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Saturday 30 September 2017

Top 10 Batman Bat-Suits

Hello and welcome back to my blog now please remove your shoes as we enter the Bat cave to look at my 10 fave Batman costumes and not all of them are Bruce's.....

10) 1st Batsuit
This is where it all started sharp looking cowl and cape and some purple gloves for some reason this was the Bats first suit he debut in comics. 75 years of The Batman has come with some changes but this one i put in 10th place for it being the first and it was drawn really nice like the style on it. Why the purple gloves? No idea. 

9) Arkham Knight bat suit
One of the most recent Bat games and suits see's this uniquely armoured outing with Batman what i like most about the suit is the logo which is disconnected at parts and when suitting up it all connects and locks together and its so versatile batman can literally do anything with no restrictions from the armoured plates. 

8) Batwing
Batwing is the Batman of Africa, a super-hero operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In his civilian identity he is a police officer fighting against corruption in the department. Using an arsenal of advanced technology supplied by Batman, his Batwing Suit is a powerful exo-skeleton. With his manservant Matu Ba, he wages a one-man war against evil to protect the city of Tinasha. He has been a member of Batman Incorporated, the Batman Family, the Kollektiv and Justice League International. His successor is Luke Fox, the son of Lucius Fox, who operates in Gotham City. Batwing was created by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham, first appearing in Batman Incorporated #5. (2011)

7) Hellbat
The Hellbat was an armor forged together by the Justice League and designed and built by Batman to help him fight in battles beyond his strength level. To this end it allows Batman to have increased physical abilities, but drains his metabolism, and can kill him if used too much. The armour itself was composed of a shifting nano kinetic metallic composition which could be shed and re-adorned to his person on command via voice activated computer A.I, with a built-in cloaking feature giving him total invisibility. It's such a badass suit! 

6) New 52 Batsuit
New 52 Batman is the current ongoing batman suit in the dc continuity as to when this blog was written. It's much sleeker and features a new logo and some little patterns on it which makes it unique i think and i like it and the new 52. 

5) Batman Beyond
I love BOTF aka BB and Terry Mcguinnes as Batman the show was top notch honestly if you have not seen the show go and watch it please it holds up well, is dark and entertaining much like the animated series and it does feature an aged Bruce who will still throwdown if you anger him. This suit of course is futuristic and it's features and gadgets are spectacular and make this suit so special. 

4) AzBat
The fight for who should next be the bat got a bit crazy at times and one guy who liked batman a lot who was crazy but had morales decided he should do it and basically went out made his on and started doing Batmans job when he was unable to. Azbat's justice delivery system came with loss of life. After Bruce Wayne was defeated and crippled by Bane, he nominated Jean-Paul Valley to take up the mantle of Batman while he recovered. While initially wearing Bruce Wayne’s uniform, Jean-Paul would eventually begin to succumb to his “programming”, becoming more and more corrupted by the crime he was fighting, and replaced the suit with his own tailor-made armour with razor disks, blades and hidden weapons, becoming a more aggressive and unstable Batman, known among comic-fans as the “Azbat” ("Azrael-Batman"). 

3) Thomas Wayne Flashpoint Suit
In the Flashpoint reality, Thomas Wayne - rather than Bruce - appears as Batman. Thomas is shown to have Joe Chill's gun in the Batcave's trophy display, from when he killed Chill in a brutal beating due to the latter killing his son Bruce in cold blood. Thomas is more violent than Bruce and willing to kill to achieve his goals, as shown when he throws a young villain named Yo-Yo off a rooftop after she refuses to cooperate with him to stop the Joker. So to be a harsher revenge driven Batman it requires the suit get altered so red piercing eyes and guns holstered to it in a dark black and grey colour scheme means, no jail time for criminals only death. 

2) Neil Adams Batsuit
This and number 1 on my list are the suits i was most exposed to as i grew up with their comics and tv shows i seen them the most. Famously drawn by the likes of Neal Adams and Jim Aparo, he eventually created a unique fire-retardant and chemical-resistant triple-weave Kevlar thread for the suit. The material had carbon nanotube fibers that imparted it with a unique sheen and made it heavily resistant to tearing. This material would go into the creation of all following batsuits and other suits in the Bat Family. The most notable traits of this evolution was the incorporation of the yellow ellipse around the bat emblem as well as the capsule utility belt. 

1) The Animated Series Suit
In Batman: The Animated Series (1992–1995) the Batsuit is based on the "New Look" costume. The cape, cowl, gloves, briefs and boots are dark blue, as indicated by the highlight. Occasionally the cape and cowl are also shown to be one piece and when he's not fighting, the cape sometimes resembles a cloak, draped over Batman's body. The costume lacks any armor qualities, instead being merely a body suit with no apparent special features and it often becomes torn in serious fights. It is occasionally seen packed in Bruce Wayne's luggage or in his vehicles, and it is made clear that he has numerous spares. My fave as its from one of my fave animated shows and takes on Batman on tv. 

Where's the movie suits? They will be covered in another list! 

Do you prefer Batman with long ears or short ones?

Honourable Suit Mentions

The Batman suit (2004), Dick Grayson's Batsuit, Injustice 1 and 2 suits, Zur-En-Arrh Batsuit, Troika Batsuit, Justice League Batman Metal Suits, Movie suits and all Lantern suits. 

Alright keep your eyes on Gotham and remember who to call if anyone steps out of line for we shall deliver justice swiftly to them! 

Thanks for reading, stay shiny! 

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