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Saturday 3 September 2016


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I have seen Slipknot live twice all i can say is FUCKING INCREDIBLE!
So let's go countdown my top 10 fave slipknot songs. 
As ever this was hard!
Hell of a song to kick of my list this is just classic slipknot. The chorus to me sounds a lot like someone who is dead and a ghost and someone is visiting their graves however the song through out's verses tells different stories the emotions are isolation,loneliness,anger,depression,pain basically it's very suicidal.

A very resident evil one this ;) I don't mind both versions of this song but i picked the original because it's fucking great. I think the song is about hypocrites. The quote "kill you, fuck you / I will never be you" is directed to followers - people who are not being themselves, and trying to fit in by acting like someone else. The quote “I know why you plague me” means that he knows why people are messing with him and he is sick of it and of all the posers in this world; people doing things for popularity and so on. The quote “I'll reach in and take a bite out of that shit you call a heart,” is just warning everyone not to push him any further or else he will snap and kill him. The quote “I know why you plague (yourself)” is informing the person that he knows why he is messing around with him, and that he has had enough and he cannot be pushed around any longer."

Who said redrum? Oh just me again :P Classic track classic knot killer tune. Live this track is fucking boss! GET READY TO JUMP THE FUCK UP! This one is about this Radiostation that didn't play Slipknot when they where new. But when they got well known they played them. They directed a spit it out message to them.

What a song a love song from slipknot but it's twisted to basically and obessive stalker painful kinda way if you get me? t dances around the fact that it's a love song and goes into more of an obsession angle. Upon a deeper look, the word Vermillion means a vivid red to reddish orange. Corey Taylor's wife or girlfriend's (not sure) name is Scarlet, which is a shade of vivid red, so it maybe written about her just like how i heard snuff is about her aswell. I have also heard that this one is about a stalker. Who know's for sure. 

One of my faves from the gray chapter. Catchy as fuck and agressive. Corey has said during a facebook QnA that this is about the haters Slipknot has and how they wouldn't have been able to make another album. I have read on a reddit page before that this was about a warrior in the civil war? I don't remember the exacts besides that sadly.

Believe it or not this is the first Knot song i ever heard that was before i was fully into metal i remember flicking past kerrang and scuzz and they were on and i was like "wtf is this what are they wearing?" i was into it it was a good track still is fucking great. Now i have heard the rapture and the story of corey being homeless being the meaning behind the song in the past they could be wrong or both right or what ever it's pretty interesting mind.

Slipknot's craziest video and best track on the gray chapter without a doubt. FUCKING EPIC SONG! There's a lot of emotions in this song i see love,pain,anger and hate. The video to me is very out with the old and in with the new they kill theirselves to bring in their new forms. As you see through the video the old masks and then when you see them playing they have their new masks. Although craigs never changes or micks but hey most of them have new masks.

I picked this for number 3 it was a toss up between eyeless and this and i felt the nameless deserved it a bit more. This one is all about a fight in a relationship or maybe a breakup and it's about the relationship and the other person being sad they are gone despite all their arguments and conflict. 

Ooooh yeah! Number 2. Hell i remember doing a parody of this song with my good friend Lewis we had stupid masks and face slippers of homer simpson and shit it was a hell of a laugh. As far as the meaning of the song i get the strong feeling its about the government and an anti war like song? I get those vibes anyway. 

What? Could there be any other number one than this? Upon hearing this i got real into slipknot thanks to Lewis and Guitar Hero aswell for their help. This is one i feel is very be true to your roots remember where you came from and to not forget the others who helped shape you. Of course like any other song on this list they all have different meanings and some make their own meaning up about the song too. You are all right. 

Bonus: My fave member of slipknot is Mick.
Woah hold on no Duality? This list sucks right? NO i have heard that song so many times its so overplayed i find it boring now still good yes but i am not putting it on my list here as i can no longer listen to it unless i see slipknot live. It's weird i know.

So yeah that has been my list of my top 10 fave slipknot songs.
What are your top 10?

Let me know!
As ever, thanks a lot for reading and visiting my blog.
Have a lovely metal as fuck day.


enjoy this bangin'! fan art i found.

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