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Tuesday 21 February 2023

Late Night Ramblin's - Vol 7: Rise!

In 2018, I started a series of late night blog's, they were random ramblin's but more serious and about myself and mostly just about what was on my mind late at night, although the series did turn to me trying to motivate myself and keep that going. Well after 6 posts the late night series kinda dipped and stopped and so, now I resume the series!

I'll always be shocked and just in disbelief and react weird or hesitant to someone giving me something or helping me with something when I didn't ask for help. I appreciate it so much, but I'm just not used to that so that's why I will be hesitant. Furthermore, I'm Sorry but thank you🙏🥺

I've been fighting and crawling my entire life. Since I was born broken into the world and since my childhood fighting against a broken leg and against bullying. I've fought and crawled in and out of all sorts of relationships from friends to partners. I've fought and crawled through a lot of grief and a lot of mental health and physical struggles and financial. No matter how many times I've thought or plotted or said I'd take my self out of life, I have not, and I am still here! Keep on going! No matter what!

Weight loss via exercise and lifestyle change is much harder and respected than hospital operations. Pay to win, to lose weight? No. Work hard and scrape and crawl and fight aches and pains and strains and hunger off? Yes. Slim tablets make no sense to me nor does keyhole surgery. Just do intermittent fasting. It's not easy at all but changing your lifestyle to a more disciplined one will cause a lot of positive changes to your mental health, I swear by this. Keep going!

These energy companies being all pompous about their "Record breaking profits" need a reality check. If they are making three times more money than they were 3 years ago then why not pass on to your customers a cut in their energy bills? You've made more profits than you had imagined or planned making, so why not help out your own customers? They are effectively lining their own pockets with their greedy blood soaked hands while so many people suffer and struggle and leave people to die. It's the same with the government. Why are we the people being made to suffer, why can't we all just make a stand against those crooks? At this point, I welcome another Guy Fawkes or Robin Hood with open arms.

The past year I've lost a few friends. It does make me sad when I think back of them. I won't ever know why they stopped messaging or meeting up and hanging out. I am forever grateful to those who have stayed in my life and those who even if I don't see you that they still check in on me. In April last year my life took a nasty shift of which I am still recovering from. Like many people I am struggling to get by financially, but I make enough to make ends meet so to speak. I have a lot of effort and time going into trying to lose weight. I also am applying for a different job, not because I don't like it but because I need more hours and stability. Getting better and better as each day passes but of course there's always things on my mind. I guess, I felt like sharing this here now. So yeah I don't know what to say, but thanks for reading and for continuing to support me.

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