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Thursday 23 August 2018

Late Night Ramblin's Vol 5: The Problematic Mind

It's 4:35am as of writing on the 23/8/18. I won't bother editing this, i will make mistakes grammatically i know but who care's im sure you will understand me and if you want me to correct it, tell me because right now i am tired and full of worry. 

I have problems........

There I said it. I have money, car, long sighted, mathematical, grammatical, social, sleeping, thinking, you name it i have problems. We all do!

At the moment i seem to be bleeding money from my car problems which in turn is making my money go down which causes money problems which causes stress, depression, just overall emotional and personal problems for me. 

How do i escape this? 

Work more? I work what i am given, occasionally if i have no plans and time i will cover. I have applied for more work elsewhere, part time, full time, temp, apprenticeships you name it. Any one got back to me with anything? Nope just decline after decline after decline. When all i want in life is victory after victory after victory after victory just like EC3. 

Why not get paid to write? 

If someone can point me in the right direction i am more than happy to do it. 

Eat less and exercise more?
Valid points but i dont want to starve myself and exercising is hard my mentality is not set to do it, i need to be on that autodrive and motivated and inspired but my brain most of the time is not but when it is, it's like a feeling an emotion a drive to do it but mainly i need someone with me i dont like going to the gym alone and i know i did it alone for a while a few months back but of course like i explained before i became sick, had more work on and less time to do it so i dropped it and ended up losing my gym card which put me behind so much more so i could not go to the gym with out my card i know so annoying. 

Cut out non essentials and sell things you no longer have need for?
Very valid points of course i am making my way onto that. 

Is Karma my problem?
The very problem with problems is the fact they never come alone, they come in clusters of them. When you find one there's another and another but oh look over there, yep its another and sometimes dealing with them can sprout more too! Never ending vicious cycle it seems. That's life as Sinatra would say, but why do we have to suffer them? I've heard it all before problems make a man. I need the nonjudgmental, the helpful, the caring, the lovable people in my life to come forward, help me. I'm struggling. My worries are getting too much. I think of only the worse. If this is a way of Karma well what have i done? Sure i have said nasty things in the past and done some as a kid for sure everyone has kids feel no consequences to their actions or words is all and if its because of that why karma chooses to hit at me so hard then come on just go wild karma or better yet stop and restore all karma. 

I complain and talk about the negatives of myself and life so much i know and i can only offer my apologies there. What else am i to do?

Happy Brain, Happy Life! 
This is what i need to achieve, i need that peace of mind, where i am not a panicky pete or worry hound dog 24/7 im not really living doing this, i need help motivation advice anything i can get to push me into the right direction! 

If anyone can help me out with links to motivate me to do things or stories or advice tips etc do let me know! 

If you feel the same as me and going through the motions just like me, don't worry you are not alone!

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