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Wednesday 5 October 2016

Top 10 Linkin Park songs.

Hey yo!

You ready to take one step closer to the edge or are you about to break?
Trying a new feature here so click on the numbers or name of the track to be taken to the music. 

Anyway If you like or love or are a fan of Linkin Park well you are in luck as you are in the right place to enjoy my list all about counting down form 10 to 1 my fave LP songs!

Oh teenage angst and nu-metal what a combination. I can and i think so can you, relate to this song because, not once, but many times we have all felt so close to the edge that we was about to just break down totally inside. See our anger break out. This song has such a powerful message that you can't help but relate to it. Everyone has felt like they can't take it anymore sometimes and that's what this song is talking about. 

Oh the amount of times i have tried singing and rapping this without stopping in art class in school with friends is about 10 times but hey this one is a hell of a party jam. This one sounds very war like with the opening lines and with the song quite frankly talking about digging graves and digging deeper. 

When this began, i was pondering so much which song would be in my top 10 list and let a lot of songs and my mind fight against each other. I think we are or have all looked for somewhere we can belong. Be it in school. In work. In groups etc. I feel as though this song is about someone who kept all of their feelings and problems inside while pretending to be strong. But after finally breaking down and looking for support, they realise that everyone else is just as broken as them.Now they're looking for someplace to belong, where they can have support for when they break down and not always have to be the strong one. I can relate to this song quite a bit. 

Ok so i got to say yes Minutes to midnight tracks do appear quite a bit on my list as that is my fave album by them. For me this song is about being in a sort of depression. My interpretation is that this guy wakes up every day to another day that he knows he is just going to waste, and he is stuck only inside his own head with only himself for comfort, he hates himself for that and he feels like he will never leave that isolated place inside his own mind, that there's no escape, and it's driving him insane. He's his own worst enemy, as the song says. He doesn't know what to do, no one cares, he doesn't know where to turn. He's all alone. He just wants someone -- or himself -- to put him out of his fucking misery. He has given up. I felt like this during a battle of depression my first real battle with it in 2012. Anxiety,Panic Attacks,Nightmares,Being afraid and worrying and overthinking everything. God it was a crazy time. 

Hell of a song i have recently rediscovered my love for. I think it could definitely be looked at as you're a social outcast or a loner and you want to fit in but no one seems to notice you. Also it could be about wanting to be heard and making yourself heard. Maybe you're living in someone else's shadow and you don't have the courage to stand up to them and make them think that you're someone of worth and significance. Loneliness and insecurity are definitely qualities of a person who doesn't fit in and they are usually invisible to the world. So you go through life complaining about it but not exactly making the effort to do anything about it. At least not until the part where Chester screams "Hear me out now, you're going to listen to me like it or not" that's pretty much the moment where he gets fed up with being invisible and instead of wishing someone would listen, he's making them listen and not giving them the option to ignore him anymore. It's taking a stand for yourself and putting yourself out there because if you wander through life at the back of the line with your head down and silent, no one is going to hear you nor care. YOU have to make yourself heard.

The true version i love of this song but i will be talking of the different versions as one version here ok. I remember before hearing Chester's abusive past as a child and i can not help but think the song is all about that so i think i will leave it at that. 

This song certainly does take the listeners on a journey of pain and mistrust. You tried to impress someone and took many risks and find out it was all for nothing is what i feel like this song basically means. 

One of my all time faves i utterly love this song it's powerful. The video from this song is basically wartime and the video and song is featured in medal of honour warfighter so i will put some eggs in the basket that this is about war and well overall how fragile life is and people are. We are all living within castle's of glass which can be easily cracked,broken and destroyed and taken away from us at any time. 

This is one which LP i strongly feel should have kept up with i loved the production the sounds the instrumentals the lyrics of this song but LP did not really follow on with this synth like tune. I feel this is a relationship one there's a lot of emotional turmoil in it's lyrics. It feels like the couple have or are currently facing a divorce. Things are falling apart memories left abandoned. However aswell as adding my own thoughts on this song i am going to share one post which stands out to me for the meaning of the song. "To me, the song was about aliens - greater beings in outer space who are coming to Earth. They are asking us, people, to show them why they should save Earth, why they shouldn't just destroy all of humanity because we have ruined the planet and give the planet a chance to start over without our wars, pollution, and all of the mistakes we keep making. The song for the most part seems to come from the point of view of the humans." By : lizaveta on May 21, 2009
and if you wish to see the full translation they made visit this site -

Politics, environment, God, Sin, repentance, redemption? I say, all of the above. I think that's the beauty of the song. Some have already said that the interpretation is in the eye of the beholder, but I go a little bit further and think two things: (1) interpretation is based on your world-view, and (2) LP is writing with that intent. Possibly LP's most beautiful passionate song made and the one that got me fully hooked on them. This one video wise is all about the destruction of the world and mankind.

Ok so that's my list, i love Linkin Park so i would recommend anything by them to check out.

5 to check out from atop my head would be, shadow of the day,roads untraveled, waiting for the end,forgotten and papercut.

Next list i have for you is going to be on Trivium and it's my penultimate list!

R.I.P. Chester Bennington his death was announed 20/7/17

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