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Friday 17 May 2019

Random Ramblin's 38 - The Phoenix Lifestyle

What's up? It's been a while since I have done a RR (random ramblin's) and to be more precise, it's been months?! 5 MONTHS!? OH MAI GAWD I NEED SUM MILK! 

What's new?
As you can see my postings have been somewhat irregular? Well the reason why that is as you should know by now is that I have been busy enjoying and living my life with my beautiful woman. She's been my rock since January and hell before that even like but January is the official start. She's been pushing me to do and try new things and I have. I aim to do and make more changes as time passes also but for now it's been all fun and games and laughs and smiles with us and I hope you've been enjoying life too! :)

I have not been writing here so much or on my Word program much at all really these past few months but i have been writing and not a lot is finished nor published yet but soon they will be just be prepared. I have been writing quite a bit in my notebook mind you so just to let you know all is well and things are on hiatus whilst i continue to actually enjoy living my life, which might sound or come across wrong but i feel for the longest time i have not lived and now i am so that's new. I am seeking suggestions for lists and top tens and anything you can shake a stick at so hit me up any time and i might get cracker lacking on the writing.

The reason behind the title is that i feel reborn like my life is not the same as it use to be and i hardly recognise my past life now so here i am risen out of the ashes like a Phoenix and may i burn brightly forever more.

Tv Watch List
The Flash, Izombie (final season), Gotham (final season), Game Of Thrones (final season), Big Bang Theory (final season). A lot of final seasons are going and ending this year. I am going through them slowly and i have been enjoying. Also me and my Mrs been watching dragonball again from the start so it's a hell of an adventure we have on our hands.

Movie Watch List & My Review Scores
Broly Review
Glass Review
Us Review

John Wick 3 - Holy shit just when you think you have seen it all here comes Baba Yega with annother round of gun-fu lots of gun-fu. Dogs have a lot of bite. Characters and world building is amazing, i thoroughly enjoyed this hard hitting action flick. 8/10

Detective Pikachu - Although amazing in its cgi and visuals the story and characters fall rather flat and you can easily figure out whos bad and good and whats going to happen before it happens in this film so thats a bit disappointing but its humorous and it's largely upheld thanks to Ryan and Justice and their relationship and chemistry and Ryan does practically carry the entire movie i would say with ease but i enjoyed i wish i had this film when i was a kid. 7/10

Spyro 1 is done but 2 and 3 are yet to have been started.
I got life is strange season 2 to begin aswell.

Fortnite as ever changes every season and it always has ups and downs but with a friend or two i still have an immense amount of fun playing it.

I have finished Walking dead the final season it was an emotional tense rollercoaster i enjoyed every minute of.

I am currently playing Animal crossing new lead on 3ds.
I am dying to play MK 11 and A Way Out.

Slipknot are back with a new album coming soon aswell as new song called Unsainted which is a heavy hitter and displays the bands new album sound or a taste of it aswell as revealing the members new masks because here we are in the new era of the Knot. I love it and all out life is also a banger but apparently is not featured on the new album, strange that. Unsainted = 9/10

Serj Godzilla cover song is brilliant 9/10.

Taylor Swift has returned with Me! - A catchy colourful video featuring a brilliant collaboration with Brendan Urie of Panic At The Disco fame. Me = 7/10

Jonas Bros have resurfaced with 2 new songs and a new album on the way and Sucker is catchy and Cool is just bad. Sucker = 7/10

So breaking news is that WWE has suspended their contract with sky sports and are moving to BT sports. 30 years of sky sports wwe is over.

Ashley Massaro former wwe diva has passed away.
Alabama is being some backwards ass fools to ban abortions.
Twilight's Rob is being eyed to play Batman. WTF?
Brex-Shit still going on. Who cares?
Black hole was sighted and memed.
Grumpy Cat died.

That's all the news right now that i remember or that i can be bothered to report and say something about right now if you want me to be as truthful as possible lol.

I'd like to end my post with something my honey told me: "I can't improve on what's already there, that's you, yourself and you are everything". Thanks Honey and for being so supportive of me and everything i have done and do. I am so lucky to have her so grateful to have her in my life by my side supporting me through everything, I am always there for her 24/7 she is the best honestly. 

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more lists and other bits here on my blog! 


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