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Saturday, 30 July 2016

Is plus sized modelling glorifying obesity? My two sides of the coin.

In a society where obesity is hated and frowned upon and is also apart of some, easy quick cash money scheme industry (just look at all those ads out there for examples that want you to pay them to get you skinny or muscular even). I have to ask. 

Are we glorifying obesity with models who are plus size? 

We see it a lot more often now than we used to. The change of the size and the shape of models, now that we have a new category of plus size? 

Plus size i find is just a word an excuse even to to mask people being fat and modelling, saying plus size is not as hurtful as being called fat but it can still be taken in as that by some. 

Some people go online to post their selves in bikini's to promote being plus sized or a new range of plus sized clothing which is all good i get that they do it for some much needed boost of confidence in a way? I say that as i think you need confidence to post a pic of you revealing on social media networks. Some call it bravery. I don't. Why? Because if we humans have evolved to the fact we now find posting pictures showing more of our skin and body's off to be brave then, swimming with sharks,holding spiders,battling cancer,fighting in the armed forces and skydiving is now to be seen as what, not brave then would you say?

Remember when people called Cait Jenner brave? Yeah that shit is not brave it's viewed in a way to me as a stunt, just another a publicity stunt because holy rusted metal batman she has become so fucking popular and that's like really? Oh and all her previous crimes and scumbaggery of running people over is now to be seen as non-existent? No just no. Switching genders the only part of bravery in that is being awake while having your ho ha rearranged quite frankly that shit is scary shit. I will add i have respect for people out there who come out as whatever gender or sexual orientation because that is scary for them and you know that i can see as being a brave thing to do in this negative world. I have gone off topic here but let me get back on topic.

With plus sized models popping up and campaigning or complaining more and more, i wonder if that is setting up hidden subliminal's in a way and if people are glorifying being over weight?

Me? Oh yes i know i am fat or big or what other crap you want to spout but i for one am all about be happy in your own skin no matter your race,gender or size etc you know, i believe everyone should be happy with the way they are.

Look it's fine to be what ever you are but if it's looking unhealthy i don't think you should be doing that if that makes any sense because people look for role models and i do think there are more role models for men more than women of course and yes this is coming from myself who is a man and my point of view but it's all for a point i am going to try and make.

Girls i believe are easily more influenced by the media than men, it's all for the latest trend to look hot and compete with other women and the big the humongous fact of it all is the media puts more pressure on the women. They force onto both genders that this or that is how the ideal woman should look like and these are the products she should use etc and this and that bullshit.

Women do not need to wear overly revealing outfits 24/7 nor do they need to look like Ompa Loompa's from Willy Wonka's factory nor do they need all that other fakery. Girls come on please wipe it all off look in the mirror and see your true beauty the way your man, and other men and women should! 

In the industry of modelling i will say that i personally don't like the boney bags of skinny women who only got skinny due to pill taking for the sake of wanting to be skinny or thin rather. I hate they glorify and tell others subliminally that you should be size 0 with your ribs on show wearing tight ass clothes to look and to feel and to be hot when you really look like you need fucking food more than anyone on the planet.

Alternatively i do see it with the plus size too but not so much i will say this that the plus size look more healthier than those bags of bones do. If i want to date Skeletor i would go up in my attic and find an old Skeletor figure haha. 

Don't stave yourself to get the body you want!

Of course the media likes to weigh in so much on everything and they have weighed in on both sizes of the modelling industry. 

The media depicts the skinny as having eating disorders and many think with moves in the media industry that the bigger sizes are what's right and try to get to that level. Of course not everything the media say's is true. Not all skinny models take pills or have diseases that make them that size. 

I am going to paste a quote here which i very much agree with. "Everyone has an ideal weight in accordance with their height, lifestyle and Body Mass Index. Propagating either of the extremes, whether a size 0 or a size 14, is wrong, Many people just want to be size zero after seeing models in the media. They starve themselves or become bulimic. In comparison, plus size is healthier as it represents the versatility of the population." says fitness coach and nutritionist Sonia Bajaj. 

Once again i will state for the record i am happy enough in my own skin.

I hope everyone is happy in their skin. I dislike bullying.

I am questioning this and weighing in on this topic as it popped to mind after seeing some more plus size and other modelling news and campaigns and complaints. 

Ok so i am about to end this off right here, anyway my aim of writing this was to list pros,cons and information and just my overall 2 cents on the whole dealio whilst trying to stay neutral and not hateful towards anyone in particular, Like i said there's things i do not like and things i do like all here in the topics i have raised and talked about. 

If you have been offended by what i have wrote here or in the past i will forever more refer you to my fave comedian Steve Hughes. and if you refuse to click the link here is what is said.

"Political correctness is the oppression of our intellectual movement so no one says anything anymore just in case anyone else get’s offended. What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well they can be offended, can’t they? What’s wrong with being offended? When did stick and stones may break my bones stop being relevant? Isn’t that what you teach children? He called me an idiot! Don’t worry about it, he’s a dick. Now you have adults going “I was offended, I was offended and I have rights!” Well so what, be offended, nothing happened. You’re an adult, grow up, and deal with it. I was offended! Well, I don’t care! Nothing happens when you’re offended. Being offended is subjective. It has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective, or a group or a society or a community. Your moral conditioning, your religious beliefs. What offends me may not offend you. And you want to make laws about this? I’m offended when I see boy bands for god sake.

"It’s a valid offense, I’m offended. They’re cooperate shills, posing as musicians to further a modeling career and frankly I’m disgusted."

- Steve Hughes.

What do you think of plus size modelling? 
You for or against it?
Are you a model?
Care to talk about it?
Get in touch!
Let's Chat!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A short list of stupid overused slang (2016)

Swag - One of the biggest overused words, douchebags and hipsters use it to think they are cool it's a fucking shitty word. I am so used to knowing swag being like a bunch of stuff in a bag you know swag bag or people would say the robber got away with his bag of swag. Now saying swag in my head while typing this out has me sounding like a douche, will the pain ever end!?

Yolo - You only live once huh? Cool it's true and all but my god no need for people normally teens use it to do something stupid or to have done something stupid like crossing the road when the lights are not on red. Or operating scientific equipment without the use of proper protection or maybe there's some dumbass bomb defuser out there who goes "YOLO!" while defusing no just stop. WE KNOW YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE NOW SHUT UP ABOUT IT!

Ratchet - I have to be honest i only knew of the tool before hearing the fad new modern take on the word from people. It's basically from what i can gather via googling the slang a term in which described a woman who is horrible thinks they are eye candy when they are not. People well girls tend to use this word to sound more "Ghetto"? I just don't know the first time i heard the word used was in that Selfie music video where the girl in the bathroom said "She's so ratchet" i was there raiseing my eyebrow very Rock like just wondering what the hell is she on about but hey mystery solved!

Brap - It's basically a finger gun sound rappers and underground artist's or fans tend to use to show how much they love a tune or some other fucking stupid reason you know? BRAP BRAP BRAP BRRRRAAAAP they also tend to hold the BRRRR at times also. Weird.

Cray - Slang for crazy. Stupid as fuck i know! Why cray or cray cray as it's often said, i have no idea. Society and words of today's generation's do not mix as you can tell from their stupid words.

Bae - Apparently this means poop in danish. I hate this word. I believe it's short for babe or baby, people in relationships use this and are annoying and douche's for it.

Twerk - Is to move your arse about jiggling it and shaking it, it's some god awful new dance that only lap dancers should use.

Dhat - Some weird reason to say that. Makes zero sense to me. I can tolerate "dat" but not "dhat" like what the actual fuck!?

Totes - A totally shitty hipster way to like say totally.

Guap - First do i pronounce it was Gwap? No idea but basically this one is supposed to mean rich? It's stupid why not say rich why make a new dumb word up i can not even say!?

Hella - A typical teen rebellious way of saying really or very when describing something.

Ballin' - An american used term typically to say someone is wealthy or good at basketball. It's a really over used term for fake ass gangsta's here in the uk.

Pwned - A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned." Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned." It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.

Derp - A phrase used when someone makes a mistake, or says or does something stupid or ridiculous. I do like and use this word but i do find it stupid.

Dank - A typical hipster stoner word to say something is of high quality and also a type of weed quality so yeah bunch of crap in it?

Dab - A term used to describe dance move (bowing head into elbow) which represents a stupid shit hipster trash move to show off of how stupid one looks.

Bantz - Having a top laugh with people. This term i have heard to death and it fucking irritates every bit of my being. People who use this word are righteous dickheads who use more or less every word here on my list. They hashtag words too! They do stupid emoji's online and in real life it's just everything wrong with the world today.

Deez - Some slang to say these and most use it to say DEEZ NUTS after that stupid viral video of that guy, fucking stupid shit going viral when will it end?!

Selfie - A picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to any sort of social media website. You can usually see the person's arm holding out the camera and girls are infamous for pouting their lips out like fish to do the famous duck lips. All in all a bunch of over done shit.

Lit - The term to describe much hype and fun at something or doing something. Some stupid modern overused term by hipsters. Another stupid word stupidity runs throughout all of these words and it's disgraceful.

Yesh - A word typically used by those scene kids combining yes and yeah together to make yesh. It's just horrid.

Smexy - Another scene word those type of kids use to say something is smart and sexy in one. God damn this word irritates me.

Rawr - A fucking horrible way to say you love someone in dinosaur emo's typically normally use this it's fucking stupid!

On point - A stupid way to say something is up to par to one's standards.

Fleek - A stupid fucking word for stupid idiots to use to say you are on point.

Poontang - A term that stoners i know use to say they have had sexual intercourse with women because this one is all about the female genitalia.

Rekt - A heavily overused term competitive gamers and most cod fanboys use to say someone has been destroyed.

Phat - Phat means Pretty Hot And Tempting or another word for fresh, like the other definitions say. The problem with "phat" is that it is no longer in really. It has kind of phased out and is mostly used by wannabes.

Thot - Some stupid shit that people are saying now a days but abbreviated from "That hoe over there" so if someone is pissed off with a hoe they call them thot.

Pokemon Go rant yourself!

What the fuck?

Did I hear right that people are being charged to buy tickets to go on a group walk around Cardiff to play Pokemon Go? Jesus do you need to buy tickets to walk around Cardiff for?!

You buy a parking or train ticket yes but a ticket to join a group walk? You serious? There's always someone making money off the app.

I wouldn't have a moan if they said "all tickets purchased the £5 goes to charity" but I've not seen that only "get your tickets now for the Cardiff Pokemon Go walk".

Also there's been news that some total tards have quit their good paying full time jobs to go hunt Pokemon full time. What idiots.

Pokemon Go pros: Getting people to exercise and socialise.

Pokemon Go cons: You may be outside but your still a zombie to your phone. You are easily distracted and can lose where you are going and can hurt yourself by not looking towards where you are going. You can easily run into bad people more than ever, by this I mean walking to the wrong neighborhood or to the wrong house could get you in trouble because you don't know that person they could assault you sexually or they could kill you,this also applies towards the social pro I listed as you don't know a person you newly meet they could be playing you along to get you alone to do shit to who knows.

Ok enough is enough, I've had it with these motherfucking zubats on this motherfucking plane!

Ratatata-scat outta here!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The WHY@ Family WWE RANT

The story of the Wyatt (non related) family never changes. Cut promo,play mind games,group beatdown,lose feud,move along. Yet tonight at battleground ppv they won and I thought it was for the titles yet it wasn't? What even?! 

I don't see a point in them and that does my head in. Gonna make a Wyatt family Austin style shirt range soon. Arrive,cut promo,lose. WYATT 3:16 SAYS WE JUST LOST YO ASS. Husky Harris I bet had more wins than Bray. 

Heck I'll combine Sin Cara,Tyler Breeze,Fandango,Zack Ryder and Zach Gowen to beat the Wyatts wins. I'm sure the Wyatts are only there to put others over because I don't see anything with them. I don't remember them owning titles and only thing to remember of them is a time Bray did a good promo. Harper and Rowen and Braun are just there while Bray is on his own spouting his gospel of a sister that is nowhere to be seen. Now hold on let me talk to ya as I'll quote ELI DRAKE for ya. Ahem Wyatts DUMMY YEAH!

The story of the Wyatt non related Family runs like this. Bunch of swamp living anti social people got together had a rassle and the  got hired by Wwe to be weird for loadsa money and to lose almost every match and to do the same thing all the time. Promo,beat down,mind games,rassle,lose,leave repeat.

What's the point?!

There's guys like Cesaro then punished and overlooked for stumbling words or for saying he wanted to be somewhere else or he wanted to be in this match or that he shoots and says what he really thinks. How does that deserve punishment?! Why is he overlooked? Why hire him to mistreat him?

Wyatts have been given everything for cutting a few promos and being creepy. Yet a guy who talks 5 languages and can out wrestle half the roster gets the shit treatment?

Very nice.

Many reasons why I dislike the Wwe. These are two.

I might do more. Do you want to see more?

I'm a rantasaurous Rex. Mother fuckah!

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Random Ramblin's 27 - Word pressing.

Hey, what is happening and how are you doing?

Has it been a while? It feels like it well hey a virtual hug to you :)

Hugs are cool brah, you gota problem with it? Well sure when people hug me i am a lot like Sheldon Cooper reacting to them it's pretty awkward and alien like if you get me? No? Yeah? What ever.

So i should talk about the elephant in the room, lately i have been depressed well actually the past week of this i have been good but 2 weeks ago i was just well i went downhill. Why? It was all part of self doubt and it was a bit of alienated in the way of how i felt it was normally when i was alone that my mood,my thoughts would take me to the dark depths of depression of which i have made my bed in many a times over the past few years. My room in the hotel depression is cold,isolated and well lonely there is nothing there besides a bed and room service brings food now and then but that's it you are left to fend off from thoughts that feel like hands dragging you,pulling you down to deeper darker levels. Left me questioning myself this visit and stuck around for 2 weeks of all things which is not too bad but hey thank the lord it is gone. Man i know i am agnostic and all but christ do i say lord,god,jesus and christ a lot. Is that a sign of something? Well anyway what triggered the depression? Some friends comments and dislikes of all things i know i used to have such a tough shell and i would joke them off but this time i joked them off but the effects the comments the dislikes they were all locked swirling in my brain, heck i got paranoid at one point thinking a former friend had turned others against me as some people i know have removed me from their social media's and well yeah that was not good on me i was left like i said ice cold in bed playing through video games to get me through to take my mind off of the hateful hurtful stuff i received. I felt horrid,i thought i looked horrid i tried cheering myself up but nothing worked this time my bout was different in a way that had me feel dirty and greasy even though i shower every day and scrub good with all sorts of products of course. Now now get that image of me in the shower out of your head i am flattered but i am trying to be a tad serious for a minute, now i am blushing come on you stop flirting now.  Anyway my thinking was basically it was me i set myself to fall down that slope to get that room in depression hotel. So what got me through it? Friends,movies,games and music. I gotta just give a massive shoutout to those who have helped so much and always are there for me when i need it so thank you Jared,James and Annika. I know some say "Oh if you feel blue or what ever you should get happy pills from your GP" but i don't want to do that, i don't want to give in to the idea that i have to take some crappy pills to get happy and i doubt they would even work to keep my mind not thinking of shitty things when i am down. I expect to hear stuff said on the lines of "Why don't you turn to your family to talk you through depression" because i don't want that. I don't want them to worry or to maybe mock me you know. Not many i trust with stuff like this, it aint nothing personal too much i guess i don't know i am an introvert, a outcast, a weirdo....but hey ain't i the greatest weirdo around? Yep that be me hahaha. I can bounce back and i always will it just takes myself some time and some support of the people i love. The physical pain of which life grants is nothing compared to mental and emotional pain. I have felt them all and that is a fact of life. There is a topic that does get me down sometimes a topic of a loved one's health but i don't want to talk about it, it's a painful topic emotionally and just a thought of it gets me all teary eyed so i will stop now and just say WALES DONE US WELSH PROUD IN THE EURO'S!

A new trend from me? Oh yeah so some people have been looking at me weird and questioning me when i have showed my appreciation of them by saying thing's like "Mah boy" and "Mah lad" i don't get it oh and yes i have gone "You're my boy blue" this stuff came out of nowhere and its stuck in my system now at the moment but hey i am proud,glad,happy and appreciate people so what's the problem in saying this stuff? Ah look i am over thinking now haha.

I have been stuck in deep thoughts of the future of late as in a 1000 years or 100 years time. Been thinking if Metal music will ever be on a classical radio station or genre. What will humans look like in our next step of evolution and if nanobots and cybernetic implants and stuff will be a thing before my timeline ends. All pondering with some reading up on theories of course.

I showed my nephew Guardians of the galaxy, it was perhaps my 6th time seeing the film and i still thoroughly love it and the soundtrack it is truly a masterpiece film. My nephew is 6 so of course i know he did not understand so much of something's but you know the characters he loved, obviously Groot became an addiction as "I AM GROOT!" tends to take over your vocabulary system while or after watching the film. Also i will add he was doing a bit of head moving toward some songs so i am sure we have a new fan of the soundtrack there haha. Seriously though Marvel's perfect film is GOTG no doubt about that from my perspective. The idea to me seemed stupid and like it was set to fail but jesus i was wrong of course. Anyway yes GOTG RULEZ!

I don't understand people on many cases on right now is the whole "Oh you commented on a girls status get well soon, guess you fancy her" no of course that is not always the case most i wish well because i don't like hearing or seeing people are down in the dumps or sick or hospitalized due to something else you know so i just kind heartedly send my well wishes. It's funny because some people i know are like "Oh sorry to hear get well soon" and the next minute all like "Hahaha not" it's like why? I understand if they are a dick to you but don't say shit like that and not mean it otherwise why even send well wishes? Makes no sense.


Anyone else annoyed by all the eyebrow game fleek shit people do and say?

Is it weird or something else to not like to eat around a lot of people? Yeah at big gatherings i can be terrible.

Ok so the title is word pressing because words are pressing i guess but besides that i set up a wordpress site and well soon as i finished i am like "whats the point?" you know so i may delete it. I deleted my blog there but my account can not be deleted? Wtf?!

Pokemon Go is taking the world by storm as their servers continue to get downtime haha i see the good and bad in the app but i don't think i will download it. 

I am sorry but if you honestly think Anime is all overly sexualised and full of big breasted gropings you are a bit of a idiot. Not many anime's i watch contain that stuff some do some do not. Over-sexualisation is a thing because hey sex sells. Movies from Ghibli or dragonball z or fullmetal alchemist or attack on titan do not contain any if not much of the over sexualised themes many others do. Truth is you are looking at either some other stuff you know what i mean or you are just not looking at the right anime's. Fuck there are some out there that oversexualise men yes i know it sounds crazy but its true. How come girls or women who watch anime tend to have a go at anime over the whole "big breast scantily clad grope fest of women" it could be just their body issue's or it could be just a bit of femine nature thing. Not to be sexist but i am listing options to the best of my abilities. Of course people need to realise a lot of the animators and manga artist's are men and they aim for their creations to the male audience more or less aswell. There is a lot of info and sources all around the net from fans,artist's and manga creators even that talk about how and why women are drawn and animated to the point of basketball boobs and big football peachy asses and just the weird spine breaking positions these females are drawn in of course again not all female anime characters are drawn or created pervertedly. In future i hope people take this in, do research and if they don't like the characters they see to research a new anime and watch that instead. 

TNA has signed ROH's Moose. Nice to hear although i do not know him but he looks like a beast. See TNA proves those haters wrong again. WWE have been getting abuse since last night's RAW as they basically did their version of the final deletion match but had wyatt's v new day. Nice to have the shoe on the other foot. Odd though how any hate wrestling wise it's always geared to TNA and not ROH,NJPW,ICW,CZW or any other promotions. The final deletion was a highly entertaining fun match. I laughed and went wow a few times. 

Resurrection of Jake the snake movie was very deep very good highly inspiring. I will try DDP Yoga one of these day's. I tend to lose weight and then put it back on by relapsing on the junk food i need to quit that cycle.

I urge everyone to watch iZombie it's wicked!

What is a blog? Is it an online diary? Is this a diary? What am i even doing right now? 
Venting? Yeah that's gotta be it. 

What's coming up on my blog?

More Random Ramblin's (thinking of making it a podcast or a video rant series)

More Top 10 song's lists from the following: Disney, Metallica,Trivium,Pantera,Machine Head,Slipknot & Linkin Park.

Fan fiction.

What's coming up on my Youtube channel?

New Videos.
Walking Dead TTG Michonne live streaming from my PS4
New videos with James in.
Real Talk Redo *New Episodes!*
New Pain Quest (still in editing currently)
Power Rangers WWE 13 Story (Still in editing) 

And well that's all folks! 
Til next time, take care,have a nice day....

Friday, 8 July 2016

Top 10 Pump Up Songs!


You good?


So are you looking for music to work out to in the Gym or music to use for your entrance at a wrestling or mma or boxing event? 

Well here you will see i have compiled a list of songs i find useful in some way shape or form for gym or other uses. 

Now i know i am no fine specimen like the man you see pictured below. 
I also know the only main source of weight lifting i do is lifting calories into my mouth like below.
But i do still imagine after a good sesh i am a lot like this pic below.

Jokes aside, I hope you enjoy this list!

1 song per band here! 

I got 10 here that pump me up and make me feel invincible and i hope they make you feel the same!

10: Shipping up to Boston - Dropkick Murphy's -

I aint irish but i sure as hell would be line dancing over someone i just beat while hearing this. 
This song i believe talks about a free man (as a sailor is) who always takes risks and tries to achieve the impossible (climbing up the topsails) but finally, he may have to deal with the problems arising from the risks he took (I've lost my leg)

now, probably Boston is something like a place that he will make a new beginning and find his salvation (his wooden leg)  So, the basic idea appears to be the story of a great risk taker, who finally, as it happens with every one who is taking too many risks, had a hard fall from the top sails and he is now looking for a new beginning. As you see it is a great motivational one. 

9: Sangre for sangre - HELLYEAH -
The anthem all about the old saying eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, blood for blood. Killer tune can get you real pumped for that punchbag. 

Right from the opening i get so pumped up. For a chilling down time have Walk on and get on a tredmill and just walk and gradually get faster. Self belief and a new attitude and confidence on life that is what this song is representing. There are so many Pantera songs i wanted to pick that pump me up but this is the ultimate one. Show RESPECT for everyone in the gym aswell the amount of times i have been to the gym and been annoyed by dickhead steroid abusers is unfathomable and so is the amount of judgmental looks. 

7: Face the pain - Stemm -
It hits you outta nowhere with a left hook and you're down and out! This song wakes me up in the mornings it is my phone alarm clocks tone. You wanna wake the fuck up and jump out of bed like Brock Lesner jumps into a ring? GET THIS TUNE AS YOUR ALARM SONG! 

6: Undead - Hollywood Undead -
Now, so far my list has been metal and now we are getting to the rap side yeah sure it has metal element in it's instrumental aswell but it all adds to its pump up sound. If you want to stroll around or do some circuits this is a good one i find to listen to while doing it. 

5: Kill em all - KING810 -
Oh my god, this song! If you want to go into beast mode listen to this it is fucking killer a great punchbag anthem for the gyms hell it works when lifting weights aswell just go along with the tempo of the song when it slows you slow when it gets heavy and faster go faster. 

4: Burn in my light - Mercy drive
The former song of the legend killer, the viper Randy Orton makes me ooze with confidence when my headphones are on, i stroll into the gym acting like a god. It's a pump up song for that confidence boosting it gives off for me anyway. You can use this song in the gym for a slow workout on your legs via the cycle machines or the rowing machines. The rowing machines more so is good, try timing your pulls on the "HEY!" for added effect and feel free to rest and have a breather during the solo. 

3: Is she with you - Wonder woman theme -
Holy shit is this suck a fucking song! Get's you right in there like a badass you truly are. This is a song to break a sweat to and push yourself a bit harder at the gym. Tense up and unleash your fury! Don't be afraid of what task lies ahead and i swear if you just finished leg day and you do not find yourself able to walk, stick this song on and fly!

2: Hooked on a feeling - Blue Swede -
Oga chuka! Now this one is not a traditional heavy hitting song of motivation but it sure as hell gets me moving and smiling. Yeah this one fills me with total confidence similar to the burn in my light song but it makes me happy and just pumped in a totally cool way you feel me? For a nice easy workout stick it on,relax take it easy this one song and smile just cool down and feel the rhythm, don't be afraid to sing in the gym with this on because i guarantee others will join in. If you are into the dance type of exercise this is a perfect groove song good for zumba, get those hips moving. 

1: Across the nation - Union Underground
Move to the music! Push it now, move to the music,hard hitting,fast paced, i can tell you now this one will turn the Justin Bieber's out there into Arnold Schwarzenegger's. Hard to pick a number one but i finally decided on this. 

Fear not i have a lot of songs that pump me up out there and if you did not see any in this list well i forgot about that song or something else went on in my mind while making this list. 

Did any of these get you pumped up?

What are your 10?

Let me know.

For now, fight hard,train well.

Teh gawd is oot.