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Friday 29 September 2017

Top 10 Batman Villains

Hello and welcome to the asylum, where deranged run freely now you have entered the darkest place of Gotham! 
So without further ado let's take a look at a list i compiled of 10 of my favourite Batman villains!

10) Harley Quinn

Before her puddin' corrupted her, she was a smart girl but following Mister J's madness she has also gone down the rabbit hole and come out loopy however she is very agile and that has always stuck with her. She made her debut in the animated series of Batman in the 90s. She has been on both sides of Batman but mostly due to her puddin she sticks by his side and her puddin being the number one spot on the list....

9) Poison Ivy

Smart and immune to virus, toxins and bacteria all while making new plants and plant chemicals and controlling plants Ivy is not one to mess with. She cares about the environment and all plant life so taking her down for batman has been both easy and a challenge and the two have been on the same page a few times over the years but is she really that trustworthy? Who knows what tricks shes up to in new 52 continuity. 

8) Ra's Al Ghoul

The head of a demon is not to be taken lightly, not only did he train Batman and a whole army which he also commands but he is very skilled in combat and weaponry, he's smart and partially immortal and i say partially as he has been killed and brought back and he can live for a long time with usage of the Lazarus pit but he can and has been beat.

7) Penguin

Cobblepot is one of Batsy's oldest foes he is smart, tricksy and skilled not one to be taken lightly even if he is one to be easily shaken down. 

6) The Riddler

What an enigma it is to be here on the list in this spot huh? Ed is Batman's smartest foe i would argue. He may seem playful at first but Riddler is a much darker smart villain of Batman's rogues. 

5) Two-Face

From friend to foe, Harvey was a great ally to Batman til Maroni threw Acid into Harveys face which ruined his good looks and deteriorated his mental state however he still has his smarts left in his Harvey side it's just his other side you need to stay away from. 

4) Scarecrow

Ah Crane how scary can he get oh well if he gets you with his fear toxin the answer will shock you! He is skilled and smart after all he is in the psychology business. He can take you down without landing a punch if he wants to it's all in his fear gas and he has been able to transform into a scarebeast as he called it which ups all his stats and makes him disfigured and horrifying to face and makes his fear toxin more potent. Not one to ever take lightly.

3) Mr.Freeze

He started his Bat life in the comics and on tv portrayed as a gimmick silly character full of cold jokes and tactics until TAS came along and made him bad ass and one of bat's deadly respected and smart villain. He has been on both side of Batman but most often or not he is on the side of evil. He is not evil for the sake of it what he does is out of the love he has for his wife and to support her and keep her alive if he can. Batman has sympathy for Freeze and respect for him it's why they have often teamed up. Freeze is one of my fave villains just thought he should be in this spot.

2) Bane

Batman's toughest opponent obviously this masked convict is here in the high spot after all he was the one who broke the Bat! Super strong and smart to boot Bane does cause great stress to Batman.

1) Joker

Could there be any one else in the top spot? The clown prince of crime who only had one bad day to send him to lunacy, this is the most iconic villain in comic history. Everyone knows the Joker and a few or all of these villains so i aimed to have kept all these tid bits short to the point. 

Honourable mentions
Clayface,Deathstroke,Hush, Jason Todd, Black Mask, Killer Croc, Deadshot, Falcone, Hugo Strange, Phantasm, Joe Chill, Man-Bat, Court Of Owls, Talia Al Ghoul and Catwoman. (Did not want to put Catwoman or Todd on the list due to them mostly being allied with Batsy)

Inque, Blight, Royal Flush Gang, Dee Dee Twins, Woof, Ghoul, Tim Drake Joker, Shriek and Spellbinder. (BTW Blight is my fave BB villain.)
Hope you enjoyed reading this list. Comment and or message me your thoughts and any lists you want me to cover. 

For now thanks for visiting an reading, stay shiny!

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