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Thursday 25 March 2021

My Power Ranger Morphin' Masters

Here I am today to present to you my dream line up for the Power Rangers Morphin Masters. 
So these are rangers who have a lot of powers and can switch between their forms freely via a master morpher and who I think would be ideal at passing on the powers down the grid to others and to restore the grid if it ever get's shattered again. 
1 - Tommy Oliver
Obvious choice first as we have seen this legendary Ranger with his Master Morpher and still to this day Tommy remains the most popular power ranger of all time.

2 - Billy Cranston
The smartest power ranger ever, he left Earth to go to an alien planet so if anyone could make a master morpher it would be him as he is the smartest ranger and human ever and so it would be fitting to see him go to Earth to see his friends and assemble a team of rangers unlike no other, the Mighty Master Morphin' Rangers.

3 - Jason Lee Scott
Jason the first red ranger but he also became the legendary gold zeo ranger so this i feel would be a great fit.

4 - Adam Park
Adam who could turn into MMPR Black, Zeo Green and Turbo Green would be another great fit aswell as his martial arts background.

5 - Sky Blake Tate
Sky from SPD started as blue, went to red and also became Deka Ranger so he has great military experience and leadership to become a valid member of the team. 

6 - Gia Moran 
Megaforce and Supermegaforce yellow she has access to all yellow rangers so this makes her a unique member for the team. 

7 - Orion
He can be all the legendary 6th rangers so why should he not be on the team?

8 - Jen Scotts
One of the all time best pink rangers should be on the team, she is so tough and fearless and such a strong leader so I think she would blend well here!

So that is my list today, it was a random topic but very though provoking for me and for the Power Ranger fandom I would like to think. Why 8 rangers? Turn 8 on it's side and it is an infinity symbol so these guys will have their power through all space and time and be travel anywhere when needed so yeah infinity hehe. Let me know your thoughts and your list :) 

Stay Shiny!
May The Power Protect You....Always!

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