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Friday 16 February 2024

Steve And The Family Indeed

Once upon a time in a town not far,
Lived a kind man named Steve, a real shining star.
One sunny day, he met a lady named Eve,
A meeting so sweet, you wouldn't believe.

Steve and Eve, a match made in glee,
Decided together, a family they'd be.
They adopted two kids, oh, so dear,
James and Aimee, spreading joy and cheer.

James loved trains, with wheels that spin,
Chugging and choo-chooing, oh, what a din!
Aimee adored horses, so graceful and strong,
In fields of green, where they'd gallop along.

Together as a family, they'd dance and sing,
Sharing laughter, every little thing.
Steve and Eve, love never-ending,
With James and Aimee, joy they're sending.

In their cosy home, warmth did bloom,
Love and laughter chased away the gloom.
So, here ends the tale of Steve and Eve,
With James and Aimee, who always believe.

For in this family, love's the key,
A story of togetherness, as happy as can be.
No matter where life's adventures may lead,
Steve, Eve, James, and Aimee - a family, indeed!

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