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Tuesday 4 October 2016

Old but gold Gamesmaster emails.

Scariest Gaming Moment 2013

Playing outlast and getting chased by the big guy or by anyone in that matter was so scary and when hiding under the bed one would look under and yeah there went my clean pants as i had to leg it get out of dodge of those mutant things. Scared me half to death! 

List Of Demands
Army Of Two: 4
  • More Customisable options,armour,guns,attachments,masks,tattoos.
  • More humor with fist bumps,jokes,air guitars,rock paper scissors and fun mini games and taunts play on each other.
  • Vehicles to control such as Trucks,Planes,Parachutes,Hovercrafts,Bikes. 
  • Co-op sniping,back to back,fake death,drag partner,take hostage,fake surrender,trade guns,mark targets,step up attack.
  • Aggro/Overkill system back from first two.
  • More melee kills/weapons.
  • Based in or around a city.
  • Nolan North and David Sobolov to voice main characters.
  • Make your own character and name to be part of T.W.O Initiative.
  • Morale events.
  • Quick time events.
  • Online Co-op matches. 
  • Ability to play campaign online 4 players.

Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron (Xbox 360) Review.

Being a Transformers fan and having played War For Cybertron i knew what i was going to get into but i discovered a lot more than what i was expecting or thought. This game is fun,intense with the stealth and is a great shoot em up. Graphics,Story and Characters are all amazing and who ever knew a rusting metallic planet could be so beautiful. Iif this series continues it needs to be bringing more to the table. I felt this game was lacking that extra something but it was fun from the start to finish. 75% / 100%

My legendary multiplayer moment 
It has to be the very first online game i had on Halo 3. It was my very first online game i played and yes i was doing really badly why? because my friends were playing with me and we were chatting away they told me to do a few things and yes i went along with it lol They told me to try a rocket jump by jumping and shooting the rpg at my feet of course i failed every time and died and they would be there laughing at me as i was getting enraged that i would die and they would do it and still be alive. In the end they told me to get on the warthog with them and of course i did once again i bet you know where this will be heading to, So they drove to the cliff and said hey scott watch this glitch now they all jumped out and i went over the cliff and died still they continue mocking me about that with phrases like "Hey remember the time on halo 3 we all tricked scott and got him killed a lot" but hey i had the last laugh as i said let me drive and try to do a glitch i know of my own and so they got in a warthog with me and of course i drove near the cliff got out i told them to stay there and well i threw a plasma grenade blew them up haha such a epic funny moment hearing them swear like sailors at me. Unfortunately i got run over and killed by a banshee straight after that happened so i guess we were even but i guess the legendary the moment the funnier so its all rolled into one here and just halo 3 online was a fine masterpiece.

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