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Friday 22 April 2016

Tips on interviewing others.

Back once again with some more tips, this may become a new feature here on my blogs which may transcend to the podcast and youtube realm later on but for now you have this :) 

First off it really helps to find out more on who you are interviewing so study them, visit their social media accounts and see what you find and see and read. 

Second you need to plan questions, i normally write out at least 10 and ask how many i see fit and you know in terms of with others you can ask the same questions but it always helps to spice things up and ask new and other questions too.

If you get stuck on what can you ask the person you are interviewing, its no crime to google some questions so do feel free to do it.

Adjust questions: By this i mean if you are talking to a company ask about business what are they doing for the community maybe, if its a band ask for their musical influences, if its a solo singer ask if they had any singing lessons. There is so much to ask it depends on who or what they are.

Try asking a question that can catch them out: Easier said than done this one, the standard questions like how are you or what got you into the business are all well and good  but the person on the other hand may have seen that coming and prepared for questions before the interview but would they ever see a question coming such as "Who ever said humpty dumpty was an egg?" coming towards them? I think not. Try make them laugh aswell.

Eye contact: This is a big one for anything at all in life. A tip i got told which is rather funny is look at the persons eyebrows because hey its eye level more or less and it does work. 

Dress to impress but not to steal the show: Dress appropriate smart but casual. Let the person feel that you are laid back and things will be good.

Body language: Hard one here, remember how they told you to sit or stand in school STRAIGHT UP haha. 

Recording: If you are recording the interview obviously make sure everything has memory and is charged.

Be polite. 

Ok and that is basically everything covered i believe. Let me know if these tips help in anyway shape or form for you. 

Remember study,be polite,stand/sit straight,dress casual but smart,have questions written out and some sneaky ones to catch them out on,look in the eyes or at the eyebrows. Adjust questions on the person or company you are interviewing,plan accordingly and make sure recording equipment is all in good order. 

Thanks for reading,til next time, the god is out! 

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