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Saturday 27 May 2017

Top 3 James Cameron Films!

As i said in my last post about Top 3 Ridley Films. I have discovered i'm not a massive film fan of some directors and two i have pointed out are Ridley Scott and James Cameron.

Now i posted a post on facebook saying "For me Ridley Scott has not done a good film in years,that i enjoyed and infact i can't list many good films i liked from him." so i made a list of films i liked by Ridley which you can view by clicking HERE!

James Cameron's big focus and best part about his movies is his visions and his visual effects in his movies. Avatar brightly coloured. Terminator 2 insane liquid metal sequences. 

I have journeyed into my memory banks and into IMDB to list all the Cameron films i have seen and ones i like best. Cameron does not have an awful lot of films under his belt but here are the ones i like. Just like my Ridley list i will just stick to 3.

3: Terminator
A nerve-bludgeoning, relentlessly exciting action movie. Only thing bad about it is the effects when Arnie is in the bathroom showing more of his cyborg self. 7/10

2: Aliens
While Alien was a marvel of slow-building, atmospheric tension, Aliens packs a much more visceral punch, and features a typically strong performance from Sigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn. An excellent science fiction, horror, action AND war film. Another one of the best sequels ever made i think. It goes off track from the original but its so effective in how it is done and how it progresses the story. 9/10

1: T2: Judgment Day
T2 features thrilling action sequences and eye-popping visual effects, but what takes this sci-fi/ action landmark to the next level is the depth of the human (and cyborg) characters. One of the best sequels ever. It's a shame the series has never been as good as this one or the first. I did really like Salvation though but that was not from Ridley. 10/10

Now to list all the films i have seen from James: Aliens, Terminator, Terminator 2 (T2), Avatar and Titanic. 

Avatar is one of the highest rated and earning films in history yet, honestly it's story was just a copy of Dances with wolves and it was ok, some nice visuals and acting but the length was too long and the story was not even all that around half way you need a break lol. Yes Titanic is a nice little love story but jesus christ this film is ridiculously long and boring!

I want to see The Abyss and True Lies. We will see when i get round to it. That's all i got today a bit shorter then the last one i think but that's how it goes. 

Again remember, Nice visuals don't mean a good film. Just like how graphics don't make a good game.

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