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Saturday 17 September 2016

Useless rant...

It's crazy and cruel how people of this world are. Family,teachers,friends,lovers,ex lovers,ex friends and ex family and even strangers have all told me at some point in my life that I'm useless. Some even still tell me that today. 

You're useless.

I have been blamed for things I have never done. I've been hurt emotionally and psychically with these words and by some strangers in the past. I'm always hurt and annoyed being called useless. I'm not useless. 

There's things I don't wish to do but hang on that makes me useless or wait lazy? Really? I don't want a shitty meaningless job...Oh look I'm branded lazy and useless. Hell waste of space too! Pathetic boy. You won't amount to anything. 

You're no good,useless,lazy,stupid,ugly,fat,pathetic,chicken,too safe etc etc. Been called everything negative. Now and then I can shrug it off easy peesy. Just every now and then it hits me,circles my mind,gets me rilled up with emotions of anger and sadness. 

No one should ever be called or told any other those negative words. Negativity is hell. 

Alternatively I have also been told that I am very good,excellent,best student,best uncle,very creative,funny,fun,loving,caring and sensitive person. Anything positive I love but who doesn't. The feeling of appreciation is so powerful too it will guarantee fix your mood that day being told that you are appreciated. 


Just who in the hell do you think I am? 

I'm one of the nicest genuine people you will ever meet but also I can be a mean spirited son of a gun but that's only if someone is that way toward me. 

All those out there who want to judge me well honestly you can't all you can have is an opinion of me for I am my own judge. If you have an ugly opinion of me keep it to yourself and stay the fuck away from me until you're mature enough to talk about it to my face. 

I understand not everyone will like everyone but from people you know to judge you so harshly is fucking beyond painful. Some people have these fronts up so they shrug it off externally while dealing with it internally. 

Why do others judge those negatively? 

Disagreement,being different to them and people being jealous of others are the three I am listing because its the top common ones simply put. 

We all make assumptions about people before we meet them and hell there's people we just won't like even if we have not spoken to them.

Whats the aim of writing all this out?

To get it out from my mind.

To attempt to help others some way shape or form. 

It's all i would like to do with videos and blogs help or inspire others. 

Thanks for reading. 

Hope the pictures and words i have used can help others to be inspired. 

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