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Monday 20 November 2017

Top 10 The Rock Moments

IF YA SA-MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL-LA WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN!? Yes but this time what is this list cookin? What am i cooking? A list of the top 10 best Rock moments :)
10) The Debut - Hard to believe the great one debut back in 1996 survivor series but he was not the great one back then. He was Rocky Mavia a third generation superstar. Rocky Maivia teamed with Barry Windham, Marc Mero and Jake Roberts to battled the hated Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jerry "The King" Lawler, Goldust and Crush in one of the more intriguing matches of the night. The presence of this young athlete who had so many in the industry buzzing. On his first night of televised action, Maivia took the fight to his opponents and, at a two-on-one numbers disadvantage, fought through Goldust and Crush's onslaught to win the match for his team. Little did fans know at the time, but they had just witnessed the arrival of a Superstar who would one day cross over into the world of Hollywood and become the film industry's biggest star, leaving the wrestling industry in a far better state than he had found it.

9) The Corporation - It was led by the McMahon family and was characterised by an authoritarian and corrupt attitude towards more rebellious wrestlers. The Corporation existed throughout 1998 and 1999 and feuded with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, D-Generation X (DX), The Union, and The Ministry of Darkness, eventually merging with the latter and forming The Corporate Ministry.  The Rock, was The Corporation's proclaimed "Crown Jewel" (and whom they helped win the WWF Championship at Survivor Series), holding the WWF Championship three times while part of the group. 

8) Rock Vs Cena - After eight years away from the squared circle, The Rock returned from Hollywood for a match with John Cena dubbed "Once in a Lifetime." but of course it happened twice. Fan anticipation was off the charts, as members of the audience split into teams as if they were bearing witness to the WWE equivalent of the Twilight films. Some were Team Cena. Others were Team Rock. But all were invested in the biggest WrestleMania main event in years. The Superstars did not disappoint. Cena and Rock delivered a main event fitting the occasion. 

7) Rock Vs Hulk Hogan - The staredown between The Rock and Hulk Hogan at the beginning of their WrestleMania X8 classic is the stuff of legend, a goosebump-inducing moment that instantly portrayed to fans the enormity of the match. The leader of one generation was standing mere feet from the figurehead of another, ready to do battle for nothing more than bragging rights and personal pride. Rock earned his "Icon" status in this match!

6) Rock V HHH - The Rock and Triple H have careers that are indelibly linked. Their respective rises to the top of wrestling paralleled one another and they faced each other every step of the way and it's been so electrifying. It would be cool to have one last match between the two at wrestlemania.

5) This Is Your Life - With the largest television rating in WWE Raw history, Mankind's tribute to his friend and tag team partner featured quality performances from the Superstars. For that reason, and its viewership, the segment remains one of the most memorable of either man's career.

4)  - Half Time Heat - The beginning of 1999 saw a red-hot, brutal and violent rivalry between The Rock and Mankind over the WWE Championship engulf the company and captivate the fans. During the halftime show of SuperBowl XXXIII, the Superstars would meet in the first-ever Empty Arena match for what WWE called Halftime Heat. With no one else in the building, the Superstars would have free rein to beat the hell out of each other until one man emerged victorious, the undisputed champion. The match that ensued was a chaotic brawl that featured Vince McMahon on commentary and saw the Superstars fight from the squared circle, into the stands, through the backstage area, into the catering area and, finally, to the receiving dock in the back of the building. Rock may have lost, but his contribution to the most outrageous match of the Attitude Era was undeniable.

3) Nation Of Domination  - Rock was intercontinental champion for most of the time he spent with Nation. As part of his heel turn, Rocky Maivia shortened and changed his ring name to The Rock. On the March 30, 1998 episode of Raw Is War, the night after WrestleMania XIV, The Rock went on to usurp leadership of the Nation from Faarooq, at which point the group permanently dropped "of Domination" from its name and its militant focus. Instead, The Rock's gimmick spread throughout the faction with Nation members taking on considerably more hip characters, the most notable being Kama Mustafa's transformation into The Godfather, D'Lo Brown's "bobble-head" and strut, and a new hip version of the group's entrance theme, that would become associated with The Rock's character and be remixed over and over during the years to become his current theme. The Nation's primary focus by now was that The Rock retained the Intercontinental title "by any means necessary", which was the group's motto. 

2) Rock N Sock Connection - Mankind has been mentioned twice on the list so far but here we see the two not fighting but on the same page ok they had some fights too but it was an highly entertaining tag team. I mentioned this team more over on the top 10 wwe tag champions so go there to read a bit more. 

1) Rock V Austin - The feud between the Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is undoubtedly one of the best in WWE history. They had multiple hard fought matches, and a series of intriguing storylines to help polish both of their careers. Their feud drew money, and was a top investment. So much, that they competed against each other at three Wrestlemanias: 15, 17 and 19. The Rock lost his matches at Wrestlemania 15 and 17. However, the Rock wanted one more chance to prove that he can cure the Kryptonite of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. At Wrestlemania 19, he achieved one of the greatest moments of his career in one of the greatest matches of his career defeating Steve Austin.

So now that you have gone one on one with the great one's list you will need to come by again soon for more lists and fun with me! Thanks for stopping by! 

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