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Saturday 5 March 2022

THE BATMAN - A Vengeful Review

 It's finally time to see The Batman


It's one of my most anticipated films this year and has been for a while. I was sceptical of the casting and the look of the Bat-mobile but once the trailer hit us, I was highly interested and fascinated. The hype for this film has been high and sometimes when a film gets clips put out a few mins long before the film lands in cinemas, it can go one of either good or bad ways especially when a film gets a lot of hype and fortunately it did not go south at all! I am Scott aka 1stmetalgod and welcome to my blog and welcome to my Batman film review. 

The Batman takes place in Bruce Wayne's second year as Batman and people are being killed during the week of Halloween and cryptic clues and messages, or more precisely riddles are being left at the scene of each murder. It's up to The Batman to forge new relationships and call upon old friendships, unmask the culprit and bring justice to the abuse of power and corruption that has long plagued the city of Gotham. 

This is a comic book movie like no other! The performances from every actor in this film is fantastic. One unnamed character however is easily from the city itself of Gotham, the tone, the lighting, the visuals and overall atmosphere are phenomenal and what we should have always expected for and from a Batman film and also the score by Michael Giacchino is phenomenal and so catchy but each track also has personality hidden in it, take The Batman's theme for example it starts slow, dark, broody, ominous with a little western edge of tolling bells with fantastic slow building string instruments which lulls into the misery and grief that is inside Batman before transitioning back into the world's greatest detective and caped crusader and Gotham's own symbol of hope and fear, Mr. Vengeance himself, BATMAN. 

A beautiful score one which leaves with us cinema goers and follows us home. Flawless cinematography of which makes me think this was inspired by The Joker movie's artsy style. Here is a great Batman film in which it captures the detective side and elements of him perfectly and also THE FEAR and mythological presence of the legendary dark knight. This is quite possibly the best portrayal of the comic Batman we have had. This film takes many elements from comics like The Long Halloween, Telltale's Arkham Games, Batman Hush storyline, Arkham Asylum fight scenes, Batman Year One and even like I mentioned already Joker movie just to name a few. Matt Reeves and all the cast and crew have done a fantastic job here!

Gordon and Penguin were great and I cannot wait to see more of them in this universe and how Colin Farrell does with Penguin going forward and I can say the same for Zoe as Catwoman also who was really good. Rob and Zoe's chemistry was great and believable. The Riddler was scary and unnerving. Pat-man himself Rob was really good and even then by saying really good I don't feel like that does it Justice! The one thing I heard from big critics about this film was the fact that "Batman and Bruce feel the exact same broody boy and it's easy to tell it's the same exact person where as it should be not so distinguishable" and I get that absolutely BUT as Bruce remarks in the movie he's been doing this for 2 years and he has become a nocturnal animal and a shut in as Bruce and he puts all of him into Batman more than Bruce, so in all that time over those 2 years it's easy for him to have lost who is who in the inner conflict shuffle of his personality, the boy is tired, beat up, scarred and emotionally drained. I look forward to seeing more of Andy as Alfred too! As much as I love Alfred in general this was more Gordon & Batman which hey, it's still so great!

This is a great standalone movie with high potential for a new massive Batman franchise and I cannot wait for more!


I got a feeling this could be considered for academy awards and wins some awards especially and watch this space for what's to come next ;)

Thanks for reading, stay shiny, have a nice day!

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