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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Top 10 Things That: Should Happen In TNA Impact 2018

Hello there, so we are almost at the end of my Top 10 Wrestling themed month on my blog where i have spent hours and days and a month putting together a lot of lists for you all daily featuring top 10 champions and moments and now we look to the future with Top 10 Things That Should Happen with TNA Impact taking this one and WWE taking the final one tomorrow! 

So get ready as we embark on a trip to the future! (WARNING THIS BLOG POST WAS WRITTEN 3/11/2017  AND IS MADE FOR FUN! SCOTT IN NO WAY CLAIMS TO BE A SEER OF FUTURE EVENTS!) 

10) Aldo "Adam" Rose/Leo Kruger And Jack Swagger Joins - It’s been quite a while since we last saw these two in a major promotion, but could 2018 be the year that Impact Wrestling signs them both? 

9) Emma Joins - She has recently left WWE and everyone poured out their hearts to her but wouldn't it be something if TNA picked her up and gave her a great big push? It would turn a lot of heads for sure. 

8) Bound For Glory Uk Live PPV - It has been rumoured and teased for years and TNA did do a one night only ppv in uk but never a live one and Bound For Glory would be an epic one. Fans here in UK love TNA, TNA has proved to pull in more ratings than WWE on Uk screens and at live shows also in the past so for them to fully take advantage of it they should jump over here do a tour and live shows and end with a ppv. 

7) Ava Storie Becomes Knockout Champion - I like Ava i know we have not seen much of her this year but she has potential and she is the youngest member of the roster and she was trained by Jay Lethal so you see she has potential and give her the chance and i am sure she will give a good run. 

6) Up the rating - By this i mean they should get to perhaps ages 15/16 plus again because back in their hay day Impact was dominated with a mature older fanbase who were hardcore and very lively, the wrestlers there could benefit more from being able to be as uncensored as they would like to be and the matches could be nonstop action once again. 

5) The X-Division Take Over - I'd like a huge push once again for the X-division. Let's push aside simple matches and give them more different match styles. X division is no nonsense, high flying, risk taking and it should go back to the "it's not about weight limits its about no limits" moniker. So let's get some new guys in all different weights and what not and as long as they can go, take risks and bring us more unique styles and matches i think the division will really take off more. Let's have more ultimate x's, ladder matches, falls count anywhere and hell asylum matches even just go nuts and give us some spectacular spots, moves, wrestlers and matches! Maybe to kick this X division revolution off we have the X division being fed up of being shunned and pushed aside while the tag division and heavyweights get more screen time and what not. 

4) VOW Vs OVE Tag Title Fued - I'd like this to happen but i would like it to be shown fairly as in it's not a squash because VOW is two big army vets compared to the x division look on the brothers of OVE. I think they could have an entertaining fued with titles swapping hands now and then in a bunch of matches between the two teams but it has to be done right! 

3) Andrew Everrett Vs Desmond Xavier X division championship Feud - These two are my favourite x division stars so i hope they both get a push win the title and give us a hell of a feud leading to one becoming the leader in the x division take over i mentioned. 

2) Bram V Ec3 Impact Grand Championship Feud - I'd love to see these two fued for the grand title and have Bram win it as i really like both stars and think they could elevate this title more. 

1) James Storm Becomes TNA World Heavyweight Champion Again With A Longer Reign! - James deserves to have a full run with the title a longer one than his last, he deserves it! I think leading to a run with this title he should also win the Grand Championship. Perhaps he joins forces with Grado as the two may seem unusual pair but it would work trust me. Grado and Storm are friends the two drink enjoy their selves have fun, give us some entertaining tv moments and perhaps they run into the grand champ in a bar and the grand champ pushes Grado into Storm causes him to spill a drink onto the back of Storm and Storm thinks this is just disrespect from Grado and causes a bit of tension but ultimately the two make up continue drinking and then comes the grand champ again but this time rubs being a champ into Storms face saying "You could never hold onto a singles title for long, the only title you have ever held onto longer than a beer bottle is a plastic made up drinking title thats fit for an alcoholic no good redneck" and slaps the bottle out of James Storm's hand causing Storm to flip out hitting the grand champ at that time. With Grado and plenty of Storm's "drinking water" in hand Storm wins the grand title only to lose it in a rematch at the next ppv because he stops to have a drink from grado and starts to drink and suddenly gets rolled up and pinned and loses the title in a shocking fashion upset. He gets a rematch but this time loses it again due to a beer bottle being smashed over Storms head. Storm flips out beating up the ref, tearing up turnbuckles with him also beating up security and others and we have Grado enter the ring with some whiskey and it calms down Storm having them leave the ring. Cut to Storm a few weeks later heavily drinking and Grado finds him and stops him from drinking or tries to an it angers storm causing them to fued and have Grado constantly say Storm is an alcoholic and its why he never holds onto single titles for long and Grado wants to help James as a friend to friend. James and Grado have a hell of a match with Grado suffering heavily with blood pouring and smashed bottles but Grado keeps on fightin in a last man standing match, since Grado said he could out stand James and James would lose easily due to his drinking problems. James is angry as Grado wont stay on the mat. James grabs a third beer bottle to smash over Grado but his hand starts to shake. Grado is on his knees exhausted covered in blood yelling to James to do it but James just stops and drops the bottle and just lays down and tell's the ref to count and the ref gets to 10 and raises Grado's hand in the air and declares him the winner. Grado gets up and goes over to Storm and offers his hand which Storm accepts and says to him "Help me..." to which Grado nods his head and Storm and Grado hug and they both leave the ring. Storm goes off tv for few weeks as Grado helps him fight against his addiction. We get updates every now and then Storm struggling. Month or two passes the current world champ say's he's beaten everyone there is to beat and issues an open challenge to all those who have not challenged the champ. Suddenly in comes Grado who say's he has not beat Grado but it's not Grado's time and instead has a better challenger in mind and out comes James Storm to a pop looking happy and really excited and the match kicks off at BFG 2018. James Storm is looking shaky as he is getting beat until a distraction from Grado has Storm on the rebound and he clotheslines the champ to the outside but Storm seems tired. Grado sees this and how Storm is struggling and gets in the ring to check on him. Grado exits the ring to go under the ring skirt to grab a bottle of beer and hands it to Storm which Storm reluctantly accepts and drinks it and it fires Storm up who goes back on the attack to the champ eventually super kicking his way to win the TNA World Championship title. 

 Well this has been a lot of fun and killed a few hours for me, so thanks for reading this list! 

Let me know your thoughts on it and come back tomorrow for more. STAY SHINY!

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