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Wednesday 24 July 2019

Random Ramblin's 39 - The Great Rant


CHECK OUT SABATON - THE GREAT WAR. This album is a modern masterpiece an instant classic. One of the best albums i have ever heard and that i have in my collection. 10/10

Taylors new album lover is coming August 23, 2019 so me and Mrs cant wait to hear it. So far Me is my fave it just clicked instantly. You need to calm down was too pop political for me to get into. Archer is dark and I dont quite know what to make of it after one listen. We see what the rest is like when its out.

Lion King Remake is a cash grab that's mediocre and fails to capture the magic or essence of the original. No emotion in animals, does not flow as smoothly as original i felt. The realism is nice but there's more that should have been done for it. 3/10

Yesterday has a lot of questions or sets them out but does not in anyway answer them and its got too much Ed Sheeran for my liking 5/10

Rocketman was decent and entertaining and the music sequences and transitions was great 7/10

Spiderman Far From Home was crap its just another iron man movie not a spiderman, fuck up Marvel 3/10

Toy Story 4 is the weakest toy story film but still made me cry like a baby 7/10

Batman Hush is a great new addition to the DCAU and it was great to see Hush brought to the big screen even if it is animated. and we get a great twist and finale in this. 8/10

Not played much i got 2 new games but not played them aswell as others from a while ago i bought but there we go in it. I play Fortnite a lot is all. 

I'm getting tired of people buying cats or dogs then making a social media account up. I get it you want attention or you want people to know and follow the thing you love most but jesus christ when does it even evolve from being your own pet to being loads others own pet instead. It feels like they are not their pets but sharing it with all their followers and im not for that. A pet isnt for boosting you on social media and a pet shouldn't be forced that and also if you are getting a pet take care of it yourself and not show it off and hope people will take care of it or whatever reason people do this shit for. Get a pet for yourself not to promote and pass off to others to make yourself matter.

Also dear petty people of the world. Dont be that person to make others feel down or bad and dont break your relationship status over anything small or trivial only to the next week or day go back to happy families. Either stick to your guns and dont bitch and moan or just stick together. If its true love you wouldn't separate go off in a huff create drama because you want attention and then go back to your partner and act like nothing happened. You do more harm than good and one day the other person will realise the terrible harm you are causing and will walk out of your life and not return so be careful.

Family life: I hate being the last to know of things and I hate coming home to get it in the neck for no reason other than the people mad at me are just angry at their own problems. I'm always nice, polite, well mannered and honest and yet you know I'll come home from a 8 hour shift to "did you break the printer?", "chew quieter why are you so loud" to an empty house without my dog and for me to worry and panic looking for him when family haven't said they were off away on holiday with him. Courtesy please give me some as I need to know this information but apparently seems to not be of importance to let me know of anything. Some family members I dont see anymore or much of and I try to contact them but get nothing of when I can come see them, there's no communication on their part and that upsets me. Family is family we are supposed to all support and love eachother but just seems like voids are just the normal as we all age and have our own homes and families of our own and that sucks and its sad. So yeah apologies to rant so much but I need to get all this out and once I start I dont want to stop because I cant stop.

******************This might come across as controversial so beware! I in no way, am saying anything negative with mental health or those who suffer it, I am merely asking a question. I don't wish to offend anyone with this and please if you are suffering or battling with your mental health do seek help and talk to friends and family you trust and write your problems out and focus on taking care of yourself. 😊👍********************

Do you think people take too much advantage with the state of mental health these days?

Example; Are some generally doing it and feeling, experiencing it or are some crying Wolf and abusing the mental health system to benefit sick pay and days off? Curious to know thoughts on this because its an interesting topic.

I've heard a lot of stories of some people glorifying the whole "i'm anxious/depressed I need a week off, paid sick leave" I'm not in anyway saying that people are not dealing with any actual mental battles are faking it in anyway, I'm only saying there's some out there that will say things and take advantage of people and you'll end up seeing them going abroad, smiling, getting a tan or out partying drunk constantly.

Everyone has a natural anxiety level within them. Everyone can/will get depressed at some point in their lives of course and I'm not saying different or that some can get an extreme case of these and still go on and do amazing things while battling it. Just saying or asking; How many of these cases are actual real cases and how many are not? I'm interested in finding out.

Also how unfair is it to have these troubles and wait and wait and panic or feel afraid to seek medical help and for the doctors to not listen to you and to tell you to "go home get plenty fluids down you" or "nah you're all fine".

Thing is the system and this topic is tricky and it's not always straight forward. We all need more and better care and awareness. Start teaching it in schools. There's loads to be taught in schools I know and I'll probably do another post on this at some point.

Also; It's strange how when you're down and lonely some people will not care but when you are happy that some people will start to hate and thrive off trying to put you down and not support you or like seeing you happy.

To those kinds of people I say good day, because no one has time for that and no one has any room in their life to be that sad and jealous of others happiness.

I have no room anymore in my life for put downs or negative, snide, snark remarks I just block and remove or unfollow on social media because I am done with all that shit.

Simply put if you aren't happy for someone else being happy, don't be a dick and try to ruin their days or their lives by saying negative comments or by direct/private messaging them shit. And don't be that guy to say in person "I'm fed up of your lovey dovey crap" well kindly fuck off out of life because you are not needed in it and it wont be tolerated at all.

People wont support you at your lowest but will at your highest. I find that bullshit too. You could be all like "woe is me" and some decent people will be like "oh its gonna be OK" or there will be those that will laugh at you and say "grow up!" and scroll on. People need to start being decent beings instead of shitty ones. The fakery I've always said needs to stop too, I cant tolerate it, I'll remove and unfollow that crap. You can be there for others but its also funny how the same people won't be for you. Life is strange.

Forget politics forget work. Look after yourself, always be kinder. You are never a burden to talk to others about your problems. If you think you are and that they won't get you or understand well you are wrong. They will. Self love is not taught because no one has mastered it yet. Be kind and gentle and don't put the weight of the world on your shoulders. Everyone needs to be kinder to themselves. 

Feeling uncomfortable in your skin? Maybe it's not yours maybe it's someone else's and your an alien who took that skin and decided to wear it to start a secret invasion. Maybe or maybe not 😉.

Tossing the coin to you guys here seeing and reading this. What do you think of all this? What's your experiences and what do you think needs to be done?

Let me know, thanks for reading 😊👍 Stay Shiny!

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