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Monday 17 May 2021

Random Ramblin's 45 - May Rant 2021

 Rant time!!!!! 

I'm frustrated with some stories and so I'm going to just post my angry thoughts here about them to keep me sane and not from exploding in myself. It's mental health week and itv is good boy for always promoting "Britain get talking" yeah let's talk about all our feelings let's be humans and let's just rant too its normal and healthy. Anyway....

The uk gov can't keep us under their thumbs, it's like a soap TV episode where some baddie be plotting takeover to keep everyone quiet because if not they will pass flu on to everyone and kill everyone as they promised and made threats to, in order to control everyone and they  the baddie makes themselves out to be "The greater good" by trying to make themselves appear to be a good guy when really they are salt of the earth.

The UK gov are so stupid for Inviting other variants over by letting anyone from any country into ours because they care more about tourism or rather TEH MONEH! The UK needs to take note of New Zealand tactics and lock down borders ffs. This is getting ridiculous and I will not live my life locked up and restricted, if I wanted that life I'd go to jail myself and I'm not the only one in UK who feels this way and I'm sorry but I have to say it. 

Further more with the jail note. Reports on news was saying "Prisoners are campaigning for vaccine because they don't feel like they are being treated as human beings and a part of society" I'm sorry but they did bad shit and for a reason, are removed and not apart of society anymore and should just leave them there but vaccinate the staff working there because only way prisoners could get covid is from staff bringing it in, in the first place. Again I'm sorry but had to say something, I can't feel bad for people in jail unless they are falsely jailed. 

TV rant, the friends reunion for months has been built up on "it's a new episode" and then lots of pointless celebs announced for it and then people are saying "it's just a sit down chat" so they've falsely advertised this for months so pardon me for feeling resent towards this "reunion episode" now. 

Cardiff wanting to demolish motorpoint arena for a canal has me annoyed. RCT council wanting to destroy things and replace with houses which may I add are thrown up and tend to lack some safety checks and features is wrong too and annoys me. They want to get rid of a bridge to put another bridge in, further down in Aberdare, it's a bit daft so is the new Heads of the valley road proposal and don't get me started on how ugly the environment is looking with so many trees destroyed around RCT. And don't get me started on irresponsible people who are reckless drivers and the people who start forest and wild fires they are pricks.

All drivers just like all people have a duty of care, it's just a shame so many people are shallow and idiotic to forget about that duty of care.

Peace to everyone! Try to have a good day, I feel better for ranting haha. Thanks for reading!

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