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Thursday, 25 June 2015

Random Ramblin's: Part Duex!


Here i am back once more with another trial that takes you down what the fuck lane!

Katie Hopkins - Is she really a bitch sorry that term is too light for her so is she really such a (pardone me french) cunt!? For a woman famously known for shagging a man in a bush and being caught she sure has found the spotlight and clung to it by making horrid comments to loads of men and women of different races,names,sexual orientations and more that i am not going to be typing out as it would take too much time and i do not want to go too far into her. I'd give her one.........out of 10.........i'd bang her............with a gun. Anyway my theory is she is only saying this nasty shit so she can stay up top and in the spotlight because in the world of the internet if you say "Oh this guys a twat" to some famous douche their fanbase goes insanely mental (pdp) and attacks you! IT GETS YOU ATTENTION! KATIE HOPKINS IS AN ATTENTION SEEKING MENTAL FUCK CASE! She probs earns money for all the shit she says too. Fuck off bitch! (Katie is not related to Anthony Hopkins by the way)

Gnats - The small human eaters that bit at us like fuck. I HATE THEM! I hate them hate hate hate them. I DO HATE THEM! If it weren't for them i'd probably still be fishing today but nope oh yes i used to go fishing a lot and yeah i couldn't stand the Gnats or the waiting time for catching fish so i quit it yonks ago.

Games that require an online connection - Since games and the internet came out both have been major resources for wasting time,lets be honest. Since games and internet decided to come together it has been good and bad. Good in terms of new games and dlc and online multiplayer's being free etc. The pet hate i have is having a game but being unable to play it because your wi-fi is down. "To play this game please get an internet connection" NO YOU GET THE ABILITY TO BE PLAYED OFFLINE YOU KENT!

Updates - Specifically BIG ones. So updates over a GB take the piss to install and download tbh for me anyways. WHY DO YOU NEED TO TAKE SO MUCH MEMORY AND TIME UP!?

GiffGaff - I had no idea they were still going XD

Dvds now possess adverts? - YES its true its really weird why too. Oh yes i will watch  so so film only to see after trailers to other films a mars bar advert? WHY!?

Cinemas - WHY DO THEY OVER PRICE POPCORN,FILMS AND DRINKS AND ICE CREAMS AND OTHER SHIT?! Sure to keep the cinema afloat and enable them get other films and products for them to sell but £20 for film drink and popcorn? Can i get a dvd copy after i seen the film of the film? IT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE! Then when the film you seen is out on dvd they charge it over £10 for it. ITS LIKE CINEMA PRICE TO SEE A FILM YOU ALREADY SEEN?! FUCK THAT.

WrestleMania 30 Taker vs Lesner - SPOILER ALERT* (Thought i would say that in the off chance YOU WERE IN A COMA LAST YEAR) So WM30 the unthinkable happened Brock Lesner ended the Undertakers undefeated streak.....AND FOR WHAT?! A lame title reign that lasted ages for a guy who barely had a match? Smooth move wwe! Taker has not retired yet either and seems to be getting his streak back going sort of haha so what was the point in doing that to us Vince!? WHY DID YOU KILL THE STREAK YOU DICK!

WWE's treatment of Kane (2015) - Oh WWE why and what possesses you to mistreat that former monster. He used to be a real favorite of mine but they killed him in 2012 with his hugging shit with bryan (fucking wwe) now we have the greatest devils disappointment!? Also not long ago he seemed to be going back to his former roots but then oh no creative in wwe went NO! WE CANT HAVE MONSTERS IN WRESTLING ANYMORE WE ARE FOR FAMILIES.......PUSH CENA YES OH FUCK YES PUSH CENA. FUCK OFF CREATIVE! I CAN DO A BETTER JOB THAN YOU DICKLESS LOT!

Wow Scott/1stmetalgod you sure are vulgar. Am i? Sorry but venting is good and if swearing offends you kindly bugger off thanks. I wasn't always sweary mcgee and i aint always either. If i am annoyed or angry i will be sweary but if not i will cool it down.

Just for your info also i may also down the blogging line post other stuff i have written like stories and scripts and see what response i get really. I also may blog about my life and other stuff.

I do not know who see's these but if i know you or you know me leave me a comment or message me where ever and i be most interested in hearing from you and discussing this blog and stuff.

Thanks see you in part tri?
Fun Fact: Yoko Ono was named after an egg being dropped ;)

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