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Sunday 12 June 2016

Be YOU! by Scott Jones

In a world of negativity be YOU!

Do what you want,do what you can,be respectful,don't mess others around,look how you want,eat and drink what you want. At the end of the day do what you enjoy.

I am sick of seeing negativity once again on here and in the online world of things in this honest to god mess of a world we live in, well ok its not the world at all actually just our society.

The society of stigma,the society of bashing one another's looks,their beliefs,their tastes, just everything.

Honestly people please look in the mirror take a good long look and think and I mean really think. Some, or in fact you the person I am talking to right now in written form may honestly think it's fun it's oh what's it called ah yes "Top bantz" to go around pissing others off and using them or just frankly abusing them? Anyone who thinks this way do me a favor, click on my profile and remove yourself.

If you think you can walk all over someone, anyone at all leave. If you think you need likes to feed your family or your ego look at me because you don't. If you think someone out of work is a lazy bum once again you have another thing coming. If you think having tattoos or someone weighing more than you is the works of the devil or just too much alcohol and drugs and kebabs or just being again lazy well it's not.

The point is you don't know what people's backgrounds,personal lives or mentality are like, so why do people choose to go off and like I said walk over others with abuse and fake friendships? No one needs to do that or get involved with it at all.

If you right now are happy with how you live,with what you do,who you are,who your family and friends are and how you look trust me you are perfect. You are perfect and beautiful no matter what flaws you think you have or what other flaws people make you think you have. If you are happy with yourself please smile and shine your smile directly to all those haters wasting their lives and their time on this planet being jealous and disliking you for something they don't have.

I just wanted to write this because things have built to a point where I feel like I have to say something about the way things I see are going. There are people in my friends list whom I would I would love to tell a few things to like "can you stop ditching or lying or bitching to get others to like you and befriend you" and other things like "can you stop belittling yourself because you are amazing or can you not like fall for " idiots" but I won't certainly not here online and that's the way it should be and not airing dirty laundry all over the Internet even if it may feel good for a few seconds but just don't like honestly keep the drama to the TV shows. Right I am ending this status because I am done venting for one day, so thanks for reading and one last thing....


And take care :)

Scott Jones

If you wish to be more enlightened with positive vibes have a look at the link below!

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