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Saturday, 30 April 2016

10 Wrestling Matches to watch for non wrestling fans.

Another top 10 list which is based on careful consideration and own personal thoughts. If your not a wrestling you are probably all like "Wrestling? Why should i care? It's fake" Cool opinion. Wrestling is an entertainment art form. Moves are real. Injuries and risks they take are REAL. 

Wrestling consists of technical grappling,entertainment,high flying,risk taking moves and events aswell as the whole good guy, bad guy roles and out of this world characters and settings. Wrestling is entertainment and entertainment is real! Wrestling matches have predetermined endings and moves do get rehearsed for the match prior to the event but mistakes can and will happen at anytime when wrestling is seen live. People have died from wrestling in and out of the ring. It's a dangerous sport that is really risky but i will say it is highly entertaining and its better watching it live than on tv. With all this in mind, it's time to recommend some matches for you to watch. 

I also do not wish to spoil the matches so i will not say what happens overall but enjoy the full matches via links. I wish not to limit this to one wrestling company either. I admit what i say may not be like things for a new fan to really know well i will try to explain but you know you are best off watching the matches i link you. 

10: WWE Royal Rumble 2006 - The Royal Rumble Match

This rumble is one of my most memorable and faves. Royal Rumbles feature 30 wrestlers going at it in a ring and to win you need to get everyone out of the ring over the top rope. 

9: Bound For Glory 2005: Monster's Ball 2

Freakin Insane match. Monsters ball matches are basically an anything goes match but to win you must pin or submit your opponent. These matches can go all around arena's and everything or anything will be used.  

8: Kurt Angle Vs AJ Styles Hard Justice 08

Solid great match Aj V Angle they have always had amazing matches with each other but this stands out as one of the best. The lengths they went to hurt each other were something else. 

7: Cm Punk vs John Cena Money in the bank 2011

Very entertaining match with two of the biggest most popular wrestling superstars of the modern generation. The match itself did not disappoint and WWE really needed a spark like this in 2011. The first half of 2011 is regarded as a very bad time in the company with a mediocre WWE Champion in The Miz that led to a horrible WrestleMania 27. This match however proved you really need people that can actually wrestle to gain the respect from wrestling fans. This match was over 30 minutes of just pure brilliance. There was never a dull moment in the match and the Chicago crowd made the atmosphere so much better.

6: Bound For Glory 2012: James Storm vs. Bobby Roode - Street Fight

Fucking insane match one of the best in history if you ask me. Even MMA Fighter King Mo was like "Holy shit!". 

5: Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels - TNA Unbreakable '05

A fast and furious match which showcased the 3 men's abilities best. 

4: Kane v Undertaker Wrestlemania 14

This match is my fave Taker mania match. One of my fave wrestlemania matches. Months Kane and Undertaker met face to face and Taker refused to fight him everytime because Kane is Undertaker's brother. When they finally met wow what a match.

3: TLC 2 WrestleMania 17: Edge & Christian vs The Hardys Vs The Dudleys

This match is insane. I love all three teams and this match brought out all of their styles and features some amazing history making moments.

2: Stone Cold Vs The Rock Wrestlemania 17

I know really? Another match from same ppv? Honestly watch this match it was epic! Heck watch all of Austin v Rock matches. Incredible match, they fought non-stop for 30 minutes and lived up to the hype. We saw both men steal each others finishers and bust each open.

1: Undertaker vs Mankind King of the ring Hell in a cell

Simply put, this is far and away the greatest match of both wrestlers careers. They joined together and fed off of each others bumps the entire match and gave the fans a once in a lifetime, greatest match in the history of ALL professional wrestling. This was the GREATEST MATCH EVER SEEN, and no disrespect to all of the other greats of wrestling but these two men put on the greatest wrestling show the world has ever seen.

This was a tough list to put together i have added 10 extra matches you need to see aswell.

Honorable Mentions (Other matches you need to see) 

Taryn Terrell vs Gail Kim - Slammiversary 2013

Trish V Lita - Raw 04

Lockdown 2005: AJ Styles vs. Abyss

Bound for glory 07 Sting v Angle

Destination X Roode v Aries

Beniot v Hbk V HHH Wrestlemania 20

Eddie Guerrero V Brock Lesner No way out 2004

Abyss V Judas Messaias Barb wire massacre

AJ Styles vs Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams - Ultimate X Match

WrestleMania 23 Money In The Bank Match

That's it basically from myself and my personal opinions on the best matches to show a non wrestling fan. Hope you enjoyed.

Do you agree with my list? Leave me a comment and tell me your list! 
Wanna see me compile another wrestling list? Let me know. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Tips on entertaining yourself without the use of a PC/Laptop.

Helo, that's a good start right, what is up i am back with more tips on things which can help you out in your path of life. 

I gather my tips from asking others and from asking myself and from personal experience's. Today i will be talking or rather writing all about ways you can keep entertained with out your laptop and computer. I know you will most likely have your own plans already or know all of these but for the uninitiated or lost ones out there, take a gander with me to explore your surroundings and hobbies more.

Home Entertainment
We all have homes or a place we call home. We have our own rooms. We have things. Good start right? 

Music: Listen to it! Try to listen to new things. Borrow someone else’s music. Turn on the radio. Use online streaming services to listen to random music that you have never heard before. Or listen to the music you have and maybe air guitar,sing,air drum or figure out for yourself a meaning the song you are listening to has.

Read a book: Find a book, a newspaper, or a magazine. Take the time to learn something more about the world or familiarize yourself with some famous literary characters. It might take you some time to get interested in the story, but often by the middle of the book you won’t be able to put it down. Visit your local library.

Cook: If you have some time on your hands or if you feel bored and hungry, it might be an opportunity to cook food that will keep you fed for a while. Make sure you know what you are doing mind you.

Exercise: Exercise is good for both your physical and mental health.Try weight lifting. If you don’t have weights or a gym membership, just go on a job around the street, do sit ups, and push-ups etc or go for a swim somewhere.

Watch TV or play a video game: If you have played all your video games to death, set new, challenging goals to meet. If you are watching TV, experiment with a show you’ve never watched before or put on a classic movie that you’ve always wanted to see.

Spend time with your pet: Cuddle them,feed them,walk them, play with your pet. Pets keep morale up. Pet's are lovely i mean come on now do i really need to say more? Love your pets.

Clean: Cleaning may seem boring, but it is something to do. You can also make it more fun by turning it into a game. Time yourself and see how quickly you can clean your place. Put on music to keep yourself energetic. You can even put on some light body weights and a step counter to turn cleaning into exercise. You can also find neat nostalgic things or things you thought were lost.

Outside Entertainment

Go for a walk or go cycling: I live in Wales and it is beautiful to take a stroll and go see some breathtaking views up mountains and through the green fields. If there is a nice walking path or scenic hike nearby, this can be a good way to clear your head and get some exercise. Try to find some place you haven’t been before. If there aren’t any scenic nature areas around, try walking through an interesting place you’ve never been too before BUT do not get lost.

Entertainment Anywhere

Write: You can write a story, a poem, or a journal. Try to get some experience writing and get your feelings out. If you’re going to have a lot of time on your hands, start a larger piece like a novel. Once you get into it, you might not be able to stop writing.
  • For a story, think about characters. Imagine what makes them special and different. Why do they do what they do? What is the obstacle they must overcome? That is your conflict. Focus on how their personalities bring them into conflict and how that conflict is resolved.
  • If you’re writing a poem, try starting out with free writing. Just get your feelings down on page. Read it out loud to see what it sounds like.
  • If you can’t think of your own characters, consider writing fan fiction. Some people enjoy taking characters or settings from famous movies, books, and comic books and writing their own adventures. You can share your stories later, when you have computer access again, or you can just keep them to yourself.
Draw: Studies show that drawing is a particularly effective way to banish boredom. Practice using shading and perspective to improve your artistic abilities. Many artists learn by doing “master studies,” which means you try to analyze and recreate other great works of art.

Craft: Look around and see how you can use the things around you to make art or useful household goods. With pictures and glue, you can make a nice memento for someone you care about. With wood and carving knife you can make a walking stick.

So if you have or are about to go rouge and appear offline to your computer or if you are simply bored do take these tips aboard and try them out for yourself :) 

Let me know how thing's go :) 
For now it's thanks for reading as the god is out. 

Friday, 22 April 2016

Tips on interviewing others.

Back once again with some more tips, this may become a new feature here on my blogs which may transcend to the podcast and youtube realm later on but for now you have this :) 

First off it really helps to find out more on who you are interviewing so study them, visit their social media accounts and see what you find and see and read. 

Second you need to plan questions, i normally write out at least 10 and ask how many i see fit and you know in terms of with others you can ask the same questions but it always helps to spice things up and ask new and other questions too.

If you get stuck on what can you ask the person you are interviewing, its no crime to google some questions so do feel free to do it.

Adjust questions: By this i mean if you are talking to a company ask about business what are they doing for the community maybe, if its a band ask for their musical influences, if its a solo singer ask if they had any singing lessons. There is so much to ask it depends on who or what they are.

Try asking a question that can catch them out: Easier said than done this one, the standard questions like how are you or what got you into the business are all well and good  but the person on the other hand may have seen that coming and prepared for questions before the interview but would they ever see a question coming such as "Who ever said humpty dumpty was an egg?" coming towards them? I think not. Try make them laugh aswell.

Eye contact: This is a big one for anything at all in life. A tip i got told which is rather funny is look at the persons eyebrows because hey its eye level more or less and it does work. 

Dress to impress but not to steal the show: Dress appropriate smart but casual. Let the person feel that you are laid back and things will be good.

Body language: Hard one here, remember how they told you to sit or stand in school STRAIGHT UP haha. 

Recording: If you are recording the interview obviously make sure everything has memory and is charged.

Be polite. 

Ok and that is basically everything covered i believe. Let me know if these tips help in anyway shape or form for you. 

Remember study,be polite,stand/sit straight,dress casual but smart,have questions written out and some sneaky ones to catch them out on,look in the eyes or at the eyebrows. Adjust questions on the person or company you are interviewing,plan accordingly and make sure recording equipment is all in good order. 

Thanks for reading,til next time, the god is out! 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Tips on landing good impressions.

Hi again.,back to give some tips this time on impressions.
I don't do many good ones i find but of course the tips i can give are as follows.

Pick your subject: Say for example Clint Eastwood. 

Study them: Watch and listen to them over and over and over. 

Find their unique thing: Be it a nasally talker or a facial feature as much as the impression vocally it helps to impersonate their facial features like continuing with Clint he has his signature squint. 

Do the impression you have conducted from your studies out loud by reading,looking into the mirror or just generally talking in the person you aim to impersonate out loud about your every day life.

Focus on small words in the impression first maybe a key line the person says in a film or show on tv. 

Keep working on it.

Keep studying them.

Keep doing the vocal impression.

Keep doing the physical expression impression.

Have a go doing different accents aswell it will help greatly.

More tips here from the net:

If you don't have the right voice to do the impressions, copying the body language of the intended person would help the overall impression. so people can recognize the person you try to imitate.

If a person's voice is out of your range, don't worry about it, and find someone else, if you strain your voice to get the range perfect, you can permanently damage your vocal cords.

Try to envision yourself as the person you are trying to imitate. It will make it easier subconsciously to act out the subtle mannerisms and behaviors the person exhibits.

Also, do impressions that someone would instantly recognize to make the show more entertaining to watch.

Try to identify what sentence or phrase that the person you want to imitate always said, memorize it, and use it. It can be helpful to enhance the quality of your impressions.

If you really, really want to invest your time in it you can increase your range by taking it step by step. Do vocal exercises, and take your time. Again, if you strain, you could cause damage, but taking it step by step can help.

Until next time my super peeps, the god is out!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Random Ramblin's 25 - March Smarch and some April O'Neill!

Hey you, you new? You look new....must be those glasses, oh you aint wearing glasses? Well sorry i can't see through a screen XD

Anyway. I hope you are well, i have been better i have had a mad controversial of sorts week to say the least like felt crappy and uneasy this week but more on that later. I thought i would tell you guys some stuff that has been occurring from my last visit to now.

Smarch March? Oh the title is nothing important to pay attention to but i had no other ideas for a title so yarp ya go.

I saw ICW live and it was insane! Best wrestling show i have seen live in person! Easter was nice i went bowling with Jared. Seen Jared a lot more lately which is good. Pain Quest 4 finished filming. 

Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice. I didn't like it......I LOVED IT. Fucking Incredible film! The Cape crusader we needed for so long arrived. Loved it. Loved the others aswell. Defo watch it again. Bring me suicide squad aswell! I also removed pages and people due to them spoiling bats v supes.

Don't get Tesco at all. One week i could get "the meal deal" which is supposed to be £3 for £5 and the next i could get it for £3. Cashiers either have no clue what they are doing or only use of a clubcard will get you the meal deal. Weird as hell and it is doing my head in.

Eugene TWD bit off some guys dick. Had my first footie game in years was not too bad. My team lost but still. I watched Daredevil season 2 and it was good but also disappointing. I watched Jessica Jones and it was good. New TMNT film looks good. See the April reference now?!

Lots more went on and i will link you to them so follow the links to learn more.

I interviewed accoustic james -

Some shit went down at comic con -

i reviewed BFMV'S VENOM -

I started my first ever podcast series -

So what has had me feel uneasy and not wanting to make videos lately and controversy i was on about ah well you know how people are and my new mindset has me cutting them out of my life. I am good to everyone until they are not good with me, of course everyone can not be on the same page but we can be in the same book if your cards are right. So basically a bunch of people have knocked me about the past week and brought me down so has some of my own actions. I deleted loads of things to keep others happy....I WAS WRONG TO.


I won some crazy things from Goldie Lookin Chain -

What you think im posting links because i am getting lazy? No no of course not.....ok maybe but links are easier to post so yeah. That is all i have for you for this past month and a bit lol




Friday, 15 April 2016

Positive vibes! - By Scott Jones.

Positive Vibes!

I am going to take a moment to just say something that I hope can help you reading this in some way shape or form. It's normal to get down in the dumps, what is not normal however is putting yourself down! Don't do it! I know, i know it's a hard, bad habit to break but you can do it! I have taken steps over the past few weeks to break that habit, my thinking is getting better and better, I’m a genuine nice guy, some will take pleasure in breaking that barrier others will take pain in the form of jealousy. I know the pain, i know that pleasure i have been on all sides of this. We can do amazing things, you can do amazing things! I like being nice. I hate being sad. I like helping others more than i like helping myself.

People have said "you’re a nice guy" to me for like all my life and i have always locked onto that thought to just be a nice guy always. People have also said "oh your thick, and stupid doing this and that" and i have subconsciously locked onto that negative thought and done and said stupid things mainly to live up to others standards for what they said i was, even when it is not true. We are all mad, madness makes us beautiful as they say, i don't want to bang on about all stuff you the reader scrolling along may find annoying, dumb, useless or what other negative thoughts you have. I want you to once again know that you are amazing, you can do anything you want to, don’t let others nor yourself get yourself down. I have found many a times in my life my greatest enemy was not the people around me, but rather it was myself for having that self-doubt, the low self-esteem, the low confidence, lacking that drive, the positive vibes that i am now gaining. I am loving the look of things on the horizon. Change comes not when you want it to but when you need it to! It's all fun and games making these New Year’s resolutions or what not but unless you see you need to change your ways and unless you put the work in you will not get the results you want and you will give up. Don't give up, keep going! Life has a different story for us all, we all walk different paths of this wonderful world, we all will experience life's madness of giving and taking away we all must deal with it in our own ways, in our own times and in our own lives.

I am not one bit religious by the way i am rather to myself more thoughtful and open minded of my surroundings and all the beliefs in the world. Some people need to believe in something to live, others need goals and dreams to live honestly without the two we would die. If you don't have dreams you are just going to let life pass you by. I honestly had no freaking idea what i wanted but that's when years later after maturing mentally that i realised the things i want in life are actually my dreams, that the places, the things, the shows, the gigs etc are all my goals. I can and i will achieve them all and that will not happen in one single day, but it will happen in stepping stones in the shape of days, months and years even. Some say once your dreams/goals are achieved you will die. Oh yeah? I'd like to see the goal/dream of living forever try and get me haha. In all jokes aside i have rambled on way to long here, this post is not just from my mind aimed at myself, it's aimed at others, I want to send a message of help and support to everyone today struggling, who are unhappy, sad, dreaming, overthinking, scared or what other emotions are going through you today or when you are reading this, whoever you are, where ever you are.

You are amazing! Set your goals, work towards them and achieve them one stepping stone at a time. Support is always around you. Bring positive vibes to others who need it. Tell yourself you are gorgeous, smart, funny, honest, nice and friendly. Think of the positives in your life. Focus onto them, drive away those bad thoughts, we need more bright people in this dim world. It all starts with positive thinking, stick your middle finger up to the bad. Less focus on the past and more focus on the future. We are all guilty of relapsing and going back onto the bad habits of negative thoughts but as long as you today get through the day with no bad thoughts of yourself, no arguing with others i promise you, you will see the difference and how silly you have been with the negative thoughts of yourself getting yourself down all the time. Be strong everyone. Sending these good vibes and these messages of positivity your way.

I have been asked recently "Scott how do you keep going to all these gigs, shows and events?" a very easy question to answer that I'm glad I got asked. I saved up my money from the time devouring monster that was my time in security and I am spending my hard earned cash to go and do things and to see and hear things that I enjoy in this world. You could tell me it's a waste of money and time and I could tell you spending money to get drunk is also. These shows, events and gigs I attend are all creating memories and experiences. I'd love to see others go to gigs or conventions and what have you, it’s all fun and just so enjoyable. You can make many friends. You can get into new musicians. You could get into a show you don't even watch from all these experiences. Do what you love to do and your little world in your brain will be happy. Going to gigs seeing your fave musicians ah god it's a feeling that is truly a huge mixed bag of emotions from the whole psyched up phase to the love phase to the happy phase to the point where you sing your lungs out and dance like no one else is there but yourself. Plus one unforgettable moment I love most about going to see musicians I love is when the crowd come together to sing in perfect harmony, hearing thousands of people all different ages, genders, races just singing dancing being happy just everyone feeling the power of that moment of singing to a song. It gives me goosebumps it's beautiful. I go to the shows, gigs, events because I want to, I have the money to, I want to just be a part of an electrified atmosphere and just experience it all. I love it. I love going to see these bands, I love going to watch wrestling shows, I love going to meet the people who I have grown up watching at comic cons. I love all the experience I have had with shows, gigs and what not. There's been negative moments in a few but I've always enjoyed it all.

Written by Scott Jones. 
This came from my heart,mind and soul. I want to additionally thank Maxine Day for helping me unlock this new look on life that i have hid from.