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Sunday 3 December 2017

How DCEU Should Make Man Of Steel 2! Fan idea for the general plot of the sequel.

Since Lex is free let's have him antagonise Supes. Bring Metallo and Bizarro. Lex is obsessed with Supes can be the main story to why he went and created a bizarre superman and that he also wanted to take down the man of steel so acquired Kryptonite and helped make Metallo come to life.

Have the first half be Supes is back saving lives while Clark struggles getting back to the normal routine and then perhaps fails to save John Corben which is all part of a trap by Lex of course but supes won't know. John is thought to be dead members of Lexcorp take the body away supes is down sad he couldn't save someone's life and have Metallo come alive being brainwashed by Lex saying "It's his fault your like this, it's his fault your a metallic monster, it's his fault your METALLO!" which has Metallo power on snap at Lex holding Lex off the ground angry. Metallo replies to him: "Tell me where he is!" and Lex smiles and we cut to a peaceful day in the city all is well, until a train station is on the news being destroyed with people inside being trapped and killed from rubble and supes see's this and ignores it as he is down as he thinks he failed saving John's life. Louis talks Clark into going to save the people trapped in the train station as details emerge on the news it's some green robot is terrorising the city.
Superman snaps back to being a hero he's determined to stop this robot hurting others because he realises he can't always save everyone and what happened to John was not his fault and he saves those trapped uneed rubble and flies towards Metallo.  He lands near Metallo. Metallo: "So you've finally decided to show your face? Too bad you left it late, so many lives could have been spared if you wasn't so selfish!" Metallo blasts superman who dodges the blast. Superman: "You know greens not a good colour for you" Metallo: "You think so? Well come closer for a better look" Superman: "No thanks I'm good over here. So tell me, why are you causing all this senseless destruction" as superman starts to approach Metallo as the two talk. Metallo: "It's all a show, it's all for you of course, it's the only way to get your attention, for I have been looking for you" Superman: "You villains always like attention but there's a better way to get it without violence" Metallo: "Ok so please do show me, tell me what I have to do and I'll come with you quietly" Superman puts his hand on Metallo's shoulder as Metallo smiles and grabs superman tight as he can as metallo's chest plate goes down and reveals kryptonite to superman, making superman weak and in pain from Metallo's grip. The police see that superman is in trouble and are shooting at Metallo which has Metallo's guard drop and he is getting shot at pretty heavily so he releases superman and goes after the police instead which creates enough distance for superman to gain composure to lazer blast the exposes kryptonite in metallo's chest effectively blowing Metallo up. Of the explosion only metallo's head remains and he mutters to superman: "You've killed me again, you couldn't save me as a human and you couldn't save me as a machine, what hope do you inspire again?" Superman realises it was John the guy he tried to save and looks at him shocked and apologises to him before Metallo shuts down. Superman flies off.
Second half - Lex is mad at the news Metallo has been defeated so he decides to do something so drastic and that's to use the dna on what he has from superman to make himself a clone but he messes up and ends up with Bizzaro enraged at his failed superman clone he torments the clone, tortures him, telling him superman is the enemy and calls Bizzaro names and so on which enraged Bizzaro having him leave Lex's company to go kill Superman. One day whilst saving a family from a fire superman is just speared mid air by Bizzaro causing the two to Duke it out as superman is left reeling as he can't believe he has to fight a look a like of himself and he's trying to talk sense into Bizzaro but its not working so Superman fires back harder hits which does knock some sense into him but then emerges Lex from his limo wanting front row to see his failure actually succeed in killing superman. Bizzaro has superman in a choke hold as Superman tells Bizzaro "please don't do this I'm you, I'm not the enemy, I'm friend, I am brother,  I am family." which has Bizzaro let go of superman and questioning himself whilst Lex is yelling at Bizzaro, lex just bullies Bizzaro calling him useless and a freak and a ugly failure which Bizzaro snaps and picks lex up and goes to snap him in two but lex pulls a controller out and presses a button which causes a small bomb in Bizzaro to go off exploding his head as lex laughs and looks at superman saying "You can thank Amanda for her services there, as I have just saved your life" Superman looks at lex baffled and replies. "What do you mean,why would you do that?" Lex: "Look around you Superman, can't you see all the cameras, they now will all say that I saved you which means to the public I have redeemed myself so my companies stock can rise again!" Superman: "So you set up all this for money?" Lex: "Gee if you'd actually have a brain you'd know it's not about the money at all. If it was up to me I'd have killed you after your family but your a very lucky boy today and very lucky that I have a lot instore for not only you but also your friends, family and the entire world! It's going to be fun so I hope you like chess, because I've made the first move." as Lex gets in his limo and rides off, leaving Superman to have a quiet day and get back to the office supporting Superman of the new public opinion of Lex Luther. And if you want an after credit to my comment story I'd put Lex meeting up with a Mr. Savage ;)

I'd cast Sam Worthington as Metallo, there's a tongue in cheek Terminator reference to be had here :P 

I'd also cast Johnny Depp as Vandal Savage, i'm sure there's a tongue in cheek fragrance reference to be had there also. Why Depp as Savage? The two are quite eccentric and Depp can pull off the look and intensity of Savage easily. 

Thanks for reading this, if anyone did, I got carried away here haha.

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