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Wednesday 9 October 2024

Joker Folie A Deux Review

The World Is A Stage. 
Joker folie a duex aka Joker: Madness For Two, it really should have been titled "
Joker 2: The Jokes On You".

5 years ago we were gifted the highest grossing R rated film in cinema history which was based upon a DC Comics character with a brand-new spin on things but also a film documenting mental health and the struggles of one with such disorders. It was a social study, a character study. It's absolutely amazing and gripping and ended with a smile.

Although we were told "Arthur is not THE JOKER" he is the predecessor, a mentally sick man who has a bad day and things get tipped on their head and the man who's seen as a joke gets dubbed live on TV as a JOKER so he takes it upon himself with pride to embrace and show to the world all the corruption and wrong doings of the world and the abuse that has rotten his mind and the mental conditions he suffers including his inappropriate timed infectious laughs. Keep in mind we were told he's not the one who's going to be the clown prince of crime, we were set up with the fact of there's a guy out there in Gotham who has inadvertently inspired someone to take the mantle up in the future and be the worst thing to happen to Gotham.

Yes Arthur Fleck story is very similar to Jack Napier's aka The Real DC Joker but with changes, this too is the same for one Harleen Quinsel. Oops, sorry, she's just Lee Quinsel in this. This film is taken from Arthur's mind as we switch in-between realities of him being a prisoner, him facing trial and finding love and then eventually coming out and admitting to his wrong doings and telling people he's not The Joker, and they shouldn't idolize him, he's not the symbol that the manic mob is seeking out, which does deter some of his fans. Although he still has a small loyal following, but I'm sure after this film ends they will disperse and wait until THE REAL JOKER appears.

Todd Phillips captured gold in the first story and logically thinking you could argue this film was made as a statement to fans of Arthur and the first Joker as a deterrent to say "Don't idolize this person. Don't be like this person. What you may relate to in that film I will make sure to tell you in the sequel how that's terrible and something you should not be doing and looking up to" and I will applaud him for that. I have questions about the ending, but I'm not sure if we will ever get answers.

Music, acting and cinematography is brilliant. The haunting score of the first does appear at times, but the new musical parts take over, and I feel personally that they should have mapped the musical elements out a lot better. I would have personally taken the direction differently.

The court scenes with The Joker were a highlight. Any scenes Arthur embraces that Joker stood out best to me. It did at times slow down a lot, and I was falling asleep, but I can also blame it on a late night and early morning I had.

Overall, Joker 2 is a whopping disappointment. It's not as bad as I had heard, but it's also not anywhere near as good as the first one. Go into it expecting it's bad, and you'll either hate it some more or you'll see the same as me.
Thanks for reading!

Thursday 19 September 2024

Random Ramblin's 52 - Summer Of 20 20 4

It's been a little while since I wrote anything here, so please forgive my absence and allow me to fill in some blanks 😊
I've literally been super busy with 2 jobs. I've had a weekend break with my loving lady to London, which was absolutely amazing!❤️ My sweet pea did a 25k walk for charity in aid of mind and apart of Girlguiding for her Queen's Guide Award. Furthermore, I am so proud of her and all her achievements and the amount she raised🎉❤️ I will be doing another post on my Girlfriend's charity walk as well as a post about her hardwork with Girlguiding cymru❤️
It's been a lovely summer. Took my beautiful Mrs away for her birthday and celebrated🥰

Basically I've had an amazing hard-working summer and the days off I've had I've lived them to the fullest with my wonderful girlfriend🥰

I watched Despicable Me 4 and that was good. I have also seen the god awful Borderlands movie, and the less said the better. Speaking of Bad Video game movies, ahem, what the hexagon is that Minecraft live action trailer?!

Also, video games not even 10 years old getting remastered is just dumb🙃

Linkin Park are back and with a new line-up. Emptiness Machine is great. I don't think the band should be dubbed Linkin Park, but rather something else subtitled A Linkin Park Project. 

That's all I got for now folks, gotta go back to the grind of life again now unfortunately. 
Stay Shiny, I will return soon!

Saturday 10 August 2024

It's not the end of the world, it's just a bump in the road!

I feel like all I've done this week is push push push on. Through sadness, through stress, through anxiety. It also feels like for the next few weeks, all I will be doing is pushing too.

I'm feeling a bit of wear to my bones with aches and my eyes are really tired, yet my mind is still in unrest. 😮‍💨

There are lots I want to do but my time seems to be getting shorter for the things I want to do due to work commitments, so I'll be attempting to juggle and work things out however I can. No doubt it's going to tucker me out and make me sick at some point but it's knowing your limits with work and then pushing back to get some time back. Let's see how it all goes. 🤔

Trying to juggle work, life, events does take its toll on you mentally. Life ain't easy.

If you have someone who makes life easier and listens to your complaints and holds you up through your struggles well my friends, you are one rich person. Knowing is half the battle is an age old quote yet knowing I have someone in my corner fighting with me and who helps hold myself together is half the battle. The other half of battle is facing the struggles and the things causing stress and anxiety and any other negative emotions. Major thanks to my partner for all that she does for me❤️

It's just a bump in the road, it's not the end of the world. 🙂

Sunday 28 July 2024

Scratch One Grub

If you are looking for some new metal music to kill it in the gym with or help you stay awake on your commute to or from work or just looking for that next headbanging, blood pumping, thrashing band then check out Scratch One Grub.
Formed in late 2023, these Welsh music prodigy's are looking to make waves into the South Wales music scene with the debut of their first single Bad Habit. You can check out their music video HERE!

Bad Habit the debut single hits us with melodic, synthy, metal with lyrics and vocals that can only be described as cross between Gojira meets Machine Head and the Synth electronic vibes then gives me a bit of Enter Shikari to it. It's all complimented nicely alongside eachother as the band mosh getting in our face while playing us their song in the music video. The song kicks off with a catchy riff and then proceeds with it's melodic synth and drum combination. While we get to the part the music slows down all while building itself back up we see a Rubiks solved in real time, can't say I've ever seen that in a music video before, then the guitar solo hits and that's a sexy solo. The spoken vocals near the end of the song are so groovy and gets your feet stomping, this is definitely a part crowd interaction will be thriving off. An epic first single, that makes me excited and leaves me wanting more. See you in the pit lads!

Speaking with band Member Lewis Griffiths he revealed to me that the band is made up of; Aled Trigg - Lead vocals. Alex Lewis - Guitar. Lewis Griffiths - Drums/vocals and Sean Barry - Synths/electronics. However the band are also hosting auditions at the moment for a lead guitarist and a bassist to join the group, so keep an eye out for the talented ones that make it through.

I've also been told that Scratch One Grub will bring us their second single in a couple of months time and to watch this space for the debut of their very first album! So the metal scene is looking bright with these lads making their impact and I'm excited for the future they bring us.
To follow Scratch One Grub on their journey, please give them a follow on their social media and check out their YouTube and Spotify for music and videos and more content coming soon.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Deadpool & Wolverine - Fox Swan Song (FILM REVIEW)

Alright so after an agonising long wait, we finally got Deadpool & Wolverine on the big screen and our fave honey badger Australian in his iconic yellow suit. Joygasm!!!!🥵 Anyway time to explain the film's story and then touch upon my thoughts, LETS FUCKING GO!❤️💛❤️
Deadpool & Wolverine picks up few years after Deadpool 2 and Wade is retired and trying to live a normal life. However, Wades abuse of the time jumping and fixing has caught the attention of the TVA (some time line police agency for marvel) and so TVA tell Wade his universe is dying so Deadpool is forced to put on his big boy pants and has to save his world BUT we all know Deadpool only stops mini events at world domination and nothing as big as a world saver so Wade goes on a journey to recruit a Wolverine with attitude. Is it a good wolverine or a bad one he finds?🤔 

On his time jumping journey we bump into familiar faces aswell as new and unexpected ones which is sure to get fans of all ages of all backgrounds excited and minds blown and their pants full so to speak😂 While trying to save his world our buddy's Wolverine and Deadpool scrap a few times and also run into Cassandra Nova and her band of mutant villains from all across the fox Xmen universe! Ooooh scary. Cassandra Nova is a pretty scary villain, she's an omega level mutant and she is the twin sister of a famous X-man. (I won't say more incase people don't know).🧐 

 So it's up to Deadpool and Wolverine to work together to save our "sacred timeline" but they are going to need a whole army to take down the likes of Cassandra Nova and her villainous mutants but who are they going to recruit? Find out by watching😊
So, the film I thought was great and basically fox's last stand or swan song essentially as we say hello and goodbye to their universes as Disney/Marvel owns the majority of them now. We have fabulous music choices and exciting over the top and hectic action sequences in between all the jokes and 4th wall breaks. The opening sequence was beautiful.

The action I felt was way too fast and I couldn't keep up at the best of times so another viewing is worth it to keep my eyes on someone else moving and killing in these action packed scenes. Cameos are good and in abundance, they should have not spoiled any of them in the trailers and some they did keep under wraps, thankfully. The action Choreography was incredible even if it was hard to keep up with watching. Shawn Levy did an incredible job with this film.

Wade and Logan are great and funny as always and as we could have ever imagined. The mouthy quippy whippy Deadpool meets our no nonsense stoic Wolverine and the characters are exactly as you expect. I wish we had some more time with our DEADPOOL friends from past two movies.

Lots of swearing and blood and gore. Here's hoping Deadpool is marvel jesus and ressurects the MCU otherwise I think MCU needs to do some more trimming and kill characters and films and things off to do a reset and hopefully focus on better stories and characters and overarching story telling.
Deadpool & Wolverine is the Spider-Man no way home of Deadpool and Wolverine's big screen outtings. A final send off to Fox's era of superheroes and an overall great movie.
Go enjoy it BUB!