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Saturday 11 September 2021

So, I've Got Covid-19 - 10th September 2021

So as of writing, it's 11th September 2021 at 3pm and NHS text me at 1:20pm to tell me I am Positive with Covid-19. I avoided covid well for over a year and a half but it has finally got me. Track and trace called me on Wednesday and said my isolation period ends on the 19th at midnight so basically from the 20th I am freeeee. 

Officially my symptoms started 9/9/21 as my forehead was hot but I thought nothing of it. Apparently Covid is in your body 2 days before showing symptoms so I probably had it from the 7/9/21. I am just listening to what track and trace told me and what the gov has said about it all.  

How did we get here?
Well let's recap the last couple of days and then my symptoms and I will update this during my 10 day isolation and make a blog post on when I am fully recovered so if that sounds good to you, let's crack on!

So 8th September my dad felt rough and did a lateral test and it was positive then he went to have a PCR test done and the next day the results came back and it was positive. My mam then did her test and that came back positive too and this was the same day as my dad's positive. 

I did lateral flow test 9th September and I felt fine and the result was negative, I went off to work all fine but felt warm in my forehead when I got home from work and I thought of it as just from me being hot in work and the next day then on the 10th I did a lateral flow at 12 midday and 30mins later the result said negative THEN after having food at 2pm I started coughing and felt chesty coughs and my forehead was warm and I was producing phlegm. I emailed my workplace about my condition and then I went for my own PCR test. 

My symptoms started 2pm Friday with chesty cough and warm forehead which amped up in the night to a pressure and boiling hot head and my coughs have been more debilitating to me. I had severe cold flushes on my body before going to sleep and after waking up. I feel tired and run down in my body. There is a dull ache in my left arm funnily enough and yes that is same arm I was fully vaccinated with months ago and that's mad I have an ache there. I think If I had not that bad reaction to the first dose and If I was not fully covid jabbed that I would be in a hospital right now or worse. I feel like shit and It annoys me that I have it. Nothing we could do really about that as if two of my household had it then it was just a ticking time bomb for me until I caught it.  

Anyway I hope this eases and I heal up super soon and I never catch this again! 

I woke up this morning 11/9/21 with left blocked nostril and less of a cough but later on in the day it's there still. The heat fluctuations are really nasty and they make me just lay down until it passes. 

12/9/21 I woke up blocked left nostril again, chesty cough and the most dry throat ever and nothing is touching it.

13/9/21 Woke up as per norm from the other days just abruptly thank you ill body. So Today I'm full of like head cold and like a cold, today's symptoms to me feel like a cold but not a normal cold but like SUPER COLD not in terms of temp as I hot in my head of course. My nose is blocked and stuffy and also runny at times. Track and trace contacted me today and the lady on the phone was lovely and yeah lots got sorted and I should be free in just over a week from isolation. 

14/9/21 Woke up, high temp blocked nose, head ache and sweats most of the day. Lost my taste and smell. Every day since the 11/9/21 I have not felt hungry at all until my stomach growls. 

15/9/21 temperature, dry throat, headache, sweats, cant smell and taste. Coughing alot again. 

16/9/21 same as yesterday minus sweats and dry throat at the moment, not coughing too much, just feel blocked in my sinus's and I can't smell and taste. Sorry I'm going through a lot right now and I feel like total shit. I am so tired. I want to go and be free and healthy again. 

17/9/21 Just feel tired but always feel tired with this bug. Forehead feels hot to touch. Nose feels blocked. I feel like total shit, unsure if its just covid or if it something else or if its both. 

18 & 19th September 2021 - I felt alive more so than any other day and only symptom was that my nose was blocked when I woke up. Can faintly taste and smell. I feel fine besides this. Not really noticing a cough if anything I do cough too and far to say it's related and more so like my normal throat/chest clearing cough. Happy Days! YOU CAN TAKE MY TASTE AND SMELL, BUT THERE'S ONE THING YOU WILL NEVER TAKE, MY FREEEEDOMMM!!!!!

20th September, I woke up feeling fine, blocked nose still however. I did a covid rapid test and that showed as negative. Time to go get my freedom back. 





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