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Saturday 11 September 2021

Random Ramblin's 48 - News Of Teh World

Welcome back, today's top story: 
Scott posts to his blog for the first time in ages! We will stay with this story until there are no further developments. We go now live to Scott on the scene, go ahead Scott. 

Thanks Scott, so the news of the world is there's lots going on in the world, covid is still at large for its heinous crimes and we also have word of food shortages and film delays aswell as low numbers of hospitality staff and truck drivers. We also have news of American troops leaving Afghan but now the Tali-chart ban are at large taking over many places they were once pushed out of. However this is not the real news, this is a blog post, this is a blog from the mind of Scott aka 1stmetalgod and where he recalls event or gives reviews or opinions or rankings on various forms of thoughts and media so with this comedic intro done and dusted and brushed to the side let's get on with his news of the world and his thoughts on the world and all in the world and just anything and everything. 

Alright, alright, alright. First off,
I hope you are well!
I am pretty damn good, thanks for asking. I mean, I am almost always really good, the only times I am not is when I am dealing with work but hey life is like that init. I would like to also say that this post has been in motion for a few weeks now over the course of August and now into September. So some things can and will be outdated and updated and so on, but it's ok, I just wanted to just say here.  I have not posted much personally here about what I think or been up to or how I am so why not pick it up here. You won't believe how many edits i have made during this blog posts release. Lots on at the moment and not all I can talk about. :) 

I'll be going away for a week soon, I can't wait for a nice little break and a week away with my lady. :D

So as I said in my last youtube video update, I been dealing with some health issues. I have been seen about most of them and I am taking some Iron tablets at the moment and will be with them for the next few months to ensure I don't become anaemic. So I am unable to donate blood until my treatment has been done and run it's course and I am folate healthy hehe. Other than that I am just getting some foot issues sorted too. :) 

Next up. 
I am sad to learn that one of my oldest friends has moved away BUT I am also proud of him too. I knew he was going to move, but I never knew when and I wish he said as I would have loved to have hanged out with him one last time locally, BUT I know he is going to go do amazing thing's he is so talented and I would love to work with him again one day on and with music in anyway shape or form. Much love and respect to my metal brother Lewis. See you again soon dude, can't wait for our next drink! He's got a gig in Jac's Aberdare October 30th so hoping to see him there, then. 

You know what ain't actually a bad game? Cyberpunk 2077 and yes I have been playing it on the PS4 as a Male V and I have enjoyed it when it's not crashed on me. Yes the texture glitches and glitches in general are so amusing but IT'S A GAME, IF YOU AINT ENJOYING THE STORY, THEN QUIT WHINING AND QUIT PLAYING!

SPIDERMAN 2 by Insomniac games, looks awesome. God Of War Ragnarok looks incredible too. Also holy shit KOTOR REMAKE FOR PS!!!!

Speaking of games Life Is Strange True Colours is out, I may get it and livestream it on my youtube channel ;) Stay tuned!

Is it me or does Matrix 4 look shot for shot of the first film? Also where be Morpheus?! 

Sometimes I think the world needs to all universally read Winnie The Pooh because the lessons in those books are just something else and so damn true and meaningful man it's just, well it all hits different as an adult. 

So rumours have it that WWE NXT is going to be soon run from Vince and Pritchard's view and HHH is going to be put out on the sidelines. I hope this is not true because NXT has consistently been the best WWE product for years now. WWE has been so lame as of late and them offloading a lot of talent is such a blow too. This supposed rebrand for NXT coming up is scaring me.

WWE is in A LOT of trouble!

I finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist the original 51 episode version of the show and omg it's bad, it's so messy and makes no sense. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is one of the goat's of anime and so everyone reading this, needs to see FMAB asap. 

Some sad scary news at the moment too, my parents have covid as of the 9th September. I hope they recover soon and have no long lasting effects, thank god they are both fully vaccinated. Go get jabbed people!!!! 

That about wraps up all I wish to write about at the moment, I'm drawing a blank looking at my screen too long now so til next time, 
Stay Shiny!


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