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Tuesday 7 August 2018

Late Night Ramblin's Vol 4: Fitness Bug Come Back!

Oh how the mighty fall.

Start of the year I said I'm going to go to the gym again and just go for it lose weight eat better I did good cheat days aside.

In fairness I did lose 2 stone and my arms were getting bigger by that I mean the muscles were actually growing haha.

Anyway work picked up and I got sick which cut me off from gym for 2 weeks and due to sickness and tiredness from work and I also top it off lost my gym card and it took my gym ages to send me a replacement but ofcourse I slipped back into the lazy shit that I am at home.

I feel ashamed to admit it but yeah I've slipped, I've messed up and gone back to this puppy fat mess that my body is.

All that progress gone.

Well the gym ain't cheap, time has to be made and I have to kick my arse back in gear and go for it again.

I need to not quit. Not to get lazy at home. I'd love to have a friend help me out be like personal trainer go for walks, jogs, pump iron, get the stamina up and help kick my metabolism and testosterone up to max.

Of course I need to sort my fussy eating habits out of junk food the likes of crisps, chocolate, burgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, curry, pizzas, chips you know that generic crap. Need to go more nutrition and protein mad.

Thing is I am so indecisive and just lazy and easy to quit and give up and go back to the state of laziness.

I ain't getting any younger, I do have joint pain and I ain't been or seem my prime state before no one has. I wonder what my beast mode would look like, course being cocky now I'd kill for Finn Balor abs.

So guy's I need your help, I need your positive vibes, feed me your energy, post comments or message me wherever and whenever just egg me on please believe in me.

I'll get started again soon as my work schedule is quieter.

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