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Sunday 3 November 2019

Llancaiach Fawr As A Kid (a ghost story)

When i was younger, i went on a school trip, we were a crowd of 30 on a bus, we were headed to an old house, an ancient house, a house of such rich history, a house that has not been lived in for quite some time, it was a manor house, it was haunted.....

We got there at this historic beautiful Victorian manor, got off the bus one by one buddied up with our friends and were swiftly greeted by people dressed as people of the past and they took us under their wings for an educational tour of this great manor house....

one by one we walked through the rooms, the kitchen, the bathroom, the lounge, then made our way upstairs to the ladies bedroom first, there in the corner was a crib and it moved very slowly as the floor boards also creaked and squeaked.......

I pointed at it and yelled "look its moving on its own", my school chums and the Victorian dressed actors turned round and the crib stopped and the Victorian lord told us that famously this has been spotted to be moving at times rocking back and fore and no one knows why or how.....

There' no breeze, no wind, it just moves on its own at times rocking back and forth by its own means, we ventured to the next rooms like the master bed room, where i smelled a smell of burning, and oak like scent but nothing more......

The next room was the armoury where all us kids and teachers sat down on benches and were told the history there of said armoury and of swords and armours and chain mail that was made or held there, when we got up and lined up to go downstairs and out into the gardens, i lost balance somehow and fell and i almost went down the stairs...........

I was alright got up dusted it off and followed everyone else out to the gardens, i had goosebumps when in the gardens on the tour i looked up at the manor house, i seen a figure in the window of the master bedroom, a lady, i thought it was one of the actors, but i never really knew the truth behind that one.......

I never had any real explanations of what i seen or felt that day and they still have me curious even to this day.........

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