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Saturday 30 July 2016

Is plus sized modelling glorifying obesity? My two sides of the coin.

In a society where obesity is hated and frowned upon and is also apart of some, easy quick cash money scheme industry (just look at all those ads out there for examples that want you to pay them to get you skinny or muscular even). I have to ask. 

Are we glorifying obesity with models who are plus size? 

We see it a lot more often now than we used to. The change of the size and the shape of models, now that we have a new category of plus size? 

Plus size i find is just a word an excuse even to to mask people being fat and modelling, saying plus size is not as hurtful as being called fat but it can still be taken in as that by some. 

Some people go online to post their selves in bikini's to promote being plus sized or a new range of plus sized clothing which is all good i get that they do it for some much needed boost of confidence in a way? I say that as i think you need confidence to post a pic of you revealing on social media networks. Some call it bravery. I don't. Why? Because if we humans have evolved to the fact we now find posting pictures showing more of our skin and body's off to be brave then, swimming with sharks,holding spiders,battling cancer,fighting in the armed forces and skydiving is now to be seen as what, not brave then would you say?

Remember when people called Cait Jenner brave? Yeah that shit is not brave it's viewed in a way to me as a stunt, just another a publicity stunt because holy rusted metal batman she has become so fucking popular and that's like really? Oh and all her previous crimes and scumbaggery of running people over is now to be seen as non-existent? No just no. Switching genders the only part of bravery in that is being awake while having your ho ha rearranged quite frankly that shit is scary shit. I will add i have respect for people out there who come out as whatever gender or sexual orientation because that is scary for them and you know that i can see as being a brave thing to do in this negative world. I have gone off topic here but let me get back on topic.

With plus sized models popping up and campaigning or complaining more and more, i wonder if that is setting up hidden subliminal's in a way and if people are glorifying being over weight?

Me? Oh yes i know i am fat or big or what other crap you want to spout but i for one am all about be happy in your own skin no matter your race,gender or size etc you know, i believe everyone should be happy with the way they are.

Look it's fine to be what ever you are but if it's looking unhealthy i don't think you should be doing that if that makes any sense because people look for role models and i do think there are more role models for men more than women of course and yes this is coming from myself who is a man and my point of view but it's all for a point i am going to try and make.

Girls i believe are easily more influenced by the media than men, it's all for the latest trend to look hot and compete with other women and the big the humongous fact of it all is the media puts more pressure on the women. They force onto both genders that this or that is how the ideal woman should look like and these are the products she should use etc and this and that bullshit.

Women do not need to wear overly revealing outfits 24/7 nor do they need to look like Ompa Loompa's from Willy Wonka's factory nor do they need all that other fakery. Girls come on please wipe it all off look in the mirror and see your true beauty the way your man, and other men and women should! 

In the industry of modelling i will say that i personally don't like the boney bags of skinny women who only got skinny due to pill taking for the sake of wanting to be skinny or thin rather. I hate they glorify and tell others subliminally that you should be size 0 with your ribs on show wearing tight ass clothes to look and to feel and to be hot when you really look like you need fucking food more than anyone on the planet.

Alternatively i do see it with the plus size too but not so much i will say this that the plus size look more healthier than those bags of bones do. If i want to date Skeletor i would go up in my attic and find an old Skeletor figure haha. 

Don't stave yourself to get the body you want!

Of course the media likes to weigh in so much on everything and they have weighed in on both sizes of the modelling industry. 

The media depicts the skinny as having eating disorders and many think with moves in the media industry that the bigger sizes are what's right and try to get to that level. Of course not everything the media say's is true. Not all skinny models take pills or have diseases that make them that size. 

I am going to paste a quote here which i very much agree with. "Everyone has an ideal weight in accordance with their height, lifestyle and Body Mass Index. Propagating either of the extremes, whether a size 0 or a size 14, is wrong, Many people just want to be size zero after seeing models in the media. They starve themselves or become bulimic. In comparison, plus size is healthier as it represents the versatility of the population." says fitness coach and nutritionist Sonia Bajaj. 

Once again i will state for the record i am happy enough in my own skin.

I hope everyone is happy in their skin. I dislike bullying.

I am questioning this and weighing in on this topic as it popped to mind after seeing some more plus size and other modelling news and campaigns and complaints. 

Ok so i am about to end this off right here, anyway my aim of writing this was to list pros,cons and information and just my overall 2 cents on the whole dealio whilst trying to stay neutral and not hateful towards anyone in particular, Like i said there's things i do not like and things i do like all here in the topics i have raised and talked about. 

If you have been offended by what i have wrote here or in the past i will forever more refer you to my fave comedian Steve Hughes. and if you refuse to click the link here is what is said.

"Political correctness is the oppression of our intellectual movement so no one says anything anymore just in case anyone else get’s offended. What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well they can be offended, can’t they? What’s wrong with being offended? When did stick and stones may break my bones stop being relevant? Isn’t that what you teach children? He called me an idiot! Don’t worry about it, he’s a dick. Now you have adults going “I was offended, I was offended and I have rights!” Well so what, be offended, nothing happened. You’re an adult, grow up, and deal with it. I was offended! Well, I don’t care! Nothing happens when you’re offended. Being offended is subjective. It has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective, or a group or a society or a community. Your moral conditioning, your religious beliefs. What offends me may not offend you. And you want to make laws about this? I’m offended when I see boy bands for god sake.

"It’s a valid offense, I’m offended. They’re cooperate shills, posing as musicians to further a modeling career and frankly I’m disgusted."

- Steve Hughes.

What do you think of plus size modelling? 
You for or against it?
Are you a model?
Care to talk about it?
Get in touch!
Let's Chat!

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