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Saturday, 17 February 2018

Post Game Depression

It's over.....I can't believe it, finally after all these hours spent, it's done. I finished the game! *Sobs*

Oh hello there, metallic nation you seem to have caught me sobbing uncontrollably at the fact that i have just completed another great game. I am now suffering what people call PGD which means Post Game Depression. The feeling of sadness, emptiness, the loss of direction altogether and the unbearable boredom you feel, all these come from finishing a video game that you put a lot of time in and enjoyed. You don't feel like doing anything else and you feel like these feelings will never leave you.

So as I sit here typing away how I feel and about this PGD I have, do please at anytime leave me a comment or message me if you have had any feelings like this after something or about your own experiences with Post Game Depression.

Game's that made me feel PGD in the past 15 years include, DBZ Budokai 3, GTA 5, Telltales Guardians Of The Galaxy, Telltales Walking Dead Season 1, Yakuza Kiwami, Watch Dogs 2, Dragonball Xenoverse 1&2, Firewatch, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Uncharted collection 1 - 4, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, The Bureau: Xcom Declassified, Heavy Rain, Spec Ops: The Line, Mass Effect 2, Pokemon X, Sims 3, Gears Of War 1 - 3, Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo 3, Far Cry 3, Saints Row 1-4 and finally LA Noire this is to name but dozen there's been many more but only these have sprung to my mind as of right now.

The first stage of PGD is the feeling of disbelief because the experience you have had over the many hours and days spent playing a game has now finished, the feelings of sadness, empty feeling, boredom all creep in to make their nest in your soul. Stage two is the loss of direction i would say like you are unsure what to do next and you are just craving for something to fill the void but you fear nothing will and stage 3 is just the last stage being starting a game and missing the fun of the previous game. PGD is all caused by the end of a great game you enjoyed which transported you away from reality to a virtual world where your real life troubles did not matter because you are not you, you are someone else with many lives who is not afraid to lose a life because you'll come back in a few seconds or minutes or you can restart and go again. 

You can also get post depression from finishing a series you have been binging like breaking bad, i spent days in bed watching the show i was gripped, enthralled just immersed in this story and when i finished it, i had no idea what to do, i was sad and i felt empty too. People tend to get distressed when a character or game they love comes to an end which this feeling funny enough was dubbed the Seinfeld effect after the cancellation of the tv show of the same name back in the 90s. 

Us gamers in the video game worlds do become quite parasocial and develop parasocial relationships with fictional characters basically we feel a connection with fictional characters because we gamers frequently interact with many of these people models in games and these parasocial relationships are quite positive as we can test out social and emotional realities without the risks of real relationships, our parasocial relationships are one sided with fictional characters in terms of interaction which means we are protected from physical danger and social rejection so you know with this in mind its why we could form a relationship with a psychopath like Trevor in GTA 5 as we are not in danger of him being a real person and cutting our throats. 

It's been a week since i completed Mafia 3 and i still feel this empty void and i feel like nothing can fill this gap in right now like i'm still in the second stage which is basically the loss of direction and just unsure of what to play next. I think this depression is taking a bit longer not just because of how great Mafia 3 is and how much i enjoyed it but more so from the lack of gym time i have had lately, honestly the less exercise and work outs i get i think the more these depressing thoughts and feelings creep in. 

So basically the reality check is what causes the post game depression aswell as finishing a game we spent many hours of which we were thoroughly immersed in. 

Thanks for reading and visiting my blog as ever, take care, have a nice day :)

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Shape Of Water Film Review (SPOILER FREE)

Ok so it's been one of my most anticipated films since October last year i think when i first seen a trailer for it, i thought it looked fresh and unique and it was from Guillermo Del Toro which immediately caught my interest and heightened it further to want to watch this film and not only that but it was it's concept a love story between this creature from the deep and a mute woman and not only that but Michael Shannon's involvement also got me interested and excited to go see this film. 

So what is The Shape Of Water all about? It's a fantasy, drama, romance spectacle set in cold war era America, In the hidden high-security government laboratory where she works, lonely Elisa is trapped in a life of isolation. Elisa's life is changed forever when she and co-worker Zelda discover a secret classified experiment in the form of an aquatic beast but he is not a beast just a lovely misunderstood creature. 

The cast are brilliant with Doug Jones playing the role of the Aquatic Man, Sally Hawkins as Elisa, Michael Shannon as Richard Strickland, Octavia Spencer as Zelda and along with Richard Jenkins as Giles they all stood out stole the show and drove the film along nicely. 

The visual's are stunning, really capturing the days of the 50's/60's era of design and art along with the film capturing the era of the golden age of movies, it's really something. Costumes look lovely and of era. Music is great it's all of the same era of course and it's brilliant, not to spoil anything but there's a beautiful musical piece in the film set in black and white which is touching and overall it's a very sweet film too. A lot of practical effects went into the movie and i was shocked to hear Guillermo in an interview recently say "Nothing was filmed underwater, i don't like shooting in water, we hung everything upside down and made it work in slow motion." which i did not expect because the water and the effects of things under the water in the underwater scenes look so real like they were actually filming it underwater you know? I also realise it took me a while but i got to the point in the end of my last sentence haha. 

This is the all new re-imagined Beauty And The Beast minus no rich guy being turned into the beast in this one but it's B&TB directed by Guillermo for sure and it was enjoyable to watch and just visually stunning. 

I hope this film and everyone who worked on it and starred in it get's some awards, I do know it has picked up a bunch of awards already but i want it to gain more.

I have to say, this film is a must see, if you are curious or liked the trailer i highly recommend you go watch the film or if you like Del Toro for that matter. 

I really enjoyed this movie, I hope you do too, please go see it if it interest's you! 


  • Director Guillermo del Toro began working on the film in 2011. He self-financed a crew that designed both the creature and the lab.
  • It took over nine months to arrive at the look of the creature, and director Guillermo del Toro calls it the most difficult movie he and his team have ever designed.
  • Doug Jones spent three hours every day getting into the costume. According to him, it was nothing compared to previous costumes he has worn in other films by Guillermo del Toro.
  • This project marked the first time director Guillermo del Toro had a female co-writer on his script.
  • This has no connection to Abe from Hellboy.
  • Guillermo chose to direct this film instead of Pacific Rim Uprising.

Monday, 12 February 2018

REACTING! To: Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You! LIVE!

So today i decided to finally check out the most anticipated pokemon movie in ages and one which has a lot of press good and bad lately for some things about it like a certain pokemon talking english perfectly fine. So i caved in and let's see how it is, as i will be watching the film and writing about it as i watch, so beware!

May also contain some brash humor and grammatical errors!

Hello Mr. Narrator what do you have in store for me then?

Wow nice animation and musical score. 

Ash's mother has Misty's voice....What in the world has happened to Ash and Oak's voices....i hate this change! 

So this is a prequel to all of pokemon? Weird! 

New cover of the original series theme song.....yeah i mean it is a classic theme but not a fan of the cover. 

More Ash speaks more im confused what gender he/she is? I don't know, im confused, feminine voice yet male like Pokemon not telling us something? 

Of course Pokemon animated series continues the traditions of "Pikachu can beat all!" i yawn every single time at this. 

Joy i think has a different voice and does Meowth have a new voice too!? 

Wait so now Ho-Oh and Entei are in this!? BUT this is supposed to be before all of pokemon but now we are in Pokemon 3 territory!? Lucario is even here and he was around a few gens later was he not?! I AM CONFUSED!

As you can tell i am not the biggest pokemon fan, I PREFER DIGIMON! 

Lucario is of course the Goku of Pokemon but also fun fact Sean Schemmel Voice of Goku did voice Lucario once too! 
Who are these new people? When do i get their names? 

Some nice new cgi animation. 

Of course the way to stop a raging giant rock pokemon is to stand in its way and say sorry. Urgh. 

A charmander stuck outside looking sad in the rain.....yet it's flame is still lit and not moving and oh wow it got kicked by some guy, ANIMAL CRUELTY GET ME PETA AT ONCE! 

Some douchebag and his emo wolf pokemon is the new Gary i guess. EMO WOLF WATCHES!
Ash keeps saying he is or will be catching all the pokemon and be a pokemon master yet after all these years he has not achieved it, is it lazy or is it the fact that its too much work for a person to do since we get loads of new pokemon every year! 

How does pokemon even work!? Are the pokemon man made energy things or what because they get pulled into a storage space inside pc's and tiny balls and now they are free being dancers and getting treated by being fed and wrapped in blankets, surely if they are energy they do not have to feel sick or anything like it but oh who the hell cares, look at me, blabbing about shit while the movie is playing and they say i have a short attention span, nothing really interesting is going on at the moment anyway besides the pokemon now deciding to not go into pokeballs. Weird. 

Oh some reason Entai has entered the cave Ash and co are in leading a bunch of pokemon, is this the Poke-Resistance?! 

Oh a history lesson about how Ho-Oh made Entei or Entai what ever his name is. 
Suicune was boss. 

A rainbow hero and rainbow wing and rainbow what a thing? I dont even know i'm here like "seriously?" 

Spooky ghost be creeping on ash, away spooky being.

Entei and co are gone and i bet they pinched the rainbow feather...

Charmanders flame is good now and Charmander still sad about Douchebag discount emo Gary. 

Oh son bitch we have a Rainbow and oh the feather is still there and now its glowing and more legends and THERE'S THE GHOST! 
I am 35 mins in of this one and half hour movie. 

Jesus christ Ash has spare clothes! Seriously he is not all in his typical gear.

Now we have cut forward and Ash has more pokemon and knows more moves and now a evolving pokemon for Ash. 

Hahaha that robotic metapod sound though! 

i think this new girl has a crush on ash that or she likes storing pics of him on her phone.

Oh look who showed up Suicine and wait its name is Swe-coon?! I SWEAR ASH SAID THAT! 


More family issues in an animated movie.....nothing new. How about breaking the mold pokemon?! It's something you have not done since the seizure episode....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Some random battle again and a evolve. 

CHARMELEON's Voice made me laugh! 
Pokemon please explain why every poke center has a nurse Joy i mean is she cloned or has like a billion twins if so her poor mother.

A heart of evil?! Never heard of it.

Emo wolf is watching....always.


Douche Discount Gary wait he has a name and it's Cross? Sounds so lameeeeeeeeeeee.

Fire Tiger! So we have pokemon from the latest gen here now. WHERE DOES THIS MOVIE FIT INTO THE TIMELINE!?

Ok one shot flames from its mouth and the other from it's belt?! Okaaaaaaaaay.

Charmeleon got rekt. 
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Douche Bag Cross just burnt Ash a new one seriously how is Ash gonna comeback from that!

I hate these cuts. 

Ash hating himself after a loss and spooky ghost still after him!? What in the pokemon? I dont even know whats happening is he being controlled?!

Are we now seeing a world without pokemon or something i dont know ash is running buildings are falling and the world is missing its colour. 

Well that did not last long.

Now the new characters are getting some development but i still don't know their names!
Luxray found a kid in the cold and instead of drag the kid to safety and to warmer environment the Luxray just well caves in? Oh come on thats just silly. 


Primeape is throwing the gang up in the air weirdly and they were told metapod can save the day, in the games metapod can't do sheet but protect and evolve. 

Oh well that was fast.

Cheap face palm eye rolling moments with Cheap Team Rocket.....

That Lapras cry was weird.........

God this film has a lot of filler.....

Oh of course a pink Butterfree means its a girl well thats very 2017 of you to do Pokemon, you know boys can like pink colours and dress in pink tooo! Stereotyping biddies. 

Ok so basically that new guy said Butterfree's are about to have a hell of an orgy.....and i called pokemon childish how funny. 
Ash dont be a douche just let your butterfree fly freely. Good boy Ash i like that you listened to me.

Now everyone is crying over a Butterfree leaving for only being with them for 5 mins are you kidding me.

I yawn not because i am bored but i am tired. 

"Pokemon lead their own lives" ah yes of course they do, you wont understand how many times i seen my Pikachu stumble out of a bar in Pallet town. 

Raiku just appeared and left....weird.

Now Grampa Ash has showed up. 

So many more rainbow things.....why....why all the rainbows? I bet that douchebag will show up now to interrupt this rainbow madness....


Cross calls everyone Trash.....i actually think he might be someone i know....someone i see when i look in the mirror.....

A level 2 pokemon can compete same level as a level 3 pokemon, give me a break.

Now Charizard is one of the most OP Pokemon ever created i think in third place as first is Pikachu and second is MewTwo. That's just my list for ya.

Incinaroar, incina-no more....he he.....i thought it was my head....

Cross gives up and does not even use his Emo Wolf so what's the point in having him!? 

Ash battles to make friends, Ash should know you don't make friends with salad...

Cross, crosses Ash and calls Ho-Oh a Ho.
World is going dark and evil.

Ghost pokemon decides to show in person to hit Cross and now Emo wolf is fighting and now he turns on Cross. 

Now all Pokemons are evil.

Ash i am sure all your pokemon know more than one move....ffs

Cross might have poke-rabbies.

Marshadow went super poke saiyan?!

Pika got knocked the fuck out maaaaaaaan!

Now Ash has to fight all the pokemon!

Aint no way Ash is gonna survive this and oh sheet son he turned his hat around!

He oh! Oh.......oh..........

I think they both dead.....where are their bodies!? 

Nah they cant be dead no way, if they are wow but come on its pokemon they wont let this shit happen for no longer than a few mins.

OH SHEET THATS THE BIGGEST BOLT OF LIGHTNING EVER! Please dont tell me that revived Ash because his body is not here and Pikachu is crying and what!?

HUH!? Well i told you so.....

Well i guess, all's well that ends...well?

Oh here comes the Ho!

URGHHHHHHHHHHHHH TEAM ROCKET.......Team Facepalm more like...

A poke battle against the legendary happens and wait really you wont show the battle? Lame!
Ash tells Joy he battled Ho-Oh and she replies like i would "That's nice....." i think she might be wife material lads! 

This is the last time we see these new characters as well as the first time lame. Ash can't seem to keep his friends. Shame. 

Hello again Mr. Narrator i guess this is the end of the film?

Well then that's it, any after creds? No? 

Huh well this film was ok. I am not a dedicated fan of pokemon anymore, i used to love it a long time ago but my love faded and as i said i have loved Digimon more so.

Out of 10 how would i rate this movie?


A good flick to pass time or to "revisit" your childhood somewhat but that's it, i like the music and animation but disliked the cuts and skips and undeveloped characters and the fact this film could be condensed to a short say 5mins rather than drag it out with that filler for 1 hour 30. Pikachu fucking talked english i heard of this online ages ago and i was like "what no waaay" i finally seen it and well some down points for that it was not needed and it was cringe worthy bad. 

If you are a child or love Pokemon well, you will like this film. If you are not one of those two, well you won't. Or perhaps if you are one who is all about the NOSTALGIA! you will like it too. 

Got a film you want me to type and react about live? Leave a comment or send me a message yeah?

Take care, stay shiny!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Random Ramblin's 35 - Rising From The Ashes

Ya miss me? Be honest, no? I thought as much.

Anyway, hello, I hope you are well! It's been a while since i did a RR there was supposed to be a podcast but only one got recorded and i may edit and post it as a test see how many tune into it on youtube but we will see what happens with that and with youtube and other stuff.

So my metallic nation what's new?

Life's well you know, going by alright, I have been quiet because of work and then i go to the gym almost everyday so i'm working out, improving myself lost a stone last month and i know it's not much but hey it's not about that its about me putting the work in to improve myself and i am doing a lot you know this keeps me busy and keeps any blues away.

I have cut down on my eating habits and i eat half the calorie intake recommended and i can lift double the weights i could before i started in the gym. I do hour and a half in the gym to two hours and burn up to 300 cals total with each session. I know again to some or to most reading this you will tip your heads up and smirk or scoff but i'm here putting the work in, haters will hate and that's just great as your entitled to say to think what you like it wont bring me down with you, it'll push me further is all.
First film of the year in cinema i seen is Coco and it's alright, darkest disney pixar film ever and it has themes which do connect strongly with me and 2 songs which were lovely.

Downsizing was pretty good. 

I watched Greatest Showman and is amazing! 

Winchester was ok.

Cloverfield Paradox - Predictable but I liked it and the ending was just ohhh boy I can't say anything else.

Superbowl Movie Trailers Thoughts.

Solo - Looks alright, not really excited for it.

Skyscraper - Looks like die hard but with Rock as an amputee does look good though.
MI: Fallout - Looks ok I guess, Cavil has me interested but probably be best to watch when it's out on dvd.

Jurassic World 2: Not interested but I'll probably end up watching it at some point.

Infinity War - Interesting stuff probably be good, looking forward to it.

Greatest Showman soundtrack is lit!

Machine Head - Catharsis Album - 7 tracks i enjoyed are heavy lies the crown, triple beam, volatile, beyond the pale, hope begets hope, screaming at the sun and behind a mask.

I thought it was a good album, rest of the songs on the album i'm not fond on or can take more time to grow.

30STM - Dangerous Night - Another decent track from their new album yet to be released but im hoping the album is containing more of their bangers because walk on water and this are good but i want more, bigger, songs and more powerful ones at that, get one to connect with me.

I have not made a video since last year, i know i have had a few vids out this year but they were made last year and scheduled this year. Why the absence? Been busy really my head has not been into youtube either and i know i have a ton of videos to put out and vids to make and unfinished projects to do but i have not had the time or mindset for it. My ad revenue is ending soon sad times. 

I have a lot to play and unfinished games haha. 
Unrelated  but somehow related is the fact i suck at Fortnite haha. 
Recently purchased fallout 4, last guardian, mafia 3 and dragon quest world tree woe and the blight below. Last guardian done my head in and so i switched to mafia and still playing it atm, its decent.

Finished Mafia 3 its a great game 8/10! 

Now to finish...
So i made it into Gamesmaster Magazine again and a few friends have told me i should get into video game journalism ahaha really flatters me but thanks for all the support everyone. Here's the email i sent in which is a shorter version of this post -
Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for viewing and all the support as ever, keep metal alive and stay shiny!