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Monday 8 January 2018

2017: What Have I Learned?

So that's 2017 wrapped up. Another lap around the sun complete, another number added to us.
There's been good and bad, like any other year really. We've lost stars and we've lost a lot of good people last year too. . We've all had new starts too and even if you say nothings changed, something has.

For me, I started the year low being let go from my job in a game shop. It was sad indeed and I still miss working with the wonderful people there. I knew it was coming however and then I moved on. For a short while it was back to the dole be forced to do all that crap with them again for 30 odd hours a week until I landed my job with a local cinema chain. "A dream job for you" people told me. It was a good fit I won't lie and it's funny how few years ago I applied for a role there and I failed but this time I was successful. I'm so happy i got this role!

We all have our good and bad days, sometimes the bad days are brought on from others while other days it's just our own troubles. You know The Miz was voted wrestler of the year and I feel like I'm The Miz of my work. No matter what, I always put my blood,sweat and tears into everything I do, I'm not a throwaway, I work my hardest for what I want and I always try to improve upon myself. I also want to thank all my family and friends for putting up with me as ever, you make my day's, months, years go great, much love and respect for all of you!

Star letter in gamesmaster mag.
Game review published in gm as reader review.
New job.
New friends.
New ebooks released.
Held a Bearded Dragon.
Went to London for a lovely day out with work and went to madame tousauds and planet hollywood.
Went to Birmingham for work sports day and got to semi finals.
OVER 50K Blog views!

So what have I learned? 
I have learned that I'm quite the juggler, juggling life, work, YouTube, writing and social life altogether it's been hard but I've done a decent job. I have learned I am a bit harsh on myself and I've got a bit of a short temper and that I can and I will keep improving myself.

What's Next?
It's took me a couple of days to compose this post but I will say the past 8 days I have cut down what I eat and with work I'm always on the move almost every day so being active and eating less should do the trick of weight loss for me, i am keeping an eye on what i eat and how frequently and cutting down the junk so fingers crossed this works out and i come out of 2018 much lighter. This year i want to write more and bring you more ebooks and just enjoy life. I'm off to the gym with James soon, so i got to wrap it up here but everyone thanks for the love and support as ever!

I wish you all the best year ever, have a nice day and stay tuned for more wicked blogs from yours truly!

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