a man walks in and points a gun at the back of Jase`s head and says “Sorry to interrupt your cleaning but if you would give it a few seconds then you can clean your blood and brains up along with rest of this mess.” Jase then turns round slaps the gun out of his hand and delivers a viscous headbutt to the man’s nose and then grabs the guys neck and pushes him against a wall and repeatedly palm strikes the man’s nose pushing it up and making the bone hit the brain and instantly kills the guy. He then drops the guy on the floor and kicks the dead man’s body repeatedly to get out this anger he has had today recently.

Chapter 4 – The Return
With his pub in ruins, a warning from the police, losing a friend and mysterious people who keep trying to kill him he knew he had to do something and he needed to do it fast! So he got out a few bin bags and brushes and did all he could then he got stuck on a few things like replacing items and getting someone or something to take all the rubbish away. So Jase got out his phone and called a few friends to see who could help and they all turned him down and he was left with 1 person 1 number he had yet to call for help...Rebecca so he did what he thought was best and called on her. “Hey uhh look im sorry for what was said ok can your forgive me?” Jase said. Rebecca replied “Hmm i suppose so can you forgive me?” Jase replied “Yes anytime anyday of the week i can forgive you” “Then why haven't you called me in the past few days?” Rebecca replied. “Uhh because i was angry and drunk maybe but look” Said Jase. Rebecca replied “Oh i see you want something now huh? That it? Come on admit it”  Jase replied “Yes yes it is ok but i am also sorry” “Ok i dont care now tell me what you want?” Rebecca said. “Well could you come to my pub please and help me fix things?” Jase replied. “Hmm ok i guess i aint got nothing planned i`ll be there in 30mins” Rebecca said. So 30 minutes later Rebecca came along to Jase`s pub The Right Way Inn and helped jase move and get rid of things and for the next 3 days they redecorated the pub and reconnected with each other. With the pub now fixed up and looking new and back to its normal self again there was one thing left to do and that was to re-open the Right Way Inn. So Jase and Rebecca arranged something where she would do a report on the grand opening of the Right Way Inn and he would get more customers for the pubs public appearance. “Hello Rebecca Williams here outside the Right Way Inn a pub where the past few days and 2 weeks have been hell for the place as its been broken in to and completely destroyed but today its owner Jason Jones has re-opened it and has given it a make over so lets go in and have a look and have a chat with Jason.” “Wow this place is amazing so Jason did you come up with the pubs new look?” “No i had some help from a good friend but if she is watching this i`d like to say Hey thanks soo much for helping me out” Jase said. “Okay so Jason tell us what exactly happened what did this place look like before the redesign?” Rebecca said. “Oh well it was in tatters smashed windows, Broken tv, Portraits broke, Juke box smashed, till money stolen. God it was terrible but im glad its over and this place is looking fresh and cool and i hope people can come here from all over the country for some great drinks and some great food thats all i ask now.” Jase replied. “Okay thanks so much Jason. If you want some great food and drink this weekend come on down to Right Way Inn. For BBC news im Rebecca Williams” After Rebecca`s report the next day the place was buzzing with new business from all over the country which Jase had to hire new and more staff to cover the food and drinks when he had his hands full. When Rebecca came in at Sunday night just before closing time Jase lit up and gave her a hug and said “Thanks soo much i owe you!” Rebecca Replied “Ha thanks its no problem its just what i do, Its business” Then at which point the 4 men in black suites who visited a while ago came back. Jase went up to the men and said “Im sorry fella`s we are closing for tonight.” “Please Anthony you`re not yet as we`ve yet to have our drinks” The 1st guy said. “Anthony? You guys got the wrong guy and maybe the wrong place” Jase replied. Then the 1st guy took off his hat and glasses to reveal a scarred and burnt face and said. “Please Anthony sorry i mean Jason right? But we want a drink and we want one now”. “Okay fine fella`s but one condition you tell me exactly who you are” Jase replied. “Surely you remember me Jason no?” the 1st guy replied. “Ha uhhm no sorry you guys dont look familiar at all and i find that hard to say as i remember everyones faces so im sorry fella`s but heres your drinks now take em on the house,drink and leave please” Said Jase. “Boss should i ?” a second guy said. “No come on now lets drink up and do what the man said and head home. Oh by the way Jason here`s my card maybe something on it will refresh your memory Anthony” The 1st guy replied. So the men then drank they're drinks and left the place. “Who were they do they know you at all?” Rebecca asked. “No well im not sure” Said Jase. “Well maybe you should take todays cctv footage to the police station and see if they know or could find out anything.” Said Rebecca. “No it would waste police time and i think they maybe involved in a gang of sorts.” Said Jase. “Really a gang as in mafia or what and in aberdare come on that seems far fetched” Rebecca replied. “Well if theres anything ive learnt over the past few weeks its that nothing is impossible” Said Jase. 

Chapter 5 – Revelations and Painful Memories
The next day 2 guys in black suites showed up at Jase`s pub asking for jase to go with them immediately of course Jase replied with a stern No at which point the men pulled out guns Jase then jumped over the bar and said to the men “Please put your guns down we dont need this here!”. The men replied “Then come outside and it wont be a problem pal”. “No if your going to kill me then do it here infront of all these witness`es!” Jase replied. So Jase rushed towards the men disarmed one shot the other then the guy who he had disarmed gave him a nasty headbutt and with Jase then being disorientated from the headbutt the man picked up his gun and aimed for jase, Then jase realized what was going on and jumped over the bar where he then ducked and hid away from the guy shooting at him. When the guy stopped shooting Jase thought he had gone at which point Jase got up but the man was still there and he shot Jase who fell down like a sack of bricks and since he fell backwards he hit his head on corner of bar. So the man then got out his phone and called someone and said “The deed is done he is dead I shall return immediately”. At which point Jase got up from the bar and pulled shotgun out from under the bar and shot the guy. Rebecca then came downstairs to the bar and asked if he was alright and what happened and jase replied. “The bullet grazed my head and i knocked it on bar im ok but they are dead so call the ambulance and police immediately!”. After doing so Jase falls to the floor with him losing a lot of blood there was`nt much time so the ambulance came 5mins later and took him to the hospital and treated him best they could he then remained there for the next week and 2 days later he regained consciousness but he was lucky he had Rebecca at his side the whole time. So when  he woke and saw her he was happy and the first thing she did was to ask Jase “Whats going on who are these people do you know them?! Tell me the truth Jase are or were you in some kind of Mafia Gangs?” Jase replied with a deep sigh. “Fine yes but it was years ago baby back before i moved her and started a fresh new life.” “So what happened what changed you to the man you are today huh? Drugs Drink what?!” Rebecca asked. “Well i think it was when i fell 3ft down mt. Snowdon and i landed on my head as i was on a hit mission after a mountain walker who owed us money and never payed” Jase replied. “So is your name really Anthony Bowen?” Rebecca asked. Jase replied “Yes my real names Anthony Hunter Bowen not Jason Jones sorry” at that point Rebecca went to the bathroom and started throwing up. Then when she finished she came back in the room and started saying to herself “Omg i cant believe i fell for a murderer someone who could have killed me if someone paid him to”. “Im soo sorry rebecca but how did i know? I only got my memory back due to that bump i had!” Jase said. 

Chapter 6 – Going Home to a phone call
The next day they were allowed home and jase kept the pub closed that day. “What if they come back with more people this time aint you considered that?!” Rebecca asked Jase. Jase replied “Well with my memory back i hope they bring an army i aint going down easy!” Then the phone rang and jase answered it. “Hello Jason Hunter Jones have you been enjoying my friends? Its a shame you killed them but they dont call you a hunter for nothing haha! Although i was sad to hear you killed Stephen poor boy he was`nt right in the head and you shot him in broad daylight shame on you Jasey haha!” Jase askes the guy on the phone. “Who is this?! Are you the one thats been doing this to me!?”. “Please Jase my buddy my bro im just checking up on you, there's 2 guys your gonna run into again later now if you can take care of them then i`ll call you back later if not then sorry bro but i got to go have a nice day”. The line then goes dead and jase then puts down the phone grabs his shotgun from under the bar and waits by the door then the men arrive and knock on his door but Jase doesn't open it so they kick the doors in and then jase emerges from round the corner and shoots the 1st guy the second guy then is involved in a stand off with jase. “Soo here we are once again eh Anthony?”. Jase replies: “Save your breath Richie you lowlife scum!” “Oh Jase please that hurts me and i see you know who i am again i see my boys did a pretty good job but not good enough”- Richie replied. Richie then shoots at Jase, then jase runs back into the pub and goes behind the bar for cover. Rebecca then emerges from the corner and Richie shoots her in the shoulder and shouts “Is this what you want Anthony huh another casualty on your hands huh in otherwords buddy do you want your lovely wife her dead?!” Jase then gets up throws his shotgun at him and then when Richie is distracted with the shotgun Jase gets a kitchen knife and runs towards Richie stabbing him in the chest palm striking his larynx and then twisting his neck. Richie was lying on the floor lifeless and then Jase grabbed some bandages and alcohol and tipped some on her wound and wrapped it up nice and tight to stop bloodflow. Then they breakout passionately kissing eachother when the phone rings and jase stops and goes to answer it. “Hey Jase just saw what you did owch buddy and nice work on the broad!” “Who is this and how do you know?!” Asked Jase. “Thats easy kiddo i hacked your camera`s man it was a beautiful site one ive not seen in years. So i tell you what meet me at Oceana in Cardiff tonight for a lil private party im throwing eh kiddo ill arrange for one of my guys to meet you at your pub and i will have him escort you here what do you say?!” “No! I refuse i dont want to play anymore in these sick games!” Jase replied. “Hahaha You still a comedian Anthony now he will and should be there by about 8pm tonight be there on time sharp man!” Jase then puts the phone down and Rebecca asks him “Who was that?” “Its nothing but ive got to go at 8!” Says Jase. “No but you cant i wont allow it!” Says Rebecca. “Its alright i can take care of myself” Jase replies. “Thats it im going to call the police!” Rebecca replies. Then an angry jase follows her to the phone in the bedroom and throws the phone out the window and locks the door behind him. He then throws Rebecca on the bed and the two start having sexual intercourse. 3mins later a car beeps outside at which point he kisses Rebecca and says goodbye but before he leaves he takes all ammo and pistols he sees and then walks out and gets in the car.

Chapter 7 – Showdown
About Half an hour later Jase and the guy arrive at Oceana in Cardiff where jase then is escorted in the club and taken upstairs in a room where theres 6 men in black suites all looking at him then the chair turns around and the man who organised all this gets his face seen and his identity is soon revealed to Jase. “Im soo glad you could join me Anthony Bowen my evil sick twisted little brother! How've you been Hunter?!” “Jeffrey Bowen my old big brother!” Jase (Anthony) replies. “Good Anthony real good. What about you huh and you`re fancy landlord pub life?” Asked Jeffrey. Jase replied “Been better without all these crazy people trying to kill me!” “Well its business man you should know that thing is there`s a lot of people who hate you and if some of them pay me enough i get hating you to man!” Jeffery replied. “Really Jeff?! Thats what its all about money?!” Jase (Anthony) replied. “Well its what the world is about these days, Economy falling, Prices rising we all need money man” Jeff replied. “Ok well is there anything else we need to discuss in private maybe?!” Asked Jase (Anthony). “Oh yes but i think my boys want a quiet word first. Enjoy!” Jeff replied. So then one of the gaurds goes behind jase and tries choking him with a piece of barb wire but jase counters it and pulls the guy over his head and onto the floor then he stamps on and breaks his neck. Then another gaurd with a crowbar swings at Jase but jase ducks and punches the gaurd in the balls and grabs the crowbar and throws the guy on the floor opens his mouth and with the pointed end of the crowbar he stamps his head down on it making the crowbar go through the guys face. Then 2 gaurds go at him with butterfly knives as then jase grabs the coffee machine and throws it at them burning them and cutting them jase then grabs their knives and stabs them both through the ears simultaneously. Then with 2 gaurds left they get out pistols and start shooting at jase, Who then had to think on his feet he then grabbed the pistols he had picked up from earlier and crouched down and shot the guys in the knee caps making them go down at that point jase grabbed a nearby meat cleaver that was on Jeffs desk and viciously chopped off the guards ears and then sliced they're faces like thin slices of pepporami. Then Jeff turned around in his chair and said confidently “are you all done boys!?”. Jeff was then left speechless as Jase took out all his best and last remaining gaurds. “Anthony could you! Your a killing machine give me a hug bro!” Said Jeff. “Your joking how can i hug or be family to a madman like you?!” Said Jase. “Oh come on now Anthony i aint showed you your pub yet.” Jeff replied. “What have you done!? SHOW ME!” Jase replied. So then jeff turns his laptop around and shows jase the cctv footage of what happened upon arriving at Oceana to his home and to Rebecca. The footage shows a few masked men arriving in a black 4x4 with petrol cans and they empty it everywhere downstairs in the right way inn pub then you see Rebecca come downstairs in the bar area where she grabs the shot gun Jase left her and starts shooting at the men and she hits 4 of 6 guys then the last 2 guys throw a propane tank in and then light the petrol which sets the place alight then the tank blows up and sets the pub alight and then footage goes down. Jeff then says to jase “Oh no what happened? Who did it? Your poor wife Anthony im so sorry brother but don’t worry you're gonna be hanging with me now in single life hooker fucking paradise!” Jase then screams in anger and stabs jeff and says “My name Jason Jones or as some prefer Jase! Anthony is dead! Your goons are dead! My Girlfriend is dead because of you but don’t worry You are dead too!” and then slices jeffs throat open. Then with the room full of blood, glass and bodies jeff walks out of there and heads to his burnt down home only to be left think what if i had done that thing instead. 

Chapter 8 – Closing The Book
Months later jase with help of the community in Aberdare helps him rebuild his home and his life. Jase now has named his pub The Spirit Of Jase! He is still living in Aberdare living upstairs of his pub and he has hopes to move on and settle with a new girlfriend and to start a family afresh.  

The End!
Just now want to say THANKS for reading this, it took me a lot of work, thought and hours to put this together. It may not be as long as some books or stories but i had fun with it and i hope you had fun reading it :) 

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