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Tuesday 14 August 2018

First Music Video Experience! (Acoustic James - Zombie On The Weekend)

Yep that's my name there twice, I filmed and co-directed my mates first ever music video. Acoustic James - Zombie On The Weekend. Check it out! 

It's as James say's "A Tribute To The Pro's" he idolises Edgar Wright and his famed Cornetto Trilogy and for good reason because I too share the same mindset, Edgar and the trilogy is some fine amazing piece of film making. 

James say's this about it: "The idea is also to tribute with the subtle colour coding in each of the series, along with including a cone of some sorts in all three. These are stand on their own video ideas, along with each post credit clip that will be a clear tribute to per Cornetto movie edition. The next two are already in plan, should get better with the practice too :)"

I have directed before but nothing to this kinda level I mean what have I directed? Nothing serious just skits and jackass type videos involving my mate James Evans for several years but I class that as something else it was just the kid in me, the rebellious teen just acting out i guess experimenting not taking things seriously as I did for this. Same goes for filming of course I have filmed loads of times but this is a different level. I also appear in the video briefly but enough of me tooting my horn because of how proud I am to have had the opportunity to do this. 

I'd like to speak on behalf of both me and Acoustic James and say that of course we aint perfect we are noobs to this but we try our best and skills like film making and directing don't come straight away takes years. He has basically revealed we are working on two more obviously since this series is a tribute to the great Cornetto trilogy that the second will be kinda police themed followed by a worlds end in the climatic third. 
We have not shot anything yet for music video 2 or 3 BUT can I reveal any info about them? Nope I can not, NDA has been signed and what not ;P 

You know,  I know James would hate me saying this but he has been a nervous wreck about sharing this video he's disabled the comments because he expects to get trolled but you know he's putting the effort in we both are for that matter and we do this for fun and the love and passion we both share for films and music. No one is perfect. We all have our own ego's and demons but what's important is that we put them aside and try our best with doing the things we love and sharing them for people to see. 

James doubted himself and I gave him a right boot in the motivational prep talk department saying to him: "Who cares about the dislikes or any trolling or anyone criticising saying this video ain't good ffs mun, It's views! You ain't Edgar you or I are not we aint on his level he's his own we have to make our own way our own style, we are noobs he's had years of experience and he has an entire film crew at his disposal for help and where as we have just started and it's just us and I say we've done a good enough job as we can. Everyone will see or can see that. I care about you getting the views than anything. We done some good shit and put some hardwork into it with you doing the most editing and writing and putting the song together lol I want people to see it and I want it to be shared. Years to come we'll look back on it and smile and see how far we have come no doubts there. Just don't worry about it. Just because i tagged Edgar does not mean he'll immediately go and watch it lol I doubt Edgar will watch it anyway unless loads ask him. Most famous people are like that. Takes an army of fleas to bring down a giant. So don't be ashamed of it or what ever, get your ego pumped up and just share, laugh at the haters if there's any at all, enable comments, share to acoustic pages and groups and music groups. Music just like acting requires you put yourself out there out of your comfort zone to become someone else.There's my motivational speech for the day, I hope you enjoyed and that you will take any hate and brush it aside and remember this is all experience and apart of the learning curve we will improve."

I literally messaged him that and I believe it made him feel better as he thanked me and sent a smiling emoji with a thumbs up one also. :)
Now to answer some question's I have been asked. 

Q: "Were any tripods used to film?" 
A: Only one scene was used with tripods and that's the close up on James's face when he wakes up. Rest was free hand. 

Q: "What was the hardest part?" 
A: Working around our crazy schedules and weather really haha. Other than that James did the handwork as he story boarded the entire music video, he edited it, he wrote the song of course, played the instruments, he did so much more than me just guiding or filming or saying this would look good or how about this etc you know so yeah he had hardwork on this more than me. 

Q: "Any bloopers to this?" 
A: "Yeah we captured a few for sure there's always outtakes to anything, however I am unsure if we will get a video on the bloopers or not. If we do I will let you know and share that!" 

Q: "Any onset stories?" 
A: "The world was our set for the record haha. Yes I suppose we had some stories. For example filming in one street we randomly had a guy come up to us who we assume was drunk or using some sort of substance anyway he was asking us if we wanted well Oral. Yep that he asked us, we were like wtf. We declined and moved on fast as we could however we did ran into him and see him a few more times that night but we avoided him at all times haha he was a creep. One other time we were filming in town and in the same street actually there was this helicopter which just kept circling us it was quite low and loud it was annoying but also we were wondering what it wanted and what it was up to. It was weird but it eventually left yay. On the way back from last day of shooting we walked past a guy who randomly punched a sign and just like that he disappeared into the night we did not see where he went but we were like "what in the hell is his problem?" But yeah some right nutters about where we went to film this haha that's all the stories I can think of at the moment." 

Q: "Where can i watch this video?"

Q: "Can I download this song?"
A: Check this page out for more info -

Any more Q's please feel free to comment or message me or Acoustic James :) 

That's all I have for you guy's, so in short this shiny guy had a shiny time and he hopes you too stay shiny! 

Thanks For Reading!

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