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Sunday 11 February 2018

Random Ramblin's 35 - Rising From The Ashes

Ya miss me? Be honest, no? I thought as much.

Anyway, hello, I hope you are well! It's been a while since i did a RR there was supposed to be a podcast but only one got recorded and i may edit and post it as a test see how many tune into it on youtube but we will see what happens with that and with youtube and other stuff.

So my metallic nation what's new?

Life's well you know, going by alright, I have been quiet because of work and then i go to the gym almost everyday so i'm working out, improving myself lost a stone last month and i know it's not much but hey it's not about that its about me putting the work in to improve myself and i am doing a lot you know this keeps me busy and keeps any blues away.

I have cut down on my eating habits and i eat half the calorie intake recommended and i can lift double the weights i could before i started in the gym. I do hour and a half in the gym to two hours and burn up to 300 cals total with each session. I know again to some or to most reading this you will tip your heads up and smirk or scoff but i'm here putting the work in, haters will hate and that's just great as your entitled to say to think what you like it wont bring me down with you, it'll push me further is all.
First film of the year in cinema i seen is Coco and it's alright, darkest disney pixar film ever and it has themes which do connect strongly with me and 2 songs which were lovely.

Downsizing was pretty good. 

I watched Greatest Showman and is amazing! 

Winchester was ok.

Cloverfield Paradox - Predictable but I liked it and the ending was just ohhh boy I can't say anything else.

Superbowl Movie Trailers Thoughts.

Solo - Looks alright, not really excited for it.

Skyscraper - Looks like die hard but with Rock as an amputee does look good though.
MI: Fallout - Looks ok I guess, Cavil has me interested but probably be best to watch when it's out on dvd.

Jurassic World 2: Not interested but I'll probably end up watching it at some point.

Infinity War - Interesting stuff probably be good, looking forward to it.

Greatest Showman soundtrack is lit!

Machine Head - Catharsis Album - 7 tracks i enjoyed are heavy lies the crown, triple beam, volatile, beyond the pale, hope begets hope, screaming at the sun and behind a mask.

I thought it was a good album, rest of the songs on the album i'm not fond on or can take more time to grow.

30STM - Dangerous Night - Another decent track from their new album yet to be released but im hoping the album is containing more of their bangers because walk on water and this are good but i want more, bigger, songs and more powerful ones at that, get one to connect with me.

I have not made a video since last year, i know i have had a few vids out this year but they were made last year and scheduled this year. Why the absence? Been busy really my head has not been into youtube either and i know i have a ton of videos to put out and vids to make and unfinished projects to do but i have not had the time or mindset for it. My ad revenue is ending soon sad times. 

I have a lot to play and unfinished games haha. 
Unrelated  but somehow related is the fact i suck at Fortnite haha. 
Recently purchased fallout 4, last guardian, mafia 3 and dragon quest world tree woe and the blight below. Last guardian done my head in and so i switched to mafia and still playing it atm, its decent.

Finished Mafia 3 its a great game 8/10! 

Now to finish...
So i made it into Gamesmaster Magazine again and a few friends have told me i should get into video game journalism ahaha really flatters me but thanks for all the support everyone. Here's the email i sent in which is a shorter version of this post -
Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for viewing and all the support as ever, keep metal alive and stay shiny!

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