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Sunday 5 June 2016

Top 10 Disney films Of All Time (so far)

Hey, how are you?
I hope you said "i am good thanks" if not why not?

Anyway here i am back once again with a brand new list that separates the prince from the princess.

This list is all about Disney yes the movies or rather films from Disney that i love. With Disney's film archive spanning over 50 feature films so with that in mind and from my personal opinion and experience's i am now going to list my list of my top 10 Disney films and i will also list lessons the films have taught me.

Now before we begin i mean so far in brackets as in so far to this day and year of this being posted. There maybe a new modern Disney classic out by the time you read this list who know's that is why i said so far for you see.

10: Jungle Book 
Swinging,Scatting,Fun story telling. Memorable songs and characters. SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE LIVE ACTION REMAKE. Who does not love the jungle book? NO ONE I TELL YOU! What lesson has Jungle book taught me? Appreciate the world around you, even things as small as the bees who are buzzing in the trees to make some honey just for you. Be careful who you trust,you can count on your friends,what's right is not always so easy.

9: Robin Hood
What the fox? Only number 9? Yes Robin Hood (the fox one) is a classic with the most memorable catchy song coming in form of a whistle via a rooster. Robin Hood had a lot of great characters and it was very fun and enjoyable also educational not to mention an underrated disney classic. The film teaches of working not only as a team and planning to perfection but of also charity in giving to the poor. Yes i know he stole the money but still he was the good guy. 

8: Peter Pan
With a bit of pixie dust Peter makes it into my list. I honestly can not remember any songs from the animated classic but what i do remember is fond memories of tink,pete,smee and one of my all time favorite villains, Captain Hook. Great story. Hook rules! Embracing adventure is one of many things Pan has taught me as a kid,sooner or later the bad guys pay for their deeds,You can accomplish amazing things by thinking positively and of course everyone has to grow up sometime.

7: Hercules
Great case of characters,voice actors and music and the story was fun gripping and educational as it told us all of greek mythology which is very fascinating. Herc taught of never give up on your dreams. Sometimes your worst enemy is yourself. Strength of character can be greater than physical strength. Celebrity and Heroism are not the same thing.

6: Lion King
What a film and it's only number 6. The music,story and characters as ever are outstanding. This tale is very Shakespearean like and features one ruthless bastard of a villain who i was actually afraid of as a kid, it was the voicing of Jeremy Irons and the animal that he was with Scar! Hakuna matata,circle of life,i just can't wait to be king,be prepared.can you feel the love tonight ah all these classic songs are glued in my brain since i was a kid. Not forgetting the opening AH ZEFENYA MONOLISA BUB UH! LOL! Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble,Not all family members are trustworthy,Don’t dwell on the past,Hakuna Matata is the best philosophy ever,Everyone will always fuss over royal babies and there are a few more i am sure but i am just listing those for now.

5: Wall-E
I loved Wall-E i was captivated by him and the film. Despite him saying just his name or Eva is enough. I loved the romance between Eva and Wall-E more than anything in this movie. It's all about the garbage we generate and don't recycle has to go SOMEWHERE, the seductions of comfort (which causes obesity and laziness) and importance of effort, the proper relationship between man and machine, the need to clean up our own messes, one's pursuit of love can reach to the ends of the universe--literally. I loved this film and i still do, it has a special place in my heart of Disney.

4: Bug's Life
Oh lord the nostalgia, the movie,the music,the actors,the characters,the game! Bug's life is the bomb! Why they have not made is sequel remains a humongous mystery. I have often in times of need hummed the theme song it helps,IT INSPIRES. Kevin Spacey as Hopper the villain in bugs life is also incredible another bastard villain you love and hate haha. "A Bug's Life" teaches respect for those who are different from the group, teamwork, and owning up to your mistakes. Children can find inspiration in the character of Dot, the youngest and smallest ant, who does amazing things. The film can also be used as an occasion to learn about ants and insects.

3: Toy Story
Undoubtedly the best series Pixar has made spans from Toy Story and again undoubtedly Toy Story is an unforgettable film franchise. Why? The music,cast,story are incredible. The animation is smooth and has not aged. The film series teaches people to reach for the sky,to go infinity and beyond,that not everything revolves around you,everyone grows up, imagination is powerful,don't judge books by it's cover,friendship,teamwork,it's ok to be sad,childhood memories will never leave,letting go isn't easy but it's worth it, you've got a friend in me. Simply lovely!

2: Mulan
This film gave us the first (if i am correct) disney "princess" that was a badass! Mulan is a hell of a film one of my all time faves from disney obviously. Why? It's different,memorable,touching,fun,funny,catchy so damn good! The music is always locked on my brain when ever someone says "let's get down to buisness" i always say to myself "to defeat the huns!" and of course reflection is such an emotional song it does get me teary time to time because it's lyrics are so powerful and i feel a connection of what the song is about, not knowing who you are. What does the film teach? To stand up for what you believe,only you control your own destiny so take charge,never give up,family is important. Mulan also broke the sociable barriers of feminism and sexism simply put Mulan showed the world to not count out any woman. Not that anyone did not already know that. Mulan is a great female role model who is also underrated. She is my fave disney woman. 

1: Sword In The Stone
Higitus Figitus zumbabazing,I want your attention everything because this is number 1 and that's what makes the world go round. Yes the great tale of a boy who became king tops my list. Sword in the stone teaches us of manners,planning,magic does not solve all problems,if you don't try you'll never know,love is powerful,Just because you don’t understand something, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong,Knowledge and wisdom is the real power,the power of learning,and to never underestimate anyone i am sure there are a few others there too but here are a few. I think this is possibly the first disney film i seen but i could be wrong i remember my dad loved it and i did aswell as a result. I feel its also underrated as i don't hear many talk about it as mainly when disney is mentioned its always one of the princess's or it's an animal when Arthur is a boy and a king! He is king of my list. I love the story and myth of the sword in the stone.

This concludes my list.

Honorable mention's: Aladdin,Big Hero 6,Atlantis,Treasure Planet,Pinocchio,Fox and Hound,Cinderella,Snow White,Finding Nemo,Beauty & The Beast,Alice in wonderland,101 dalmatians,Dumbo,Ratatouille and Little Mermaid. 

This list may come in a series so i could cover, fave Disney songs,characters all that and more.

If you want to see it, let me know by commenting. 

So it's higgitus figgitus thanks for reading from me. 

*Hums bug's life theme* 

Oh! You got a friend in me because the god is out.

God what a tough list this took me ages to compile!
A lot of work goes into these ya know :)

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