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Thursday 14 July 2016

Random Ramblin's 27 - Word pressing.

Hey, what is happening and how are you doing?

Has it been a while? It feels like it well hey a virtual hug to you :)

Hugs are cool brah, you gota problem with it? Well sure when people hug me i am a lot like Sheldon Cooper reacting to them it's pretty awkward and alien like if you get me? No? Yeah? What ever.

So i should talk about the elephant in the room, lately i have been depressed well actually the past week of this i have been good but 2 weeks ago i was just well i went downhill. Why? It was all part of self doubt and it was a bit of alienated in the way of how i felt it was normally when i was alone that my mood,my thoughts would take me to the dark depths of depression of which i have made my bed in many a times over the past few years. My room in the hotel depression is cold,isolated and well lonely there is nothing there besides a bed and room service brings food now and then but that's it you are left to fend off from thoughts that feel like hands dragging you,pulling you down to deeper darker levels. Left me questioning myself this visit and stuck around for 2 weeks of all things which is not too bad but hey thank the lord it is gone. Man i know i am agnostic and all but christ do i say lord,god,jesus and christ a lot. Is that a sign of something? Well anyway what triggered the depression? Some friends comments and dislikes of all things i know i used to have such a tough shell and i would joke them off but this time i joked them off but the effects the comments the dislikes they were all locked swirling in my brain, heck i got paranoid at one point thinking a former friend had turned others against me as some people i know have removed me from their social media's and well yeah that was not good on me i was left like i said ice cold in bed playing through video games to get me through to take my mind off of the hateful hurtful stuff i received. I felt horrid,i thought i looked horrid i tried cheering myself up but nothing worked this time my bout was different in a way that had me feel dirty and greasy even though i shower every day and scrub good with all sorts of products of course. Now now get that image of me in the shower out of your head i am flattered but i am trying to be a tad serious for a minute, now i am blushing come on you stop flirting now.  Anyway my thinking was basically it was me i set myself to fall down that slope to get that room in depression hotel. So what got me through it? Friends,movies,games and music. I gotta just give a massive shoutout to those who have helped so much and always are there for me when i need it so thank you Jared,James and Annika. I know some say "Oh if you feel blue or what ever you should get happy pills from your GP" but i don't want to do that, i don't want to give in to the idea that i have to take some crappy pills to get happy and i doubt they would even work to keep my mind not thinking of shitty things when i am down. I expect to hear stuff said on the lines of "Why don't you turn to your family to talk you through depression" because i don't want that. I don't want them to worry or to maybe mock me you know. Not many i trust with stuff like this, it aint nothing personal too much i guess i don't know i am an introvert, a outcast, a weirdo....but hey ain't i the greatest weirdo around? Yep that be me hahaha. I can bounce back and i always will it just takes myself some time and some support of the people i love. The physical pain of which life grants is nothing compared to mental and emotional pain. I have felt them all and that is a fact of life. There is a topic that does get me down sometimes a topic of a loved one's health but i don't want to talk about it, it's a painful topic emotionally and just a thought of it gets me all teary eyed so i will stop now and just say WALES DONE US WELSH PROUD IN THE EURO'S!

A new trend from me? Oh yeah so some people have been looking at me weird and questioning me when i have showed my appreciation of them by saying thing's like "Mah boy" and "Mah lad" i don't get it oh and yes i have gone "You're my boy blue" this stuff came out of nowhere and its stuck in my system now at the moment but hey i am proud,glad,happy and appreciate people so what's the problem in saying this stuff? Ah look i am over thinking now haha.

I have been stuck in deep thoughts of the future of late as in a 1000 years or 100 years time. Been thinking if Metal music will ever be on a classical radio station or genre. What will humans look like in our next step of evolution and if nanobots and cybernetic implants and stuff will be a thing before my timeline ends. All pondering with some reading up on theories of course.

I showed my nephew Guardians of the galaxy, it was perhaps my 6th time seeing the film and i still thoroughly love it and the soundtrack it is truly a masterpiece film. My nephew is 6 so of course i know he did not understand so much of something's but you know the characters he loved, obviously Groot became an addiction as "I AM GROOT!" tends to take over your vocabulary system while or after watching the film. Also i will add he was doing a bit of head moving toward some songs so i am sure we have a new fan of the soundtrack there haha. Seriously though Marvel's perfect film is GOTG no doubt about that from my perspective. The idea to me seemed stupid and like it was set to fail but jesus i was wrong of course. Anyway yes GOTG RULEZ!

I don't understand people on many cases on right now is the whole "Oh you commented on a girls status get well soon, guess you fancy her" no of course that is not always the case most i wish well because i don't like hearing or seeing people are down in the dumps or sick or hospitalized due to something else you know so i just kind heartedly send my well wishes. It's funny because some people i know are like "Oh sorry to hear get well soon" and the next minute all like "Hahaha not" it's like why? I understand if they are a dick to you but don't say shit like that and not mean it otherwise why even send well wishes? Makes no sense.


Anyone else annoyed by all the eyebrow game fleek shit people do and say?

Is it weird or something else to not like to eat around a lot of people? Yeah at big gatherings i can be terrible.

Ok so the title is word pressing because words are pressing i guess but besides that i set up a wordpress site and well soon as i finished i am like "whats the point?" you know so i may delete it. I deleted my blog there but my account can not be deleted? Wtf?!

Pokemon Go is taking the world by storm as their servers continue to get downtime haha i see the good and bad in the app but i don't think i will download it. 

I am sorry but if you honestly think Anime is all overly sexualised and full of big breasted gropings you are a bit of a idiot. Not many anime's i watch contain that stuff some do some do not. Over-sexualisation is a thing because hey sex sells. Movies from Ghibli or dragonball z or fullmetal alchemist or attack on titan do not contain any if not much of the over sexualised themes many others do. Truth is you are looking at either some other stuff you know what i mean or you are just not looking at the right anime's. Fuck there are some out there that oversexualise men yes i know it sounds crazy but its true. How come girls or women who watch anime tend to have a go at anime over the whole "big breast scantily clad grope fest of women" it could be just their body issue's or it could be just a bit of femine nature thing. Not to be sexist but i am listing options to the best of my abilities. Of course people need to realise a lot of the animators and manga artist's are men and they aim for their creations to the male audience more or less aswell. There is a lot of info and sources all around the net from fans,artist's and manga creators even that talk about how and why women are drawn and animated to the point of basketball boobs and big football peachy asses and just the weird spine breaking positions these females are drawn in of course again not all female anime characters are drawn or created pervertedly. In future i hope people take this in, do research and if they don't like the characters they see to research a new anime and watch that instead. 

TNA has signed ROH's Moose. Nice to hear although i do not know him but he looks like a beast. See TNA proves those haters wrong again. WWE have been getting abuse since last night's RAW as they basically did their version of the final deletion match but had wyatt's v new day. Nice to have the shoe on the other foot. Odd though how any hate wrestling wise it's always geared to TNA and not ROH,NJPW,ICW,CZW or any other promotions. The final deletion was a highly entertaining fun match. I laughed and went wow a few times. 

Resurrection of Jake the snake movie was very deep very good highly inspiring. I will try DDP Yoga one of these day's. I tend to lose weight and then put it back on by relapsing on the junk food i need to quit that cycle.

I urge everyone to watch iZombie it's wicked!

What is a blog? Is it an online diary? Is this a diary? What am i even doing right now? 
Venting? Yeah that's gotta be it. 

What's coming up on my blog?

More Random Ramblin's (thinking of making it a podcast or a video rant series)

More Top 10 song's lists from the following: Disney, Metallica,Trivium,Pantera,Machine Head,Slipknot & Linkin Park.

Fan fiction.

What's coming up on my Youtube channel?

New Videos.
Walking Dead TTG Michonne live streaming from my PS4
New videos with James in.
Real Talk Redo *New Episodes!*
New Pain Quest (still in editing currently)
Power Rangers WWE 13 Story (Still in editing) 

And well that's all folks! 
Til next time, take care,have a nice day....

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