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Sunday 20 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens!(SPOILER FREE)

I have been on the ball lately and not on BB-8 but i was a lucky git and top it off Wednesday night at midnight i attended the screening for THE FORCE AWAKENS! Here are my thoughts and spoiler free of course! 
“There has been an awakening…..have you felt it?” Yes i certainly have as i slept all day, as i was just tired from NXT the night before and it was also to ensure i did not fall asleep in the cinema watching star wars. I got up at 4pm! 4PM!, I KNOW WHAT A LAZY GIT THIS FORCE IS! The anticipation for the film has been building up since the first trailer and the wait all day was long and agonizing. The previews and trailers before the film seemed to go on for a life time! IT IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE STOP, WE GET IT OTHER FILMS ARE COMING OUT BUT WE WANT STAR WARS! I got in the cinema at 11pm and i collected my tickets and bought a pair of limited edition 3d glasses for me and my friend at the counter. James my friend had a Stormtrooper and i had Mr.Anger issues himself Kylo Ren. The Ren 3d glasses were bit annoying for me to wear but they are so cool! This was the first midnight showing i attended and I also got interviewed by a member of the BBC he asked for my thoughts on the film and if its the first time i have attended a midnight premier. Pretty interesting indeed.
I was surprised to see just 3 people dressed up,i was going to dress up but i could not find my darn costume and i was also not sure if they would allow it as some theaters were not allowing costumes in. I seen a man dressed as Princess Leia which was a scary but funny site. I seen an old man dress as old Ben Kenobi and finally some guy dressed as Darth Maul all pretty random. The screening i saw was 3d and surprisingly enough a couple rows were empty when they said it’s all sold out it is odd did people forget about the force? Do not turn to the darkside they may have cookies but the light side has…erm…well…fine i will take a cookie…nom…nom.
At about 10 past 12 the screen finally displayed “STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS!” which is rated 12A by the way and the whole screening room erupted in laughter as 3 wookie’s appeared from nowhere and started to make their noises, honestly if you know the sounds Chewbacca makes well some erupted with those while others laughed at them. I was laughing even though secretly i wanted to join my wookie brothers. Then there it was right after the lucusfilms logo as bright as day STAR WARS ROLLING TEXT OPENING WITH THE GLORIOUS FAMOUS LEGENDARY JOHN WILLIAMS SIGNATURE MUSIC! OH WHAT A DAY,WHAT A LOVELY DAY! The kid in me was so pumped i fist bumped my friend because i just had to! I was just fist pumping the air in my chair reading the text. The basic plot of the film is the good guys are still fighting the bad guys but both are still at stalemate while both seem to be looking to find the location of the missing Luke Skywalker that is what the main plot is but what follows that is more excitement,intensity,fondness and sadness oh boy that is no spoiler i know people who cried at the scrolling text bro!
It was nice to look at,the music was nice,the script was solid,the story was solid,the overall cinematography and actors all solid as were the characters the only downside for me was the reveals they just came out with it openly rather than get stuff remaining a mystery even though there is a lot of mystery and things still to discover and find out about. I also did not feel like the 3d was worth it i can hardly remember anything that came right out of the screen at me. It is crazy to think i was one of many people around the uk first to see star wars before anyone else in the world. The old crew returned in the form of Leia,Han,Chewie,C3-PO & R2D2 which was lovely they have not changed one bit besides aging of course not even in a galaxy far far away in a long time ago can fix aging. Now let’s talk about the new generation of characters i loved them all if i am honest well i believe seeing more of Phasma and Snoke may get me to like them but i am not entirely sold on them yet. Poe surprised me i thought i was not going to like him odd as that sounds but i loved him he is awesome so are Finn and Rey oh oh and BB-8! They all remind me of the original guys but a bit different of course and the film also strongly reminded me of episode 4 and the original trilogy just of course twisted into its own being.
The wait was worth it and the film is amazing! GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW!
Photo credits: STAR WARS

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