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Sunday 9 July 2023

Indiana Jones & The Dial Of Destiny FILM REVIEW

OK a new Indiana Jones film is out, and I have been looking forward to this for a long time! I am a big fan of Dr Jones and yes I do like Crystal Skull. Buckle up and put your hats on and let's get ready to go back in time with the new Indiana Jones film review.
Our fave daredevil, whip wielding, hat wearing, archaeologist is back and this time he is nearing his retirement. 12 Years after his last adventure Indy is down on his luck and has lost his family and has aged to be in his 70s, so his body is beaten, tired and scarred from his past adventures and time is catching up to Indy, but he won't tell you that. The film starts in 1944 as we flash back to a younger Indy infiltrating the Nazi's for an artefact, only to end up finding a fake but then walking away with something even better and quite mythical, a time travelling piece of Archimedes dial. So in 1969 some Nazis from Indy's past return and are after his god-daughter when Indy gets all caught up in the scheme for the dial of destiny and must go on one last adventure to keep the dial out of evil's mitts and save the world once more.

Dial Of Destiny as a film is OK at best. The end was so rushed. 


Killing off Mutt off-screen was a low blow. Wish Spielberg had made this rather than Mangold. Harrison always delivers as Indy. I was not a fan of Phoebe's character Helena Shaw. Mad's character Vollen should have died in the intro after we see him get hit by a pole on a moving train, his face should have been seriously messed up, and he should have died but nope he lives and has a tiny scar to show for it. The first 20/30 mins of the film with De-aged Indiana Jones were brilliant then the rest was just a totally different film. Lots of people ragged on the de-aging and lip sync for young Indy, but honestly I had no issues with it. It's nice to have the references to characters and events in other films but not name-dropping Short Round is another criminal offence. There is a new kid in this whose sidekick to Helena Shaw, and honestly he is just useless and forgettable, he is sort of a short round lite, oh hang on he's not that useless he randomly flew a plane when time was needed even if he had no idea or lessons of how to fly a plane. The Last Crusade had the first brilliant ending to the Indy series BUT Crystal Skull also had a brilliant and happy ending too despite that film's flaws but in my honest opinion after Rewatching Skull the other day, Dial Of Destiny is worse than Crystal Skull. The ending here in this film was so anticlimactic, basically Indy and Helena are back in time to like 215BC and Indy got shot he is dying and wants to be left there with history and Helena just goes "lol nope" knocks out Indy then he wakes up in his flat in 1969 and Marrion and co are back there and all seems well and good. Helena and co go grab Ice Cream while Indy and Marrion kiss and the film circles in on Indy's hat drying outside his window when he grabs the hat and pulls it back into the flat. There's a lot in the film which the film wants us to disband our belief and toss our brains out the window and again point proven from the intro with Vollen surviving. This is said to be "Indy's final adventure" so I had high expectations it would send him off well, and we'd get a decent action adventure from our fave archaeologist but all I got was the dial of mid.
Thanks for reading and visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed the new Indiana Jones film more than me.

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