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Monday 16 January 2023

Top 10 Beast In Black Songs

Back in blog with a brand-new top 10 list and today features a power metal band from Helsinki who I have been a fan of since first hearing in 2019. So I wanted to make a list to give them a shoutout and try and entice people to check them out by giving you my 10 fave songs from Beast In Black.
Beast In Black is a Finnish-Greek-Hungarian power metal band that was founded in 2015 in Helsinki by guitarist and songwriter Anton Kabanen.

10: Blind & Frozen
Probably the first song I heard from Beast was this one thanks to Spotify's Discover weekly thing they do every week (it's a handy tool for new music). Power metal, synth, great powerful vocals and a screeching guitar solo and keys, this is what kicked me into listening to more of Beast! I thought this would be a good one to kick off my list.

9: No Easy Way Out
Alright so this is a cover of one of the best songs from Rocky 4 (of course) and of course they do it justice, and it kicks ass! So this is a bonus song from Beast's second album and to me that album has been their best so far.

8: They Don't Care About Us
Hear me out, this is another cover and they bring justice to MJ's song. Bringing their sound to a Michael Jackson song is just so satisfying and for me, they make the song better. This is the last song on their latest album "Dark Connection" and I, for one, favour this over the original. I know it is quite something else when you prefer a cover over the original song. 

7: Crazy, Mad, Insane
The synth, the robotisisms with this one made it stick out a lot for me. They did bring this out with a video around xmas time quite recently, and it just reminded me of how good this one is and how unique and different it is and I think that is what makes it just stay with me and make me rank it at this spot so much.

6: Hardcore
One of their most creative and unique and somewhat sexy videos they have for a song BUT the message with the video is that of playing with fire because you play with fire you get burnt ONLY in the video you want to go to this insane VR experience and shag a robot? Well prepare to be shagged back haha! A sweet solo and the chorus is quite catchy, I love it; "I am the whiplash you are the thunder, a primal hunger, now is the time, my kinda lady, silver and crazy, no room for maybes, we're partners in crime, HARDCORE!"

5: Blade Runner
This song is a loving tribute to the sci-fi epic film or franchise named after it. The synthy power metal guitars and heavy drums followed by a steady chunky groove is what made this song stick out the most to me and what makes me put it slap in the middle of my list. 

4: Broken Survivors
The video is dedicated to Kentaro Miura, a Japanese Manga artist and the creator of the epic Manga Beserk, who passed away on May 6th 2021. Guitarist Anton Kabanen comments, “We all hurt, we all break, we all feel sorrow and profound pain, for that’s the price of being fragile and delicate. But with this same fragility and delicacy we may open ourselves to kindness, gentleness, joy, understanding, empathy, caring, longing and love. I believe Kentaro Miura knew this very well, as he imbued his characters of Berserk with these qualities, and complex yet accessible emotional depths. He knew how to make hearts beat, and how to make souls resonate, because he could feel it. This is what made Berserk meaningful to me, and undoubtedly to many other devoted admirers as well. Hence, we BEAST IN BLACK, aimed to prepare something unique to encapsulate the warmer and gentler side of Kentaro’s humanly vulnerable characters. With eternal love and respect for Kentaro Miura, we proudly present you: Broken Survivors!”

3: Die By The Blade
‘Die By The Blade’ is another one of the ‘Berserk’ manga related songs and apart from its very straightforward song title, the lyrics deal with a deeper issue than it might seem at first glance. Music-wise it’s a definite BEAST IN BLACK style heavy metal earworm and Yannis‘ powerful and emotional all-or-nothing type of performance deserves a special mention! I think "From Hell With Love" is my fave album from Beast In Black, so many of my fave songs are from that album alone which backs up how much I love the songs and album.

2: Cry Out For A Hero
The song is a kick ass track and solid heavy metal to be fair, and it's also based on Ken from Fist Of The Northstar too. This is the opening from their second album "From Hell With Love" and it pretty much sets the tone for what awaits. This one is catchy and powermetal to a T with it also feeling like a cross between Judas Priest and Bonnie Tyler at the same time with this track and I freaking love it. The riff plays in my head from time to time whenever I am talking about Beast In Black.

1: Sweet True Lies
Power metal plus 80's equal this catchy belter of a song from BEAST. This song always gets stuck in my head with its catchy chorus and melody and for me this just narrowly beats the number 2 on my list. I love the chorus and song so much. 

That's all folks, hope you liked the list and have a new band to listen to with Beast IN Black. 
Thanks ever so much for checking out my blog!
Stay Shiny!

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