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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part 7: Wake Up Neo!

Hahaha Alri?

Why did I laugh at the start well the title made me laugh.....its a matrix thing.....

So I am going to be talking about something we all experience everytime we sleep.

Dreams - So here I am awake and talking about dreams or am I really asleep? Inception! Ok yada yadda out of the way DiCaprio haha.

Right so why dreams? Huh why is scott going to be talking about dreams for? Well as I said we all have dreams and not in terms of goals to achieve in our awake lives but the dreams we have while we sleep. I will be talking about my dreams aswell here and well anything else I think of dream wise and explaining them the best I and google can. Yes I will use google for some stuff. What? Nothing wrong with that its not as if I know freaking everything in life haha

Dreams are or can be anything from images and emotions to imagination and memories and anything else dreams are complicated to fully explain and science has no definate reasoning for them.

Dreams last for seconds to minutes and we can have several of them in one nights sleep although we wont remember them all. One's we do remember do not tend to stay long with us either unless they were really vivid and weird and if we told someone about them or wrote about them.

There are also dreams where you are self aware known as lucid dreaming. I have never experienced it myself but have heard stories from friends that have and it seems pretty bizarre and freaky but there we go that's all I can report there.

So what dreams have I had?

well lets start with the last dream I can remember.

Watching and joining MachineHead - Yes I dreamt I was with friends watching machine head play in bristol and mh were due to come on but they came on with no robb flynn as he has turned up ill backstage so everyone was pissed as they may cancel last minute but their manager was on stage and he pulled me out and said "yo kid I think you can do this,do you think you can do it?" I said "uh sure maybe" he said no problem and there I was on stage playing with machine head and me in the spotlight covering Rob Flynn and no it didn't end there. The show everyone loved and sure enough they asked me to cover full time,to even take Robs place and I did. Sure enough everyone loved me as mh's new singer that our USA tour kicked off really well but we got to one state which I can not remember and well Rob Flynn was all well and mental as hell and he crashed into our mh tour bus and then I woke up. Haha a bizarre dream I know.

I also dreamt I seen Pantera live and of which was an epic show.I even went backstage and got shit faced with the gang. That was a good one.

I have had a dream I was falling and yeah just woken up spasming well jumping a mile.

I dreamt I was dr.who fighting the daleks.

I dreamt I was a knight of the round table fighting with king arthur.

I have also dreamt i was in the dbz universe and some bastard was going around killing/beating up everyone i know and then was beating me up and i got so mad i just turned into a super saiyan and killed the bastard and then journeyed to get the dragonballs and soon as i wished my friends back to life i woke up. I woke up like feeling pretty good but also wondering if it meant i or my friends were in danger because you know dreams can be possible glimpses into our futures aswell some believe so you know it was pretty weird but at least i killed the scumbag hurting everyone.

In terms of intense scary vivid dreams I have dreamt a few times of losing teeth and it has woken me up really scared and just had me paranoid and checking my teeth and now I have read many meanings of that dream as I have had it more than most dreams and its meaning is,I need a change in my life. So yeah I have made changes and I have not had that dream in about 2 years now seriously though that dream is a mindfucker.

A huge mind boggling dream I had was also well it seemed real was a dream where I was Milla Jokovich you know the actress yes it seemed real and it was really bizarre. I woke up like what the fuck is going on. I was her on set of a film and in a resturant and even with her kids you know it felt and looked like I was there as her. So bizarre and weird it freaked me out now its still bizarre but also funny.

Other dreams I have had have been being at concerts or being a movie star to you know just memories and that stuff.

How about I dive deeper and take us into talking of nightmares now? So Nightmares are unpleasant scary dreams that typically are about our fears and harm and death and just anything to make us sad or scared that we wake up distressed panicked and we then normally stay awake to try and get over it and then fall back to sleep or not go to sleep for a small amount of time due to our fear of the nightmare coming back to us. I have had nightmares of horror scenes and the dead and spiders and just anything i feared/fear i have dreamt about and yeah nightmare's suck!

Dreams are normal and a part of us that we cant get rid of well caffeine,meds and insomnia aside but you get the point dreams make us react in many ways. Dreams are good and just insane to wrap our heads around and they even say soon we will be able to wire our brains up to computers to see or record our dreams which seems utterly bonkers considering. Scariest bits of dreams are we can die in them and in real life and get hurt in real life if hurt in a dream. Its so bizarre and so is the whole dream complex of our humanity. Dreams are just amazing and scary and just well a bit of everything our dreams always change we cant fully control them unless we lucid dream but as i said earlier i have not experienced that so i can not fully weigh in on it. I remember a dream before and i was a cop undercover and this guy i was after found out and he had my wife hostage and i got shot in the arm and i did get the guy and i woke up but my shoulder was like numb it was crazy was it due to the dream or was i just sleeping awkward and it just fell asleep on me? WHO KNOWS!

That is all i have for dreams and nightmares and my dreams for tonight. It is pretty late of the time i am writing this so i am going to go to bed. NIGHT!

Dream Well,Dream on,Dreamers!

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