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Monday 30 July 2018

WOS (WORLD OF SPORT) Wrestling ITV - Episode 1 Review 28/7/18

"This is the dawn of a new era! The jokers, clowns gone, but only the best, brightest and dedicated athletes get on this platform. WELCOME TO WOS WRESTLING!" 
The episode start's strong with the booming voice of WOS GM Stu (FKA: Wade Barrett) Barrett echoing throughout our tellies with a video package playing showing these great talents in slo-motion with the atmosphere building and shows the action, the talents warming up and showing the fans all hyped up. We are then welcomed by Alex Shane and So Cal Val and I must say it's so refreshing to have a female commentator on full time for a wrestling show and not have a team full of men, having grown up with the Attitude Era of then WWF to now in WWE, TNA, NJPW, ROH and so on it's so common to have full team of male commentators. 

Stu comes into the ring to cut a promo on the return of WOS and the glory of British wrestling today quite frankly and how the clowns, the idiots, the jokes are gone and only the best are to enter this prestigious ring but he is quickly cut off by WOS Heavyweight Champion fan favourite GRADO! Grado is considered to be the modern era Big Daddy of WOS. Stu is not happy with Grado smiling and prancing around as her enters the ring whilst fans cheer and chant for Grado. Stu reluctantly shakes Grado's hand. Grado looks at Stu and say's how he thinks that Stu is thinking how much of a joke Grado is and that he is not in good shape. Of course Grado admits he does not go to the gym he walks his dog twice a day hey sometimes even three and he does it with pride and he also wears the WOS title with pride. Stu definitely has it in for Grado as Stu declares that Grado is not what Stu see's as the future of WOS as he announces the first match. 

A 5 man elimination match, winner gets to face Grado in the main event for the title. Out comes Rampage, Sha Samuels, Crater, Justin Sysum and Adam Maxted and the match gets underway. Crator gets to work taking all of the men down forcing the rest to work together to take him down. Maxted was apparently on Love Island as we hear about it several times with some good wise cracks coming from Val like "Perhaps he should go back to that Island" and Crator get's disqualified by not letting go of Maxted while the ref counted and before swiftly making his way to the back Crator goes for all the others again inflicting pain and destruction in his wake. Sha and Rampage seem to be teaming up taking on Sysum but Sysum comes back taking both out with a double clothesline. Sysum goes to the corner and takes out Sha and Rampage again with a cross body. Sha and Rampage's team up goes awry following a failed double team attempt with Sysum quickly pinning and eliminating Sha. Rampage runs at Sysum but Sysum quick steps out of the way enabling Rampage's shoulder to hit the ring post as Maxted comes back and quickly tries to pin a distracted Sysum but fails. Maxted and Sysum show off each of their agility in the ring it's quite a spectacle. Sysum goes for a dive but of course it's too much high risk and Sysum does not get all of it as the ref counts to 10 Sysum gets in the ring but Rampage is pushed back into the ring by Sha and the ref is confused as Stu announces both men will be in the main event for the WOS title against Grado. Great start to the night with this match. 
Next up we have what's set to be an amazing bout with British Bulldog Junior taking on the aerial assassin Will Osprey. Now before we get into this match Will Osprey is a legend he is a living superhero with the things he can do in the ring simply phenomenal British talent. Action gets underway with Bulldog showing his strength but Osprey is showing his speed and his agility but Bulldog is also agile when he shows he can kip up. Bulldog is so strong the crowd chants one more time for a body slam and Bulldog gives us another and then get's Will in a vertical suplex for what seems like minutes. Bulldog plays dirty going for the legs of Osprey but Osprey does counter into a pin but fails but Osprey then rebounds off the ropes for a cheeky pele kick taking down Bulldog. Osprey goes for a springboard and hits it and then signals for the end by doing a some sort of spiral flip, I have no idea what that move is called but that was insane but he does not get the pin again. This match is so close it's so good! Crowd loves this match too. 
Osprey screams trying to put away Bulldog he is frustrated but he goes to kick Bulldog but gets countered but then runs up Bulldog trying the pele kick again but gets countered into a delayed German suplex but he still can't put Will away. Bulldog tries again but Osprey lands and kicks Bulldog in the head but as Osprey runs the ropes hoping to take out Bulldog, The British Bulldog counters with a nasty clothesline taking out just decimating Osprey and OSPREY KICKS OUT OH MY GOD! THIS IS AWESOME! SERIOUSLY OH MY GOD WHAT THE WORLD WAS THAT IT WAS SOME SORT OF INSIDE OUT STANDING FLIP! AMAZING PURE AMAZEMENT THIS MATCH IS! Alex Shane on commentary continues to call Osprey a wizard. Osprey goes for a flip off the ropes to Bulldog but Bulldog catches him and goes for a powerslam but Osprey escapes and delivers a dragon suplex to Bulldog. Will is showing strength but he is wincing every now and then from the pain delivered to his leg by Bulldog. Osprey goes from the corner hits a spinning kick on a downed Bulldog and goes for the pin 1, 2, WOAH IT WAS SO CLOSE! Osprey looking to finish by going up top, tried a 450 splash i think it was but Bulldog put's his legs up hitting Osprey and Bulldog has him this has to be it for Will and after that Will still kics out but now Bulldog hits a sit out power bomb and WILL STILL KICKS OUT! THIS IS AWESOME YES I AGREE CROWD! Bulldog takes Osprey up the top but Osprey is fighting back as Osprey escapes and hits a "cheeky fernandos kick"? Bulldog still on the ropes. Osprey jumps at Bulldog but Bulldog catches and jumps off the ropes! VICIOUS POWER SLAM AND THAT'S IT THAT IS THE END OF THIS MATCH! OMG THIS WAS A HELL OF A MATCH MY GOD! That was a hell of a story these men told in the ring a story of speed vs strength it was nonstop awesomeness. 

We go backstage to see Rhys and Sabian cutting a promo on how they are the best tag team in WOS and that they are going to win the tag title tournament and become the tag team champions. 
Tag team tournament kicks off now with, Rhys and Sabian vs Kirby and JOEEEEEEE HENDRYYYYYYYYYY! Joe is another fan favourite getting everyone to wave their hands side to side. Hendry and Sabian go at it first both showing off their technical wrestling abilities. Hendry tags Kirby in following a tag team move but Sabian gets Kirby in a headlock slowing him down as he continues to get the better of Kirby but Kirby mounts a quick comback and tags in Hendry again. Hendry gets stopped by Rhys outside of the ring as Rhys gets tagged in then. The double team is proving too much for Hendry he needs to tag in Kirby soon or this won't end well. Kirby is distracted by Sabian and Hendry accidentally bumps Kirby off the apron whilst the dastardly duo of Rhys and Sabian keep Hendry out of his corner and down on the mat. Hendry is being pumped up by the audience as he continues to kick out and not give up as Sabian and Rhys keep delivering with their tag team moves dominating the ring. Sabian goes for a dive but Joe moves out of the way and tries to tag Kirby in but Kirby leaves the ring saying Joe is a cry baby and that it's his match alone now but Hendry is fired up nonetheless and fights on 2v1 and Hendry does a fallaway slam to both men wow most impressive. Hendry shows off his wrestling skills once more getting Rhys in an Ankle lock but Sabian dropkicks hendry enabling the duo of Rhys and Sabian to team up and successfully pin Hendry. Not a bad match. Sabian and Rhys are a most impressive team. 

MAIN EVENT TIME! Triple Threat for the WOS title. Rampage V Sysum V Grado. The action kicks off with Rampage taking on Grado. Sysum also takes out Rampage out of the ring infact as Grado starts the infamous cult classic wrestling chant EASY! EASY! EASY! Haha a chant not heard in a long time. Grado bumps into Sysum trying to fend him off with high kicks as Sysum and Grado then shakes hands but Grado pulls Sysum in for a headlock but Sysum escapes the hold as Grado shoulder barges into Sysum and Sysum does not move as Sysum tries it on Grado, Grado moves out of the way causing Sysum to fall flat on his face, which was pretty funny. Grado and Sysum play fun and games with easy chants galore and even Grado applauding Sysum landing a backflip. Here comes Rampage to break up the fun and games....and he gets set out of the ring again by these two. Sysum slides through Grado's legs and then is pulled out of the ring by Rampage and is attacked by him there. Grado pulls down his straps goes outside on the apron runs and HE JUMPED OFF THE APRON ONTO BOTH MEN TAKING THEM OUT! Grado gets Rampage in the ring tries to pin but to no avail. Rampage elbows Grado down and then get's Grado into a suplex hitting that, he pins but oh a 2 count. Rampage hits a side suplex on Grado pins but again a 2 count. Sysum is coming back  and shoulder dives into Rampage getting him down as Sysum legs it to Rampage GRADO COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A WEE KICK and now Rampage tries a piledriver but fails and GRADO COMES OUTTA NOWHERE WITH A CUTTER! GRADO TRIES TO PIN RAMPAGE BUT SYSUM BREAKS IT UP! Sysum goes up top 450 to Grado thats it surely, Rampage throws Sysum out of the ring as Rampage sets Grado up for an implant ddt and oh no that's it! NEW CHAMPION RAMPAGE! 
Next week we have a ladder match and the tag tournament continues but that's not all as next week they crown the first WOS WOMENS CHAMPION!

Wow well what a show, sorry but the second match was the best of the night but hey great show certainly made an impact! 

Alternatively you can catch up on the ITV Hub. 
Watch, support, love British Wrestling!
SCORE: 4/5

Written by: Scott Jones
Photo credit: WOS Wrestling & ITV

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