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Wednesday 5 October 2016

Top 10 Trivium songs.

Hello there and welcome back to my blog and another top 10 countdown of a band i love and of songs i also love by said band.

As a new feature you can now click on the number or track name to be taken to that track!

This time this is my penultimate list and i am tackling Trivium (Scrote). As winter approaches and on the year anniversary since silence in the snow album was released it feels right to take on Trivium.

Side note: Matt Heafy does follow me on twitter we have interacted in the past via dm's and tweets he is a cool as hell guy and i hope he is well and if he is reading this, yo what's up Matt!

Kicking off my list is one of my old mobiles alarm song's yes i had this song to wake me up a during high school. Did it work? Yes! This one is about abuse, it tells of your kids, your wife so it makes me think it's about a father or just different people who are abusive in this song and it's fear of it and wanting to end it all due to all the abuse. 

Hell of a track and only at number 9 oh ho ho this is a tough list as you see. I believe this is a allusion to the Nietzsche quote, "When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." I don't think the song has a literal meaning but rather is a description of some sort of hell or void. Perhaps that is a metaphorical void referring to madness or hatred it maybe just about depression or feeling like you are going insane. I don't really know, all i know is how to speculate a tracks meaning.

A beautiful track here that always just blows me away by how it's put together and how it sounds. This i feel i more or less about war maybe a soldier who was on the front line came home has suffered the effects of war and is now talking about that and their experience's.

I feel that this song is about the world which is breaking in so many ways and people don't do anything to stop this destruction. So it feels like saving this world is a lost cause so let it burn as Trivium watch it go.

Now originally this was going to kick off my list but then i was like no i'm putting it higher up because this is an awesome track pure and simple well putting this list together was quite hard because i had conflicting thoughts on what deserves to go where and so i ended up basically putting this here at 6. The song is very visual in that you can imagine a snow setting with two warriors duking it out and well that is also where Matt said he had idea for it well besides touring with Heaven and Hell and meeting Dio years back.  "The title for "Silence" is derived from the Japanese story series of Suikoden, specifically the story of Yuki No Danmari. Yuki No Danmari can be translated to mean "Silence In The Snow." The actual art piece of Yuki No Danmari depicts two tattooed warriors dance-fighting in a snow setting. This was the piece that inspired the name for the song itself."

Possibly the best song off of Vengeance Falls. This is about criminals who are set free and go on to attack all over again. Amazing lyrics and instrumental.

I wonder whether the lyrics "Built to Fall" sounding like "beautiful" is an artistic choice, or if it is coincidental. Anyway this track is amazing really powerful. It could be this track is hate for someone i believe maybe an ex lover as In Waves album is said to be all about personal experiences from which the band have had. I see this meaning making sense with the lyrics "I don't want to hate you, but how could I not? You killed off so much I held dear in my heart" so it seems to me like someone has hurt someone's family and friends and livelihood perhaps? And this one could perhaps easily be about a disease a virus you know from the bit about "You are the thing that's killing me,From the inside out, let me be"It's one i can only say so much about unless the guys opened up a bit more and explained this in full but i was not successful in tracking their own meaning down. If you have well comment below!

Hell of a tune one of my faves by Trivium it hypes me up gets the adrenaline going if you are pissed off this helps a lot too. I think this song is actually about suicide. "Do I end this all for the world to see"= Suicide. "Do I take everybody else down,Everybody else down with me."= Hurting loved ones by taking your life. "I know that death approaches fast. What's the purpose if this life wont last?"= Life is short, so why not end it now? What do you think?

Ah those days where i would put my xbox 360 on and sing this badly offkey straining my vocal chords playing wwe smackdown vs raw 2010. It is about the depths that man will go to to prove his power and control over others, about wars, about how we massacre and kill for no reason. Watch the video, there's lots of references to the Hiroshima bombing, and the phrase " We are the ammunition that will cause all life to cease,...annihilate, all those who stand in our way, obliterate...they'll rain their holocaust down from the sky" refers to the demise of all life that will most likely occur if we continue to live this way. Many say this one is about George Bush and i would agree to that! 

Number 1 is the first Trivium song i ever heard that made go "oh wow what is this?" it is one of my most listened to songs by the band and in the game Saints Row 2. The Anthem is a hell of an anthem. The songs all about well saying fuck the haters because you are better than them. Turn your backs on your enemies,And let those motherfuckers rot in their jealousy,We're all now a family, Together let's show the world what we say,We are the fire! Resound the anthem!

Honourable mentions: (been a while i think since i last die one.) Strife,Vengeance Falls, Blind leading the blind,Brave this storm,Chaos Reigns,Entrance of the conflagration, inception of the end,like light to the flies,rain,pull harder on the strings of your martyr and until the world goes cold. All were so close to making my list.

Ok that's all. WE ARE THE FIRE!

Go give Trivium a listen. I recommend them greatly.

The final list is next and it's all about one of my all time fave metal bands.....who? Hey come back soon and find out ;)

If i find time maybe i will do a TOP 10 HALLOWEEN SONGS?!



I need one of these mask's!