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Thursday 29 December 2022


Let me address the elephant in the room. I love Saints Row 1-4 and even Gat out of hell. 
The Saints games got really silly from the 3rd game, but it kept its charm about it.
This Saints Row 2022 reboot is a fucking disgusting, distasteful and disrespectful game to add onto the name "Saints Row". What the fuck happened?! Volition have some major explaining to do. Do not give me "oh we worked from home due to covid" all that crap excuse. It took you years and I bet you were making it before Covid and that's what you give us? This game is worse than having covid.

Saints Row 2022 is a sorry excuse for a gang sandbox game set in Santos Illonos or whatever the fuck place it is set in, I am too annoyed right now to care to share the details. You play as "The Boss" a guy with 3 friends or roommates trying to pay their rent. 2 of which are members of opposing gangs and ones a nerd and your character is a "KILLING MACHINE" he is a part of a special police force until he gets rudely fired for something not even his problem. "Boss" and his roommates then go start a gang, and you put the pie together as you sludge your way through shit gameplay and bad dialogue, and it's whole modern day spiel boomers and trying to appeal to this 00's and 10s generation just sucks. God is so predictable too.

I played this on Ps4 and the bugs and glitches I had were as follows: My character not appearing in some cutscenes, being stuck in melee many times, being stuck in one spot many times, ammo not appearing (even when I picked some up), being stuck super zoomed in when aiming in VTOL, markers not appearing and finally set pieces and next scenes not happening (I'd go to progress mission and I'd be stuck in same zone unable to proceed). 

This game was revealed with buzz and delight and hope then after gameplay and story deets were revealed, people started to turn on the game. Then when the game launched it was an absolute pisstake! Full of bugs and the devs didn't want to hear it and any complaints they had from bad reviews and reactions to gameplay they took it personally and would attack people online for their opinions. Wrong as fuck and also another reason to hate on them, but I digress.

This game has: Terrible gun play, bad dialogue, uninteresting characters, crap story, game breaking bugs, controller destroying glitches. Driving and flying controls are actually alright. Perks system is tidy. Not enough music but it does have some good songs and the synthwave radio station is mint. Larp missions were unique and quirky, and I liked them. There are some fun guns and scenes but for the most part it tries too hard to be funny, and it just persists to be cringy as fuck.
What the fuck happened to my beloved Saints Row?! This is not it!

Game Rating: 3/10
I'm giving it a 3 because I actually liked the vehicle play, larp missions and music.

I gave this game hope and a chance and I do regret it. Thankfully I had it as an Xmas pressie, so I didn't waste money on it. For better reviews please follow my blog and click on the review tag to see my reviews for games, films and music. 

Stay Shiny!

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