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Saturday 30 December 2017

Top 10 Films Of 2017!

So the year is at it's end, BUT before we wave goodbye to 2017 let's recap the movies and my top 10 favourite films of the year. Now i have seen a lot of films this year and it's going to be a tough one but hey i am going to try my best and give my personal opinions and ranking these films and i hope you can let me know what films are in your top 10 of 2017 too!
In 2017 i have seen over 40 films in the cinema easily and that's a lot of hours spend on films! SOME FILMS MAY NOT BE HERE AS UK AND USA DO HAVE FILMS RELEASED ON DIFFERENT DATES. Like i want to watch The Shape Of Water but its not here in uk til January, sad times. 


10: The Disaster Artist 
When i heard of this film i thought "oh god why, why make a film based on the worse film ever?" and then when i seen the trailer i was like "ok this looks like a laugh riot" and then when i finally watched the film i was heavily surprised of how much of a heartwarming and inspiring film it is and feel sorry for Tommy but also happy for Tommy. It's a really good film! 

9: Split
Is a totally insane film which took me off guard i had heard before hand that it is a must see and it was one that was most talked about when it released and i enjoyed it, and i'd say it's M. Night's best film in years easily.

8: Kong: Skull Island
Well this was great. Hank Marlow was the best character though, which says a lot. Despite having a great cast. Conrad, Weaver and Randa were just so weak it was disappointing but they all have their moments just Marlow and Kong were best.

7: John Wick: Chapter 2
Great story following on from the first of course but Keanu is better than ever in the sequel and so is the action, regarding the action it is top notch and gruesome and i love the visuals too.

6: War For The Planet Of The Apes
I often forget about this film coming out this year with all the big releases but this is a hell of a film, it blows me away how perfect they have the cgi in the film, the apes look and feel so real, it's crazy! Loved it though. 

5: IT
The biggest horror film of the year was not GET OUT but it was IT! And IT is incredible! That's all i will say of IT! Best horror remake, one of the best King adaptions, loved it and enjoyed it, bring me part 2!

4: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Funny, brilliant, gorgeous, and action packed are the words that sum up this belter from Marvel. The formula for a good Marvel movie is all in the Guardians and hey even Thor Ragnarok copied the formula and that too was brilliant but it was more of a comedy than hero film. 

3: Wonder Woman 
This film was incredible and i am so happy at how well it did in the box office, i really enjoyed it and i took my mate James along to see it, even though he's not into dc as much as me and does not know wonder woman that well he did initially say "i don't really want to watch it but i'll come along for a day out with you to watch it" his reaction after the film was the same as mine. Incredible. 

2: Power Rangers
Probably my most watched movie this year, i love Power Rangers, it's no secret. As a kid i wanted, i dreamt, i imagined i was a ranger or wanted to be one and what it would be like. The 2017 movie was amazing, i highly enjoyed it, i did have doubts but honestly it's such a well made movie and brings the movie to the modern era, there's still the cheese the series has in the movie but its all good and all entertaining and the actors and characters were fantastic, love this movie!

1: Baby Driver
My second most watched movie of the year is the one movie i have not stopped talking about and looking into very deeply about how it was made is the brilliant Baby Driver. From it's visuals to its actors, characters, colour schemes and soundtrack this film is top notch, my fave film of the year and its one that really caught me off guard. I seen a trailer and i thought "i think this will do well with awards but im not sure i'll like it" then i heard talks for ages of how good the film is and everyone in work who i work with was telling me to see it and so i caved and seen it and i loved it! 

God, this was a tough list to put together so many great films i have seen this year also. None of these films are perfect however, what film is? 

If a film was not here, don't worry, let's chat in the comments of our fave films and more!

Thanks for reading, stay shiny!

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