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Monday 29 June 2015

HORROR IN CARDIFF (Story i made in school in 2009)

Alri?! How's it going i am going to show you a story i wrote as part of an English lesson subject back from 2009 and i have left it untouched to. So any mistakes or what have you, well it was the same as it was from when i made it in school and i will have you know it was rated as good. :P


One dark stormy night in Cardiff there were four boys in Cardiff getting drunk they were all 20 years old And they were not actually from Cardiff they all used to live in penywaun but they all moved at the age of 18 to Cardiff they go drinking every Saturday their names are Scott, Thomas, Luke and Sean. When they walked their way home from their favourite pub the red dragon which is in Cardiff town centre. When they went passed the millennium stadium Scott fell over a weird skull shaped rock. Scott said. ``ow what was that”. Scott picked the weird skull shaped rock up and took it with him. As soon as he was in his house he pushed one button on it and then it started to glow green the skull shaped devise did then Scott went to sleep on his couch. While he slept the devise glowed every single colour you can have. In the night while the devise glowed the millennium stadium went 20ft up in the air.

The next day Scott awoke and with a big yawn he turned the television on and the news was on and it said the millennium stadium had rose 20ft up in the air and as soon as Scott said. ``what in the...” there was breaking news on a spaceship which had landed in Cardiff bay a man which was guarding the welsh assembly said. ``there I was having a cup of coffee for my 5 hour guarding shift it was 2am in the morning and all of a sudden like a flash of lightning a spaceship was crashed landed in the bay it destroyed 5 boats side by side I’d say it was like 10ft up and 20 feet in length it was really weird and I was really scared too because a 7ft tall and heavy armored it ran right passed me like a bolt of lightning”. After Scott saw the news he phoned all of his friends and told them to put the news on and to come to his house. While he did that he did not realise that the devise which he took home was glowing in all different colours a bit faster than the night before. At 5pm all of Scott’s friends came over to Scott’s house and Scott showed them the weird devise which he fell over and told them. ``it’s been glowing every colour available and it has got faster since yesterday”.

Then at 9pm they all were going out for a drink but then 10 black cars and vans were waiting for them outside Scott’s house as soon as Scott and his friends stepped out a man in black threw them in the back of his van and started to ask questions he said. ``Hi my name is jack Andrews me and the F.B.I would like to ask you boys some questions about all the things that have happened in the last few days”. Scott said. ``F.B.I huh well a lot of weird things have happened in the last few days so maybe you guys should properly take care of them ok”.Jack replied.``shut your mouth no kids are going to tell the F.B.I what to do you got it! Now about that devise you found on Saturday now if you would please give us the devise you found we will let you go?” ``device what device we didn’t find any devise on Saturday?” replied Scott. ``yeh so what are you on about?” Said Thomas. ``hey kid will you Sean and Luke not talk anymore ok!”Replied jack. ``How do you know their names?” Scott asked. ``Let’s just say we’ve seen you a lot”. Said jack. ``now we want you boys to go inside the millennium stadium and you must take the devise with you understand”. Said jack. ``well yes but what is this devise called and what about the space ship in the bay?” Asked Scott. Well as far as we know the devise is called the devastator and that ship in the bay well we’ll look at it after you boys have gone in the millennium stadium so what do you say will you go in there or not”. Said jack. ``what if we don’t go in there?” asked Scott. ``then you will be wishing you didn’t because you will be spending 18 whole years in jail” said jack. ``For what we’ve done nothing wrong in our lives” .replied Scott. ``well we can easily take a picture of your face and put the pictures on posters of the worlds most wanted men!” replied jack. ``so are you guys going or not?” asked jack. ``uhh well ok”.replied Scott. ``great now we’ll get you there and two of you have torches and the other two will have camcorders to record every thing you see in there ok you got it and by the way you might need these”. Said jack. Jack pulled out 4 desert eagle guns with 25 clips of ammo.

He gave them to each of the boys and he also gave them a knife each. Sean asked. ``why are you giving us these for?” Jack replied. ``incase of emergency because you’ll never know what’s”. ``so your suggesting that there’s a couple of creatures there”. Said Tom. ``maybe we don’t know but you will”. Said Jack. And like a flash of lightning they were outside the millennium stadium the boys looked up at the millennium stadium in shock because it was 60ft up in the air. Luke asked the F.B.I. ``how are we going to get in”. Jack said.``a helicopter will be here to drop you in there in about a few minutes”. And 2 minutes later a helicopter landed and as all the boys went on the helicopter jack said.``hay boys good luck the helicopter will pick you up in a 4 hours ok see you later”. So then the helicopter flew up and landed on the field of the millennium stadium and as they got off the helicopter the pilot said.``you boys be careful jack said he’ll turn the lights on the pitch for you and ill see you in 3 and a half hours”.``ok thanks bye”. The boys replied. 

As soon as the helicopter went the lights came on and it was really bright and all of the boys said.``wow man that’s bright”. Then Sean stepped 6 meters away from everyone else and he accidentally stepped on some sort of trap door then the ground all around him just collapsed and Sean fell down under neath the millennium stadium’s pitch san screamed as he fell under. And Scott asked.``sean are you ok what happened?”.``yes I’m ok and well I don’t really now what happened I only walked 6 meters away from you guys because I saw a black figure up in the stands and as I was going close of and well the ground gave in and I just fell down and ended up here”. Sean replied.``hey tom would you like to go down under the pitch with Sean?”. Scott asked.``well ok I’ll take a camera and Sean can use a torch”. Tom replied. So Tom and Sean were under neath the pitch and that left Scott and Luke together looking every where above the pitch. Meanwhile Sean and Tom were recording what was happening under the pitch they recorded some rocks falling down off the side of the walls and hitting them as they went further down Tom lent over by a wall and then all of a sudden Tom fell through the floor and then Sean jumped down to help Tom.

Tom was on the floor holding his arm crying in pain because he broke his arm but besides that Tom and Sean were ok but ad soon as Tom turned his torch on there was a weird shaped coffin right in front of him Tom and Sean each said.``what in the..!”.Meanwhile above the pitch Scott took the devise out of his trouser pocket because it was vibrating so much and it was still glowing the same colours at the same speed but as Tom and Sean were about to see what was inside the coffin the room
started to fill up with smoke as it did tom and Sean jumped up to the place before they fell and just watched what was happening suddenly the coffin opened and a really tall monster with claws as sharp as katanas came out and tom started to running but as they did that the monster saw them and did a bellowing roar it jumped up and then it started to chasing Sean and tom and within 3 seconds he was a meter behind them and Sean fell down and he twisted his ankle. tom continued to run as Sean was left recording the monster looking at him and then Sean dropped the camera the monster stuck his claws through seans torso and then stuck a claw through seans head and it popped like a water balloon and the camera and the monster were both covered in blood.

The monster then chased tom. But as Tom met up with Scott and Luke the helicopter landed and the copter took off Scott asked tom. `` where’s Sean?”. Tom sacredly replied.`` he’s dead”.``what how?”. Scott replied. Tom said.`` well when we went down there we saw a weird coffin and a weird creature came out of it and it chased us and when we were running away Sean fell over and well it killed him”. And as soon as they landed the F.B.I was waiting for them and then jack went up to them and he asked.``what was there and where’s Sean ?”. ``Sean well he’s dead, a creature killed him and that’s what was under the pitch”. Said tom. Then as they left for home the f.b.i cars and helicopters exploded because the alien shot them with its plasma cannon. And out of the flames the alien was walking towards the boys but as the alien did the creature jumped from the top of the millennium stadium to right in front of the boys they slowly backed away slowly from the creature but they did not know was that the alien was behind them and as they walked backwards they bumped into the alien and it looked at them and then the alien pushed them aside then the alien and creature both looked face to face and then the creature did a low growl at the alien and the alien did a loud bellowing roar which made the creature go mad and then it decided to attack the alien and the alien grabbed the creatures tale and spun the creature around 360 degrees and then the alien let go of the creature and the creature went through six brick walls and it appeared to be hurt it yelped as it hit the floor but then it got up and then it started to run then the alien started to run they both were running at 50mph and they both punched each other and the creature went 40ft up in the air and the alien only went up 34ft up in the air. as the boys looked on the alien landed right in front of them and it got up and growled at them and the boys screamed at him and the alien said.``shut up if you are wondering what am I im a Grim predator and that creature is called a Hyrogyrax they are our species worst enemy”.``well that’s good news but are you friend or foe?”. Scott asked. ``well im friend for now but I could easily be foe if you want”. Said the Grim predator.``uh guys the hyro what ever is back”. Said Luke.``you guys go to scotts house ill be there soon”. Said the tom, Luke and Scott went to hide in Scott’s attic. As they did that the grim predator was fighting the Hyrogyrax. The Grim predator destroyed the Hyrogyrax claws and cut off its tail the Hyrogyrax ran away.

Meanwhile at Scott’s house in his attic the boys were hiding with the devastator devise then from nowhere the Grim predator appeared by the side of them sitting down next to them and asked for the devise and for them to go with him. they all strangely teleported to the millennium stadium on the pitch and as the lights came on the Hyrogyrax was right in front of the Grim predator the Grim predator stuck the devastator in the Hyrogyrax and with a push of a button the devise went off and the millennium stadium exploded and then Scott, Luke and tom watched the millennium stadium go back to normal every thing went back to normal and every one did not remember the things that happened because they’re memory was wiped clean and the only ones that remembered it was tom, Scott and Luke and every thing went back to normal but for how long….



On a dark stormy night at sea in 1934 a group of Germans who were working for Adolf Hitler were getting a very valuable artefact called the jade monkey. Hitler wants to use it as part of a weapon which could blow up a whole country the size of the U.S.A. But they never knew who had hid himself on the ship it was the greatest archaeologist of all time Dr. Henry Jones jr. A.K.A Indiana Jones he was watching them from the side of the ship but one of the German soldiers caught him crouching down and the German soldier held a gun towards him and said. `Intruder!”. Dr. Jones replied. `I didn’t know that you can speak English”. The German soldier replied in his original language. `Intruder come quickly!”. Dr. Jones replied. `I didn’t like the sound of that”. Then all of the German soldiers surrounded him with all of their guns pointing at him Indy had no choice but to put his hands up but then the captain of the came  and he said while holding the jade monkey...

That's all i wrote at the time but it was basically going to turn into indy going after the fountain of youth but eh time restrictions all those years back did not get me to finish it and i don't feel up for finishing it and rather go and continue working on new stuff but it's a interesting concept i wanted to share as an add on here :)

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