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Sunday 17 May 2020

Sleepless Nights & Tired Eyes (original poem) by Scott Jones

Sleepless nights and tired eyes,
Screams of hunger in the middle of the night,
Cries of changing, keep me ever so on guard,
I try to silence them for you to get your rest,
We created a beautiful being,

You pushed and kept giving but they were no longer comfy in their cell,
They impatiently made us wait 9 months to arrive into our lives,
And how thankful and happy we are now,
As we hold hands bearing witness to our blessing of life,
To see the product of half of my life and half of yours in a single being,

The tale of equivalent exchange we heard a long time ago,
The best stories always stick with us,
I am so happy to have been blessed with such amazing people,
Those who stuck by my side through the thick and thin,

To my wife who has helped bandage up my mortal wounds,
To my child who has the light of hope inside them to carry on,
For my family who raised me with kindness and respect and love,
To my friends who have been there when i had none of that which i have now,
I thank you all for following me, it's a tough old life,
I hope we can all sit around a table when we are old and grey and look back,
Hopefully we can all smile and say we made it,

Dearest darling wife and i will be happily sat in our homes at 90 smiling,
Surrounded by our children and their children,
Oh such happy times and many rainbows all to come,
We have endured such storms and we'll all endure many more,
We will all survive and live happily ever after.....

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